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19425559 No.19425559 [Reply] [Original]

I have 10k LINK, 25 ETH, 10 DXD, and 0.2 Linkpool.

What do I need to do for maxy gainz biz?

I kepe thinking about swapping some ETH from LP, or DxD for ETH, but idk. Not sure what to do.

>> No.19426613


plz anons

>> No.19426725

eth 2k eoy

>> No.19426731

Why do you have that many link without any pnk? You are aware that link can’t automate all data, right?
Also, dxd is an absolute gem.

>> No.19426753

go all in on DXD... they'l be $1000 each within the next couple of months

>> No.19426764

Maybe consider some BTC or BSV? If neither of those are appealing I'd say keep stacking eth and link

>> No.19426793

can you put in more money? or are you stuck with swapping

>> No.19426800

She is beautiful. What is her name?

>> No.19426803

You won't need 32 eth for staking. There will be services like rocketpool which offer pooled non-custodial staking for ppl with less. Dxd is a good bet, almost late today the party though.

>> No.19427001


Stuck with swapping. I know im so comfy as is but feel like a reallocation is necessary. Obviously not touching the 10k LINK.

Astrid berges frisbey. Great taste anon. She is absolutely stunning.

>> No.19427030

>Astrid berges frisbey
Thanks anon.

>> No.19427745

She is the only 10 ever posted on biz. Great taste op

>> No.19427810


Thanks brudda. Yeah shes crazy hot. So unique looking too.

I find people love her or not at all. No inbetween.

>> No.19427832

Sell 75% of the LINK, and divide it up evenly into ETH, PNK, and DXD.

>> No.19427834

She's perfect, some may not like her style but there's nothing to change.
How does one cope knowing they may never get such a good looking partner?

>> No.19427949

Buy some more dxd, 2key, edi if u wanna be pajjet also check frm