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19427376 No.19427376 [Reply] [Original]

The new narrative is that the riots in the US are being fomented by out of state agitators. Expect there to be a second lockdown of major cities, with preventing riots as the excuse.

This will result in a second stock market crash, and that will result in a second crypto crash.

You have been warned.

>> No.19427503

Let's go.

>> No.19427573

where do I sign up ?

>> No.19427607

Go short

>> No.19427627

Cities are starting to put in curfews and bring in special gear. Whens the target date? June 3rd? I imagine if the riots heat up things can go sideways fast.

>> No.19427648
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>> No.19427656
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Really hope so. Love to buy more discounted stock, desu

>> No.19427706

>June 3rd
I have no way of knowing, but I thought about it and for some reason I thought June 4th. It's interesting that our wild guesses are similar.

>> No.19427767


I suspected this as soon as the police abuse story hit news outlets.

This, like the coronavirus narrative, is being fueled to cover the banking liquidity and corporate bond crisis that's been blowing up since September. I don't downplay the viral death toll or the insanity of the riots but I'm not going to blink and lose sight of the issue at hand.

It was never """""unprecedented""""".

>> No.19427779

There was a rather short lived thread this past week saying crypto are going to take a massive dump with June 3rd being the date. I questioned if I should buy more of the coin I want and I was told to wait. This is going to be an interesting week.

>> No.19427818

Can you link the archive of the thread? Do you remember the title?

>> No.19427880
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>This will result in a second stock market crash, and that will result in a second crypto crash.
Typically, precious metals crash along with stocks in the early days of a crash, then recover and surge back up throughout the rest of the stock market crash, enough that they go up if you zoom out and look at the timeline of the stock market crash in its entirety. PMs did dip as expected in the early part this 2020 crash. If stocks go back to crashing again, then this should be the part where PMs surge. Cryptos are vaguely simmilar to PMs, so we might see them surge, too (or maybe not). It'll be really interesting to see how the patterns of behaviour compare once things calm down again.

>> No.19427919

I checked the archive and think it fell off. Basically from what I remember they said btc to 5500, tether to like 90ish cents xrp to 10 cents. Only other post was in response to me.

>> No.19427938

Silver is gaining traction it looks like.

>> No.19428020
File: 79 KB, 400x204, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want cryptos to crash down to 2k so I can buy

Make them crash faggots reeeeee

>> No.19428056

If it crashes like the one poster said ill likely buy more than I would normally consider.

>> No.19428065

Thanks - did he say anything about a recovery? What assets have a positive future after the crash?

>> No.19428103


>> No.19428132

The only other thing was the pic which was one of the "insider" Screencaps about the nwo and xrp stuff. Don't hate the messenger, I'm just relaying what I remember.

>> No.19428188

Interesting. XRP will be so cheap that it would be trivial to pick up a bag.

>> No.19428204

Whichever you decide just remember if you don't have it in your possession you don't own it.