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19431463 No.19431463 [Reply] [Original]

Please tell me it's going to be okay. Tell me stories about about how you lost linkies swing-trading so I don't feel so alone.

>> No.19431498

That’s kinda rough but how many Linkies do you still have left?

>> No.19431531

i think a lot of people (myself included) tried to swing binance ieo shitcoins right before the google pump when it was breaking 1ish dollars. a lot of us got impatient. i swung 10k and even had a chance to sell at profit buy back my swing stack but i got greedy and held shit like harmony and celer at 90% loss.

>> No.19431558

I lost 3500 links once
Never swingin again desu

>> No.19431654

I sold during the oracle pump, whenever that was. I thought it was "sell the news" and I sold. I lost fucking 300 LINK out of my ~1500 stack at the time. As always, I knew what I should have done (sold a small percentage, and considered selling more at the top) but I fucking sold everything and then bought back in minutes later

other than that I could look at my binance history to see how much LINK I was playing around with before I rekt myself back when it was 20 cents and I was swing trading between link, neo, dbc, and others... probably something like 10x my stack that I could've just held in link and literally been nearing retirement at this point... but I'm not gonna put myself through that

>> No.19433018

thats nothing I lost 30k Link swinging
and had 8000 stolen too

>> No.19433040


>> No.19433051

i think i lost like 500 link, ended up making it all back over time but never again bros.

>> No.19433056

I've lost 1500 link on a bad swing trade. Before that, close to 5k potential link buying stupid shit with new funds thinking i could catch a hype pump and getting dumped on. Some of us have to pay to see that we're stupid, it will be okay if you just stop hurting yourself.

>> No.19433096

I sold 10k to pay bills luckily I still have 35k left so i’ll still make it but barely

>> No.19433097

Swing trading is for faggot retards. I used aave to deposit my existing link stack (20k link worth) as collateral, I borrowed 8k link worth of dai, and bought link. Now I just wait for a higher price to sell, and keep the difference in linkies. Swing trading is for plebs.

>> No.19433149

explain your self

>> No.19433491
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>I lost 1450 LINK swing-trading