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19429253 No.19429253 [Reply] [Original]

Accumulate Bancor before its too late.

>> No.19429758


When is this shit gonna pump again? Can it hit $10?

This token has been killing it for 2 weeks straight.

Thank you biz for this one.

>> No.19429786
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$1 this week?

>> No.19429831
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>> No.19429868
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BNT the ultimate alpha chad token. fucking rips it

>> No.19429905

already done long time ago
not selling anytime soon
so comfy

>> No.19429927
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Seriously. This one just wins.

A ton of hype everywhere about their new liquidity pool design and how all DEX liquidity in defi will converge on Bancor.

Coinbase soon?

>> No.19430017


“The most undervalued project among its peers is Bancor, with a ratio of 56. This value is in line with some technology stocks, where PE ratios are generally higher than for established industrial companies.”

>> No.19430051

why is this pumping? i remember everyone getting BTFO back then lmfao

>> No.19430103


The combination of Bancor V2, BNT being highly undervalued, and an upcoming staking rewards system (similar to Synthetix) has the potential to make Bancor's liquidity pools the strongest and largest in DeFi and to generate massive use and exposure for BNT.

>> No.19430150

no thanks you jewish scamers

>> No.19430159

don't forget USDB minting using BNT as collateral.

>> No.19430467


Can you explain that a little more detail? Is it a stable coin USDB and what is its use inside the network?

>> No.19430545

wish i put way more money in this... crazy run up so far. been trading it on the way up, now waiting for a pullback to $0.50 before loading up more

>> No.19430563


Yeah i put some in at 40 ish cents then bought more yesterday thinking it pulled back now its dumping so i feel like my timing was shit but anyway im all in now and I think this is a powderkeg waiting to erupt.

>> No.19430771

yeah as long as TVL keeps steadily rising, hard to see how this isnt a good bet

>> No.19430831

>maybe my picture of a smoking hot girl will convince them to do something idiotic

>> No.19430858

what is tvl and what is usdb
how much a make it stack

>> No.19430907

tvl is total value locked, meaning the amt of $ deposited into bancor network protocol (check on https://defipulse.com/).). the more value that is locked up, the more fees will be generated for bnt token holders.

i can see bnt cannabilizing uniswaps marketshare, getting to maybe 60M TVL. not expecting token price to do more than 2-3X at this point however

>> No.19430921

why not go more than 2-3x

>> No.19430983

im just doing a relative comparison with other defi projects that have launched link integrations successfully.

AAVE (LEND): TVL = 65M, MC = 75M
SNX: TVL = 116M, MC = 82M

lets say BNT is as successful as these other defi projects, that takes it current market cap of 40M to maybe 80M which is a 2X. ofc it's fees and token structure completely different, but still u can get a relative idea of what it might be worth if it sees similar adoption pattern to these other defi projects

>> No.19431090 [DELETED] 

How much is a bnt whale? I might throw my HEX gains in.

>> No.19431503


Are you factoring in that if they solved the impermanent loss issue with Uniswap and the fact that the inflation staking rewards goes to those who lock up BNT on the platform. Could this potentially cause even more of a pump beyond 2-3x?

>> No.19431756

Yes. $2 is inevitable. The journey may take a couple of months but you will be there. Some point to a double digit BNT but that's unlikely. However, given the performance of LEND and SNX its not out of the realm. Whatever you decide to do, be patient and don't put more than you can afford to lose.

>> No.19431779

Forgot to add, there is already a liquidity problem with BNT. Binance no longer controls the price of BNT (by supply) and they are forced to follow fake-vol exchange like coinbene. In a couple of months none of this will matter, TVL will dictate the price.

>> No.19432378


Will the liquidity problem contribute to the bullish case or bearish case for future price? I agree with you on TVL though more value locked in Bancor thats a good sign for BNT>

>> No.19432578


u think it will pull back that far before firing up again? BNT did the same thing earlier this week. I was waiting for it to go lower but then it just started moonshotting wildly and i missed my entry.

>> No.19432614


If BNT price rises, TVL rises and vice versa.

Right now it’s mostly price (BNT buying) pushing TVL up, but once Bancor V2 is out in early July, lots of liquidity will start flowing into Bancor’s new pools and this will push the token price up hard.

>> No.19432753


If I’m not mistaken, most BNT supply is on the Bancor DEX itself ( bancor.network ) and due to the BNT supply shortage on Binance, there is a big arbitrage opportunity between bancor.network and Binance. Arbs have been filling the gap and profiting from it.

>> No.19432791


Based on what happened with Kyber's KNC, which recently jumped from around 120th on CoinMarketCap to a top 50 token in less than a few months, it seems feasible for BNT to rapidly progress along a similar trajectory at this rate. If there’s a Coinbase listing that will seal the deal.

>> No.19432849


Sound advice anon. There are definite similarities when comparing BNT’s current run up with SNX’s turn around in late 2019.

Not only do the charts look very similar, but the impetus that sparked the price rise is also very similar and related to a strategic token redesign and eventual implementation of staking rewards / inflation.

>> No.19432859


If Bancor has really solved these issues with AMMs, it could for sure overtake Uniswap as the #1 DEX. And unlike Uniswap, Bancor has a protocol token to capture value, BNT. This means that more liquidity flowing into the protocol increases demand for BNT.

>> No.19432922

I can buy a 20k stack of BNT right now. Should I do it?

>> No.19432955
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I shilled BNT here at 3k with asian girls...
I'm on top 30 holders and I will start selling only at 1.2 USD +

This will pump much harder than KNC

>> No.19432987

I feel like jumping in now at 6k sats is a bit risky

>> No.19433071

There is some confusion with TVL and mktcap/price. I am going to be honest, I still don't think defipulse is accurately displaying TVL for most coins. There was great publish0x article that I'll try to find which explains the issue with TVL formula. In short, mktcap was heavily affected by actual supply locked in, but there are more details regarding this.
Actually, this is quite interesting now. Binance is back to no.1 as top holder with over 14% (the users of course) with a few large transfers recently. When I checked this 3 days ago you were right, bnt dex was no.1 and two unknown wallets. Given the supply change I'd expect binance to lead the pumps in future.
I hate hopium but there is some credibility towards that, especially with MKR listing on cb pro. Time will tell I guess.
I may be going schizo but the signs are being too obvious that its almost impossible to ignore and reach a different conclusion. BNT was heavily oversold (if that matters anything) and this can mark the beginning of a decent run. Same thing happened with LEND, look at the charts. I remember SNX being -86% ROI (same as bnt now) and I bought only 10k however i sold way too early at 15 cents. There's another thing they need to fix that's the access to USA which is currently restricted.

>> No.19433298


Why the fuck would you sell just at $1.20. ATH was around $10?

>> No.19434257
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Comfy hold. Too bad I'm running out of eth to buy this shit with.

>> No.19434466

Is 20K BNT enough to make it?

>> No.19435180


Define making it?

>> No.19435205


$1 million. Kek.

>> No.19435242
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So probably need 100K BNT if this thing can really MAKE IT to $10

>> No.19435280


As previously noted. BNT hit $10 before. No reason it can't hit it again with new token model, new pool design that kills impermanent loss, chainlink partnership and staking rewards soon following. Fundamentals are all there. Probably won't happen over night, but could happen sooner than anyone expects, which is why now is good time to enter before plebs fomo in.

>> No.19435551

That would be a 750m marketcap. It was a different market then too. Is DBC gonna go to 500m retard.

>> No.19435581


alright then. so what do u think is a realistic target here?

and yea, ico craze over, but defi craze is the new hot thing this alt season and BNT is positioned right at the forefront of that

>> No.19435599


and honestly, i dont think 750m mc is unreachable.

look at other defi projects. mkr mc at half a billion dollars FFS.

>> No.19436486

BNT heading up fast again. $1 today?????

>> No.19436826

you guys should pay attention to those defi projects which have not held their public sales yet

>> No.19436843
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I hope not, more accumulation time would be nice.

>> No.19436903
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anyone not a newfag remembes all the memes?

why the fuck is it pumping?

>> No.19436967
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newfags have new memes. bnt is for chads only now.

>> No.19437035


Sounds like you need to do a lot of catch up anon. New token model, new pool design that ends impermanent loss, new team, staking rewards like SNX coming. BNT is a hard mooner for weeks now. Just the beginning. Where have you been?

>> No.19437077
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looks like the short lived "we put together a team" pump

>> No.19437200
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mate, this has been going on for 2 weeks now and their new product hasn't even launched yet. DYOR



>> No.19437245

yeah like orion protocol

>> No.19437383


nah BNT is the one. LEND also looking good.

>> No.19437416

why is the order book so thin

>> No.19437479


Not thin here: https://etherscan.io/token/0x1f573d6fb3f13d689ff844b4ce37794d79a7ff1c

>> No.19438150
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Make it stop aaaa

Orion is supposed to work on Holo right? Are there any news on their progress t. Holo bagholder

>> No.19438296

I'm not sure, I'm just an early investor (Holdvest) and hope for good rates hah

>> No.19438350
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Kek yes it's 2017 don't forget to stack up on bancor anons! Also make sure you get a bag of Digibyte, funfair, req and bitconnect

>> No.19438570
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exit scam

>> No.19439002


Exit scams don’t push out massive dev work like this: https://blog.bancor.network/bancor-contracts-v0-6-dd3bc0dc95f6

BNT one of the only projects actually consistently doing major dev work and shipping product.

>> No.19439083


... which is why plebs are starting to notice BNT and token price is responding week after week.

Still early though.

>> No.19439175

2.5k banclet here.

>> No.19439222


alpha chad bro. congrats

>> No.19439244
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old fags can’t wrap their heads around new chad bnt

>> No.19439270


Im at 80k BNT bought a lot the last week or so. What really makes me excited which you guys havent talked about is those Link fags are so passionate about their bags.

The BNT/Chinklink partnership could cause some of those fags to swap a portion of their link to hold BNT which could further pump this even harder.

>> No.19439408


I'm a linker and I'm not trading LINK for anything, but you are correct. The close association between Chainlink and Bancor brought me to BNT and it will likely bring other linkies. I traded some BTC for BNT and have 0 regrets. The gains over the past 10 days have been mental.

>> No.19439483


Thanks for confirming I am not insulting LINK by the way I think its a cool project Im just saying this partnership really benefits the BNT bull case.

>> No.19439702
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Fixed it.

>> No.19439853


Didn't take offense. That's exactly how I interpreted what you wrote. Frens. :)

And yea, BNT's bull case is strong on its own merit, just based on the upcoming resolution of impermanent loss in liquidity pools and enabling single token staking, but the Chainlink association just knocks it out of the park. Both projects are leaders in their fields. Chainlink with oracles. Bancor with market makers. The combination is explosive and you can see how its already starting to impact BNT price.

>> No.19439859
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>muh dev work
so another maidsafe

>> No.19439941

With single token staking can you essentially do staking with no risk? I'm assuming data providers and node operators will earn more, but with collateral, there's always an inherent risk. Can anything go wrong for the one token liquidity providers?

>> No.19440024


The only thing that can really go wrong is the position they are 100% exposed to loses market value, but the benefit is that you don't have to be exposed to all assets in the liquidity pool if you don't want to.

Seems very appealing for liquidity providers with large positions in one coin. Really a game changer.

>> No.19440177
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poor bear. u don’t get it. it’s ok :)

>> No.19440958


Thanks fren we all gonna make it.

>> No.19441045


Based Banclet. Kek.

>> No.19441102


I was feeling FOMO for not being on Statera and some other shitcoins on biz but to be honest I think considering ETH 2.0 isnt coming until Sep at the earliest I honestly believe BNT is comfiest hold based on the timeline.

If BNT explodes cashing out wont be an issue since all the liquidity will hopefully converge on to Bancor. Praying these based jews deliver with V2. Is it coming in June or July? They said Q2 so Im thinking sometime pretty soon.

>> No.19441842


End of Q2. So seems beginning of July at latest.

>> No.19441959


Ah ok I like that so next 30 days we should see it launch hopefully/

>> No.19442307


Yep. Very soon. But still time to stack up.

>> No.19442410
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All altcoins are scams

>> No.19442488
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i feels 4 u fren. it’s gonna be ok. BNT is here now.