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19424310 No.19424310 [Reply] [Original]

Asset tokenization is the next big thing in Crypto


Now let's come to Curio, don't confuse Curio with cars. Car is an Asset which Curio is starting with in 1st phase.
They have education , experience and business know how in this field.
They already own some costly cars and have backend logistics in place
Data proves that cars appreciate most among all the collectibles
They have legal approval for the same.

The decision is based on data, it's a $50 billion+ Industry and curio is the only company in world to have legal approval for it. Many people tried but only Curio got it, bcoz of their experience in this business and contacts.

Since it's tokenization so every asset will have it's own security token , in Curio case referred to as CT1, CT2 and so on, linked to that asset. Every token is legally approved to be traded in 29 countries and got it's own ISIN

Now Let's understand utility token Curio.

As I said, Curio isn't just about owning an exclusive car, it's also a utility token, which through Curio DAO, built on Aragon, provides token holders voting and governance right.

Curio can be used as payments for buying a share of tokenized asset.

By staking Curio token holders also earn car tokens.

They are also building a suite of Defi products, wherein curio can be used for collateral and earn dividends etc

Curio Stable, like Maker/dai is coming up too.

There is a VR based game portal coming up, beta should be released in few days, Curio will be used within that .

They are also building a portal using tech from EOS and Polkadot, which other business, asset managers etc into same industry can purchase license for.

And like every business as it progress, new platforms and usecase will continue to evolve.

Only 2 million Max Curio. Scarcity will show it's magic very soon. 15 Days to $10/Curio, Tik Tok Tik Tok ....

>> No.19424339

Only available on probit right now. You just know it's gonna moon hard once it get listed on IDEX