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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19427679 No.19427679 [Reply] [Original]


Trading will start in 24 hours!

Get your bags on bamboo relay before you kys tomorrow

>> No.19427797

>saving suspected illegitimate transactions to a database
why I should fund something that is used to remove fungibility?
unironically just bought a bit more of btc to coinjoin and some xmr
fuck crypto tracing

>> No.19427811

who gives a shit i don't like it either but its going to pump and its going to pump hard just profit from it

>> No.19427853

price on bamboo $0.0059
price already on biki $0.01

do you hate money anon ?

>> No.19428023


xystus is coin trading on biki, not anal sex

>> No.19428170

the coin looks promising i just dont know why pajeets keep saying its on biki when its not

>> No.19428186

ANALYSX (XYS) is a scam. Someone took an old and dead project and cloned the ticker as an ERC-20 token and is now shilling this. This is the listing: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/analysx

>> No.19428263

but the white paper looks pretty good, better than the other coins tossed around this forum. the website has also been parked for 3 months so I dont think its a quick money scheme. It also cites the company analys.io which seems to be the parent company which is a real non pajeet company. i honestly think its a legit project but theres just alot of fake information going around (like the biki listing).

>> No.19428295
File: 95 KB, 499x499, butthole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In crypto its a scam if you lose money and its legit if you make money

Now give me my anal sex

>> No.19428489
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Its a rebrand you retard

>> No.19428571

why the fuck would a Chinese gaming crypto currency


rebrand to a fucking ai coin tracing coin backed by a Norwegian finance firm.

do you have autism? just wait abit for the gains to come in, I don't know why you are ranjeshing for 20% gains.

>> No.19429127
File: 21 KB, 480x480, 1589733196111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
