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19423499 No.19423499 [Reply] [Original]

Yes, It was blatantly obvious Ren was going to be a successful project.

Yes, most of /biz/ missed out on it. They were busy buying shitcoins.

>> No.19423522
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nobody cares because it's already pretty high market cap so it's not profitable short term

>> No.19423554

Nobody looking back at 2015 archives would necessarily say it was obvious ETH was gonna explode, if it was obvious people would have already bought it.

If anything, link exploding would be seen as obvious given the shilling

>> No.19423653

it's not really a high marketcap though

>> No.19423662

Doesn't seem to want to dip much more here. Considering dumping my tezzies for a bigger bag. Also liking Beam rn.

>> No.19423768

Market cap is 80 million atm

>> No.19424131

If you understand the tech, you can notice when a project only needs more public awareness.

>> No.19424222

what's knc market cap? what's the volume between the 2?

>> No.19424278
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i could have bought a node at the absolute bottom but i thought it was too technical for my peanut brain to set up and manage. i also imagine that it probably doesn't matter in the long run. i think these kinds of things will ultimately have to be successful at some point for crypto to really truly succeed overall, so it benefits me simply by virtue of existing in a way. i'll be really amused if at some point people just put all their btc in smart contracts and don't even move it around, but simply exchange the smart contract tokens that could unlock the bitcoin itself, and then we layer even more levels of abstraction on top of that to piece it out or give some other functionality with yet another smart contract.

>> No.19424325

>115+ iq anon detected
yes, bitcoin will become "the ultimate collateral". it itself won't be transacted with, but it will form the basis of smart contracts / defi loans / etc.

Basically imagine a world in which we are all our own central banks and the assets on our balance sheets are btc and fiat are issued from that assets to create spendable currency.

>> No.19424392

This is a healthy take. That’s how I processed missing ETH.

I’ve found investing in parallel projects with smaller caps lets you ride the wave. That was actually how I found Ren. Ren could be considered the interoperable second layer of ethereum.

I think defi projects that integrate renBTC will also rise in value ie: aave, maker

>> No.19424518
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That was exactly how Hal envisioned bitcoin would be used. Bitcoin backed banks, similar to before the nationalization of currency.

I think Ethereum + Ren achieves the second layer he was talking about.

>> No.19424638

>Basically imagine a world in which we are all our own central banks and the assets on our balance sheets are btc and fiat are issued from that assets to create spendable currency.
imo there are still gonna be banks, the hal post >>19424518 is probably right.
>bitcoin can be used as a completely transparent base layer for fractional reserve banking where you know for a fact the bank is following the rules
>the fractional reserve % can be enforced by a smart contract and whatever the most sane/successful reserve% happens to be is ultimately what will survive
there's definitely going to be weird shit layered on top of this that none of us can even imagine right now
>That’s how I processed missing ETH
same, i bought syscoin over eth during the presale because the environment of the time was to associate premine with scam and just stop thinking about it.

>> No.19424649
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The possibilities are endless. Kain, the founder of synthetix is the first holder of 1 renBTC.

Pretty soon we are going to see synthetic renBTC.

>> No.19424704

I heard there was a ton of FUD going around when Ethereum was gaining adoption. Peter Thiel sold all of his ethereum right away and now lights his money on fire by investing in eth killers lol

>> No.19424740

Yup. People don’t understand the market size ren can engulf. If only a tiny fraction of Bitcoin is minted on Ren, that is over a billion dollars. Ren onboards zcash also and plans to be the on/off ramp for other coins so that market will grow and grow.

>> No.19424757

It was similar to the 2017 token spam. The difference was when eth was in presale everyone was doing copy/pastes of bitcoin, claiming it did something special when it didn’t, and premining it to dump on anyone that bought. I skimmed the bitcoin talk post and thought to myself “so they’re going to make copy/pasting bitcoin easier wow that’s really cool” and closed the thread. Lel

>> No.19424784
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>i thought it was too technical for my peanut brain to set up and manage.
same but I still bought the node anyway

>> No.19424789

KNC and REN are free money you dumb niggres

>> No.19424808

I hope it paus off in the future. Hopefully itll have exponential growth, the only concern is how heavily dependent on defi. Nodes aside, how likely is it this project will gain major adoption?

>> No.19424822

wtf would the point of btc be then?

>> No.19424987

I’m glad I fell for some of these shitcoins though. You learn more when you have skin in the game and you take each lesson to heart. Sniffing out shitcoins gets easier and easier.

>> No.19425014

I waited until mainnet. I spun up my first dark node, immediately liquidated half of my other holdings and bought another one. I’ve never seen a cleaner launch.

>> No.19425035

It is the needed decentralized collateral for renBTC. If too many people buy renBTC and not BTC, fees on Ren go up to normalize.

>> No.19425055

How much does a node earn?

>> No.19425070

So lets say theoretically btc took a shit, what would happen then?

>> No.19425084
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>> No.19425172

cents right now. Not enough renBTC minting. 1 btc whale can change that.

If bitcoin fails, crypto won’t recover until our hair is grey. We’re trying not to wage slave for the rest of our lives. People would likely invest in other assets.

>> No.19425201

Defi projects are doing all the marketing Ren needs. Makerdao is begging for assets so they can maintain the dai peg. They are going to shill Ren endlessly.

>> No.19425299

and how much does a node cost?

>> No.19425405

100k Ren

>> No.19425553

There are so many liquidity providers, I don’t know which one to pick. 0x,looping,kyber,uniswap,1inch.exchange. The list goes on an on

>> No.19425624

In the beginning, I think most people fell into this bucket.

>> No.19425777

So many players in the defi space are pro Ren

>> No.19425815


>> No.19425828
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Vitalik refusing to talk about it is peculiar.

>> No.19425891

Ren can move their bond off of Ethereum to another network along with all of the bitcoin. This is why so many heavy eth holders were shilling tBTC even though it is an inferior broken product that just had a botched launch

>> No.19425963

Who like Ren more? Bitcoin maxis or ethereum maxis?

>> No.19425980
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This is super bullish.

>> No.19425991

Getting Chainlink vibes right there

>> No.19426266

This will quickly turn into a Streisand Effect if days keep going by without Vitalik mentioning it.

>> No.19426382

Vitalik FUD is worth more than his support. He shills loopring and denounces chainlink lol

>> No.19426581

What are people expecting this to do price-wise? I’m still reading up on its tokenomics - project is huge obviously, but I’m not sure what these tokens would be most efficiently priced at.

>> No.19426604

ultimately they are going to be priced as a function of what a node earns.
I would expect something like a 12-18 month payback from cashflow of node earnings.

>> No.19426628

When Maker, Aave, and Compound announce the acceptance of renBTC as collateral this is going to fly. Wbtc.cafe comes out soon so everyone will be converting their wbtc to remBTC.

What you’re going to see in the oncoming days is a panicked fomo to get to 100k Ren or the Ren needed to get a dark node

>> No.19426685

I’ll say it again. When Ren moves it is going to move fast. When 1 whale moves their btc others will follow.

>> No.19426760

Just bought in got 100k ren. What market cap will ren hit in the coming bullrun?

>> No.19426805

If they captured a tiny fraction of the bitcoin, zcash, bch exchange market, Ren would moon intensively.

>> No.19427054


>> No.19427223

back of the envelope calculation on the assumption that REN price becomes 365x node daily earnings.
* suppose 5000 btc per day exchanged ($5M USD very conservative)
* at .001 fees = 5 btc per day earned by nodes
* assume 1000 nodes = .005 btc per day = 1.8btc per year per node
* equates to .18 per REN

====where it gets interesting=====
* what if volume significantly greater than 5k btc per day?
* what if btc price goes to 80K?

Buying a node could be a better decision than buying mining equipment as earnings will continue without difficultly / new asic degradation + little to no ongoing cost of VM

>> No.19427404

That’s going to be a key selling point. A dark node is a much better investment than a node

>> No.19428037


>> No.19428522
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Loopring adding renBTC and renZEC to their dex tomorrow