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File: 337 KB, 1242x2136, Bitcoin slag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19431000 No.19431000 [Reply] [Original]

>Hookers accepting tips in Bitcoin
Unironically bullish

>> No.19431014

>try to throw three bucks at the whore
>accidentally three coins

>> No.19431016

Based and crypto thot pilled

>> No.19431019
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You pay her and then she buys your drinks? Is this in person or over the internet? what does incall mean? Does she wear normal clothes if you don't pay for lingerie?

>> No.19431036

kek fucking tricks will end up making her rich with bitcoin alone

>> No.19431041

You pay her for her time. Whatever happens between two consenting adults is between them
Its in person, not over the internet
Incall means as she is cumming, she will scream "INCALL!!!!" - to signal to your your sexual prowess
As for the normal clothes she might wear some mismatched bra / panty set if you dont buy her anything. Either way stay away

>> No.19431042

incall = she comes to your place.

i'm guessing she hangs out and serves you drink in lingerie. no fucking though. maybe she charges extra for it though.

>> No.19431062

you go to her place (or place of business)
>she buys you drinks?
she presumably makes you drinks, possibly a bartender or something during the day so it's her specialty
>Does she wear normal clothes if you don't pay for lingerie
no she cuts off and wears your mother's skin like a suit

>> No.19431078
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>incall = she comes to your place
for fucks sake get your shit straight anon. how will you get your dick sucked by a hooker at this rate if you don't know the lingo

>> No.19431131
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>ywn tip a hooker by putting a nanoledger in her gstring

>> No.19431142

>no she cuts off and wears your mother's skin like a suit
Fook limmy, only falconhoof is good.

>> No.19431202
File: 1.75 MB, 1440x2960, 111111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a bitch coming over for $100, found her on Seeking arrangement this shit looks gay.

>> No.19431208

Incall is you going to her place or hotel room, the other option would be outcall, carplay is also a rare option. The drinks part is pretty nice. I've only had one escort offer me a drink, and it was straight vodka. I've been offered weed and have smoked with plenty of escorts. They almost never wear anything really sexy unless you're paying for at least an hour because they really just want to get you in and out unless they are actually good. This whore is probably from some bumfuck state because 80 for a half hour is cheap as fuck. I've fucked over 100 different escorts of all kinds, if you have any questions ask away.

>> No.19431845

what’s it like

>> No.19431856

Have you ever fucked a tranny

>> No.19431863


>> No.19431893

which site do you use? Are the girls ugly as fuck?

>> No.19431899
File: 39 KB, 657x527, 1584050457298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

site name?

>> No.19431915


>> No.19431933

incall means you go to them. usually a hotel room or an apartment. outcall means they come to you. i don't like bringing hookers into my building though so i'm strictly an incall gentleman.

i've probably fucked 300 hookers in the past 20 years (37 yo boomer here). maybe more. gotten blowjobs from hundreds of streetwalkers. only 1 std (the clap) and no herpes. i like sex but hate dealing with women and their constant bullshit. it's a fair tradeoff.

>> No.19431970

i never understood how you could enjoy sex when it's with some potentially dirty as fuck rag who's fucked hundreds, thousands of men. you really want to intimately kiss that? you feel comfortable getting all up in a girl's body knowing that? i can't do it

that said, i have a huge urge to call hookers when i'm traveling in podunk towns in the USA

>> No.19432012


>> No.19432042

since this dude isn't answering questions and i seem to have a similar background. i'll answer these.

sex with hookers is fun but it's not intimate in the sligthest. they don't want to be with you and want you to get out of there as qucikly as possible so they can get their money. you can pay more for a GFE (which includes french kissing) and that can be nice but do you really want to kiss some girl who's just had some other dude's dick in her mouth? i rarely opt for that. your mileage may vary. some girls are cool and are just in it to make money. many are drug addicts and will try to scam you. i mostly just go to asians these days. i feel bad because they're probably human trafficking victims but they're not drug addicts. are usually prettier, and don't speak much english.

i did once in porto alegre, brazil when i was traveling. i had no idea it was a tranny though. i was really drunk when i got back to her place and the feminine penis came out so i just went with it. was actually pretty hot. anal sex is pretty rare with prostitutes so i enjoyed getting a chance, even if it was a dude. he passed very well though otherwise i never would have agreed to it.

i used to use backpage. now i use skipthegames but it's not as good as backpage used to be. there are other sites that post escorts as well that are pretty easy to find. if you want to find more info about the sex trade in your area go to usasexguide.info or the international version. some of the girls aren't pretty but i generally just walk away if it's somebody i don't want to fuck. lots of people post fake pics but i get that if i was a hooker i probably wouldn't want my face on the internet either.

>> No.19432055

yeah i mean i rarely kiss hookers. only the higher class ones. obviously it's not ideal having sex with girls who have fucked probably 10 other dudes that same day but sex is sex. i have a couple FWBs now thanks to tinder so i haven't been seeing hookers as much recently. also as i've gotten older my sex drive isn't as strong as it used to be. mostly i use hookers when i'm traveling and don't feel like using tinder and taking a girl out.

>> No.19432059

Based. It sounds like you’ve led an interesting life anon

>> No.19432094

Where do you go looking for hookers? Aside from streetwalkers, I mean.

>> No.19432109

Dude use eros.com or tryst.link to get quality 9/10 girls.

>> No.19432121

check out that site i posted if you're in the US there will be tons of hobbyists (a nice word for john) posting about the sex trade in whatever area your in. i'm kind of lucky in that my area has an extremely active message board and has 3 cities in a 15 mile radius even though none of them are that big.

if you're in europe or somwhere else there's also an international version. other than that just google escorts and the main few sites will pop up. skipthegames, eros, etc.

>> No.19432158

yeah i've lead a pretty full life. hoping to retire and travel around the world within the next five years or so. getting kind of close to possible retirement type money (and will get a lot when my parents eventually pass) but not quite there yet. one more bull run should do it though. i don't want to travel just to go around having sex with hookers though, mostly just because i enjoy traveling.

>> No.19432366

my bad dudes I was lifting. It really depends on the girl and on you. I'm a sex addict, recovering currently but always an addict. I've had some really beautiful, hot, and cute girls. I've also had some that I regret not just walking away from. I have to admit I'm not that bad looking so I've had a lot of these girls surprised that I'm into this stuff. Asians are very hit or miss. The ads never post real pics and there's a good chance it will be an older girl, 28-33 with no ass, maybe some fake tits. Theres a slim chance that you get a really young 20-22 year old cutie. I had such good luck once that I went back in two days just to see her again. She actually enjoyed me and I even filmed us fucking. Latinas are my favorite, good attitude and usually smoking hot, especially Colombian and Mexican. I say good attitude but I am very selective when browsing so I usually weed out ones that seem like they wouldn't be cool. I just go with my gut. Anyways you're asking what's it's like and I'm not being clear. For me, it's a rush. It's how I got hooked. Even my first time and the first ten times after that and maybe even the next 50 times my heart just beats like it's going to come out of my chest. I don't think everyone would feel this rush but I do. It all depends how you do it and who you pick. I've done it old school driving through the streets picking up the best meat and doing it in the car. I've picked ones that were over my budget but damn fine. I've had newbies and "mature" ladies. Maybe I enjoy the process as much as the sex. I usually don't last more than 15 minutes unless I'm drunk. I drink, or smoke, or take phenibut, or kratom or a combination. I do it sober sometimes. I've had really good, almost intimate times, like the time I got this girl then we went to get snacks at Ralph's and smoked back at her place. Or the many times I've had long ass conversations about family with these girls. I've also had bad where they stink or don't look like the pic

>> No.19432385

fuck no and I never will, that's disgusting and they will never look like their pics in real life, believe me I've had thoughts, even recently I talked to a tranny that I'll admit almost seemed hot but I just had to think clearly and remind myself that I was super horny at the time and I just imagined nutting and then living with the realization that I fucked a dude and that post but clarity I just knew it would be a bad choice so no I will never

>> No.19432408

the best site is private delights. I use other ones sometimes for more obscure girls that are barely starting out because it's awesome finding a young girl who has no idea what she's doing but private delights has the best selection and a bunch of actual reviews and real pics so you get what you see

>> No.19432413

does she have a benis? ill definitely tip if thats the case

>> No.19432450

you are right about asians. one day it'll be a 25 year old that's really great and then you'll go back and it'll be a 45 year old. they rotate girls in and out so fast it's crazy. like i said before i feel bad that they're probably being forced to have sex with people in exchange for coming to the US but tons of hookers are drug addicts and only do it so they don't get sick (or are forced to do it by scumbag boyfriends or pimps) and that's almost as bad.

i love latinas as well. i try to travel to south america at least once every couple years to sample the local fare. much better looking hookers than you'll find in america as well generally.

>> No.19432455

How to figure out which ones have black pimps and which ones don't? I hate the idea of putting money in a pimps pocket. Not a moral thing just would feel like a loser. Speaking of which don't you feel like a loser going to them the first few times? Do you wear a condom every time? Do they even let you not wear one?

>> No.19432468

Hell no

>> No.19432502

>sends 1 dolar in bitcoin to this bitch
>transaction fee is 5 dolars

u gotta be retarder

>> No.19432527

jury says this is a really bad boast and a lie

>> No.19432602

all the girls on this site have like 2 pictures. how do you know you're getting quality. any stories?

>> No.19432618
File: 1004 KB, 3020x2718, IMG_20200530_223349_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the whole time I've been doing this only two had pimps. One was this black girl, she was not like the pics (I don't go for blacks) but since I was there already I said fuck it. When I was leaving there was a black dude outside the room but he didn't say anything. It's funny because I didn't remember this encounter until you asked that question. The one that first came to mind was also another black girl, this one I did want to see because her pics were real. She was actually cute and had green eyes. I showed up a little buzzed and I remember walking to the apartment and I saw three niggas on the stairs just looking at me. I thought I was going to get robbed but I think they saw I was legit and not a troublemaker and didn't even say anything. I had a good time with that girl. We fucked on her bed which was downstairs and I could her more niggas playing videogames upstairs. She tried to sell me some of her bfs weed cartridges after but I declined. If she is black, pimp for sure. If she looks like a drug addict, pimp for sure. Most in my experience don't have pimps especially nowadays when they can just post their ads online on their own. What happens now is they will have another girl friend in the bathroom (this is annoying but really rare) or they will have another hooker somewhere in the hotel doing her thing but checking on each other between appointments.
I didn't really feel like a loser, I just really like fucking different girls. I did realize what a waste of money it is and how I'm risking a lot. You'll always have to wear a condom....but.... I've had times when I didn't. Most of those times were with Asians that were down to suck me off raw, twice white girls sucked me off raw, my first hooker ever was 18 and I nutted in her mouth a few different times. I had one I found on Craigslist I'll never forget that deepthroated me raw so many times and we were always about to fuck but I would nut and then I had to leave (had gf) and I moved

>> No.19432624
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve never paid for a hooker from RR personally fren. I just thought the concept of a btc hooker tip jar was interesting enough to warrant a thread

>> No.19432649

one time one girl tried to get me to buy condoms but I just lied and told her I was already there and wtf pretended I was angry because I could tell from her texts that she was probably high or drunk. she said ok to just come in and so I went and sure enough she was buzzed and she let me fuck her raw. Other times I had this truck where I would go from cowgirl to doggy and as we switched I would pinch the condom between my fingernails to make a rip and as I put it in it would rip all the way sliding down exposing my whole shaft. I nutted in a lot of girls this way, usually Asian but a couple of Latinas too. Asians because they are super careful and paranoid and the Latinas were more expensive ones. When they noticed I'd just act surprised and say like wth I'm not even that big or something like that. They never got mad

>> No.19432658

incall is absolutely stupid

its a total coinflip on if you are going to be robbed or not

the only 'safe' incall are asian apartment brothels, never got for a white/latin/black incall, because her PIMP or her ACCOMPLICE is going to be on site, waiting

>> No.19432699

uh so if you were a woman youd be comfortable going to the house of some loser who needs to pay for sex? if its not in a shitty area id imagine it could be a weirdo who wants to tie me up and anally rape me

>> No.19432707

dude you're nuts fucking hookers raw. also do you want to have a kid contact you on 23andme 20 years down the line and you have to explain how you're his dad?

>> No.19432722

dude a ton of them have pimps. you just don't see them. sometimes they're hiding in the bathroom. sometimes they're in a hotel room next door or they go for a walk when you call the girl to come in.

>> No.19432745

why are you so fucking dumb? you get a hotel room and bring her into it, its not rocket science you weird little fuckup

>> No.19432752

it can happen but i've been to probably 200 incall dates in the past 15 years and have been robbed exactly once just never bring in more money than you're expected to pay the girl anyway . it's pretty rare though. that's what reviews and online message boards are for as well. girls that scam and rob people get found out very quickly.

>> No.19432766

it should only be about the mans comfort.

why don't these incall girls give you a beer and have porn on? They are always awkward as fuck and boring. It's not a normal experience like a brothel or bar where you can drink and relax.

>> No.19432782
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>tipping a hooker

>> No.19432788

Not the ones I choose, maybe it depends where you are located, I've only stayed in my area so I can only say what my experience has been

>> No.19433053

men wae a trade

>> No.19433206


>its 20% tip in America!

>> No.19433257
File: 1.25 MB, 1653x1104, KLAXON_BLARING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19433720

i think i would cry if i saw that much roast (cry of sadness)

>> No.19433738
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What the fuck? I'd do a 360 and walk away

>> No.19433899

How do you find legitimate escorts??? Any sites that you trust to not be police or catfish?

>> No.19433901
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>> No.19434582

I actually stumbled upon an Asian brothel in Danbury a long time ago, because it was dressed up as a gun shop but when you walked in there was Chinese writing on the door and they had to buzz you in. I'm thinking they must have had an understanding with the local law enforcement to be able to operate like that. Had a greasy looking fellow in a Town Car out front presumably as security.

Those girls were surprisingly hot, just like my JAVs (though I believe they were speaking Chinese). I sure hope nobody stole their passports...

>> No.19434807

>have 3 hardware wallets digged down in 3 locations
>never tell anyone about my crypto
>suddenly tip whore with BTC xD
>"Why is this black guy cutting my fingers off while screaming that he wants my bit-coin? XD"

I'm really happy I managed to spend about 6 months of my life during the last 3 years in Pattaya. I dont think the world will ever see a place like peak decadence pre-Covid19 Pattaya used to be.

Yes yes I get it you dont like SEA hookers very good to hear now please go and jerk off to some blacked porno.

>> No.19434824


and normies told us the roastie meme was a lie