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File: 941 KB, 3546x1456, collage no-linkers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19422794 No.19422794 [Reply] [Original]

Say something nice to the first staking contract in Chainlink history


>> No.19422808

Dude this isn't a staking contract stop lying ffs

>> No.19422809

That's a man

>> No.19422820

No it’s not. Staking is in 2021

>> No.19422833
File: 976 KB, 803x790, ourtime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m excited

>> No.19422838

this has nothing todo with chainlink

>> No.19422854
File: 213 KB, 1080x2129, Screenshot_20200530_172043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19422872
File: 104 KB, 500x379, 1590410583514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you don't get fat fingered by the Hodge Mr Staking Contract!!

>> No.19422886

It's sad how linkies keep doing Ctrl-f on everything and never find any results. Now they claim its a good thing how retarded you must be to hold this cam?

>> No.19422912

wonder how he feels...

>> No.19422927

Shut up sirgay, learn to code

>> No.19422953
File: 15 KB, 319x331, 1561047477325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts random eth address
Oooh, it must be government eth adress
it's not

>> No.19422961
File: 1.27 MB, 1710x914, stacking link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is staking the same as steaking? Stacking steaks?

>> No.19423028

How come I cant see Contract source code?
I can only see bytecode and Opcodes

>> No.19423045
File: 402 KB, 784x920, 6711D805-7566-4BDE-81A2-6FC648EDB06C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19423047


Holy shit, it's happening

>> No.19423048

Click on "decompile bytecode" and you can see it's just paragraph after paragraph of "I must not confuse gold and silver", I think it's some kind of punishment exercise

>> No.19423059

i have 500 link which ive bought at 25 cents.

there was no fucking way NO-FUCKING-WAY that ive could spend any more to random biz shill back in 2018

and i will make it

>> No.19423071


>> No.19423081

laughed out loud

>> No.19423086
File: 9 KB, 263x263, 1590396373320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steaking by eoy 2020??????

>> No.19423101

How can you tell when you can only see the compiled code?

>> No.19423126

No you wont pajeet. I know about link 1 year now and i have over 10k and 0.7 LP

>> No.19423149

you cant have 0.7Lp you digusting link whiteflaggot

>> No.19423151

The contract has to be verified by the team in order to appear in Etherscan properly.

A random address with 2000 LINK sent by an official Chainlink contract creator address. I don't know if OP is trolling but this is weird. The contract is interacting with 7 kyc'd Chainlink nodes

>> No.19423183

First you stack, then you stake, finally you acquire steak.

>> No.19423195


>> No.19423221


>> No.19423224

Someone please explain what staking is and why it’s important? Why will that cause link to explode in price are there any other coins that do this? Thanks

>> No.19423231

that's a ma'am

>> No.19423250
File: 2.81 MB, 640x640, salt_bae_gets_dangerous.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone say steaking?

>> No.19423274

Or maybe threshold signatures contract...

>> No.19423277

Youre too late, go away reddits

>> No.19423278

If this were a coordinator, this anon >>19422854 would have found a partial coincidence at least. It is either an odd rewrite of previous coordinator contracts or something new. There is no data requests yet

>> No.19423289

Lots of other coins are doing it, including XTZ and ETH once 2.0 comes out. Its quantum resistant and causes the supply to get locked up in contracts. By locking your stack in a contract you can earn “interest” in the form of staking rewards. Its the modern day form of mining but it doesn’t require hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of computers to do it.
>What happens when everyone and their mother are trying to buy LINK to stake when everyone who has LINK is locking it in contracts to earn free LINK?

>> No.19423308

I got in at presale I have 65k link so maybe you should gtfo of here. I’ll be steaking alll over your chick with my stack

>> No.19423321

Ok right so it will effectively plummet the supply in circulation and cause the price to pop. Have we seen this with anything else yet? Did that happen with XTZ? Or is it basically hey it happened with BTC so it will Happen for the others. I mean ETH has major use so i can see that for eth but for link, we hardly have a great use case?

>> No.19423330

Lmao no fucking way you got in at presale and have no idea what staking is, literally kill yourself

>> No.19423332

How many linkies to steak?

>> No.19423341

Link staking is not the same thing as xtz or eth staking you faggots are all so new its ridiculous

>> No.19423371

You say what you want I was one of the first people here shilling on biz you all owe me. Went through every up and down early on, I’ve earned my keep. I just tapered off the last few years to live the rest of life

>> No.19423393

Post proof then you lying nigger. There is literally no way that you got in at presale and have no idea what staking is.

>> No.19423423

Jesus dude I’m a fair weather investor like I don’t know this shit but I believed in sergays early talks and was super hyped about SIBOS and the ability to decentralize decision making. The FUD got me though I didn’t increase my stack to 100k like I should have

>> No.19423451

Kill yourself

>> No.19423476

Yes I have often wanted too, I had 200k usd across a bunch of shit coins in 2017, if I had just increased my link stack to 200-300k I’d be done. I hate myself but yes if we can get to $25 a link then I can start thinking about retirement

>> No.19423515

Someone give me a quick rundown or I'll post this fucker on twitter

>> No.19423530


>> No.19423550

If you post that on twitter i‘ll find you...

>> No.19423562

Find my dick bitch I have alts within alts

>> No.19423575

Flush yourself down the toilet.

>> No.19423583


>> No.19423593

>Linkie tries posting to Twitter
>Appears on Reddit
>Tries to award himself Reddit gold
>Reddit silver.jpg

>> No.19423660

Fuck off Knee Pads.

>> No.19423689

This shows a contract which has had 2000 chainlink deposited on it and is interacting with known chainlink nodes. It looks like a test of staking.

Don't post on twitter, I'm just 1500 link off my 10k goal and my wire doesnt arrive until monday.

>> No.19423744

If that’s true thanks, if it wasn’t for people like you 2018 fags like me wouldn’t exist.

>> No.19423772

I’m in the same boat man, I think we’ll be around $20 late 2021, stay strong brother!

>> No.19423775

Pls sir mi familia

>> No.19423778

Ok. I will spare your meager bags.

>> No.19423799

Why are you larping so hard?
Think for a second. How could he have shilled link if he doesnt understand one of the core concepts of it?

>> No.19423909

>How could he have shilled link if he doesnt understand one of the core concepts of it?
You'd be very, very surprised.

>> No.19424012


Nice to see 4chan being ahead of the game on chainlink again, was beginning to worry we were slacking behind twitter.

>> No.19424305

No prob man. Ya I don’t claim to be an expert in anything except what I do, I’m a specialist physician. I actually do understand staking I get that it will tie up all the link but everybody takes for granted it will do that. Investing in the stock market right now everything everyone expects to happen is inverted. So gotta be careful. Really hoping for singularity tho that would be sick

>> No.19424326

I mean we're ahead by 3 years so

>> No.19424582

>Nice to see 4chan being ahead of the game on chainlink again

>> No.19424821

Oh cool cuz we need to earn more useless shitcoins that do nothing while we hold this shitcoin that does nothing.

>> No.19425024
File: 94 KB, 953x596, 1542542264883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SIBOS marine reporting in. Im proud of you guys, but we need to dig deeper. What other threads we could pull from to go deeper?

>> No.19425063

You realize all these CL articles about “marines” are referring to CL twitter. There is a whole group that post there from biz. Most are cringe af but some are alright

>> No.19425434
File: 1.28 MB, 774x1080, ABF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 10k LINK, 0.2LP, 25 ETH, and 10 dxd.

What do I need to do for maxy gainz biz?

I kepe thinking about swapping some ETH from LP, or DxD for ETH, but idk. Not sure what to do.

>> No.19425450

thats not a staking contract retard

>> No.19425458

that's not a toilet ranjeet

>> No.19425495

posts like this make me wonder how many even understand what ETH 2.0 and LINK are going to accomplish, how many will sell way too early to cash out and buy a new gaming rig or some shit.

>> No.19425530
File: 149 KB, 1200x675, IMG_20200528_200450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically joined twitter cause of biz falling behind but fuck me it makes me want to puke, they're so gay, it's like the retarded child /biz/ ends up having

>> No.19425539

I'm enjoying reading their really hot takes on American race relations

>> No.19425552

Sell some eth to get 1 LP total.

>> No.19425592

Chico Crypto is going to do a kinography explaining LinkPool soon. He mentioned that today during his livestream. If you're planning on buying LP you shouldn't wait.

>> No.19425611

Yeah I need around 28ETH for the full LP. You think its worth it? Even with June etc coming up?

>> No.19425628

Great thanks anon. Idgaf abotu ETH, was holding for pure speculation.

You think I should go all in on LP? or half and half?

>> No.19425637

Don't buy any Linkpool, because:
1. Johnny rims horses
2. Token is a security, indisputably
3. They made the only exchange that allows it to be bought and sold and think the sec hasn't heard of VPNs.
4. There is nothing stopping them from dumping the 75% of tokens they own at any time. That's right it's worse than Chainlink.
5. Spend 40eth on one LP and you get to stake 5 link, fuckity wow
6. There will be other pools when staking finally arrives, and they won't charge you 50eth for the privilege
7. Their feature allowing other nodes to use their contracts to stake actually reduces the % that linkpool would get instead. That's right, they fucked themselves
8. Fuck all liquidity so good luck when Johnny decides to dump his 3k tokens on the dex that HE RUNS hmm sounds fine right?

>> No.19425692

New fud?

>> No.19425713

If LINK pumps in June you're better off waiting for that, then sell some LINK to buy LP. ETH will pump soon too though. Most people who are selling LP are greedy streetshitters who will absolutely rape you. I don't think you're ever going to get a good price on LP, and as soon as there are brainlets on Jewtube explaining it, you're priced out. So wait for a pump from LINK/ETH and hope everyone keeps not understanding LP, or bend over now and buy some.

>> No.19425771

do you have a time stamp? was going to try and wait for the final eth dump but if hes going to do this shit i cant wait

>> No.19425839
File: 168 KB, 1366x768, 768465746237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is unironically it boys

>> No.19425856


Think I'll do half and half. Thanks anon. May not get to 1 LP but I'll be able to land in 0.8 comfy enough. Appreciate it fren

>> No.19425879

Any day now.

>> No.19425919

how much LP to make it? what's the min

>> No.19425955

Haha nah i made that part up.

>> No.19426014

1 LP, 10k Chainlink

That is all.

>> No.19426049

kek. i dont chico faggot was lurking around when lp was shilled heavily its only a matter of time before he does though. Now that i think about its to expensive for him

>> No.19426131
File: 113 KB, 550x429, stop he ded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice pasta fren

>> No.19426290

did you take economics in high school?

>> No.19426328

It kinda is though. Link nodes are different. Staking is same principle though.

>> No.19426339

its kinda not though

>> No.19426405
File: 552 KB, 850x1080, ChainLinkNode1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You LP bagholders are really ramping up the posting this past week. You are at peak delusion. Now is the time to take profits and sell your LP shares.

Staking will not be hard. There will be dozens of Youtube videos and tutorials on how to run your own node. The ChainLink website will have official tutorials on the easy process.

What do you think will happen to your LP shares when this happens?

It was a decent investment in the beginning and especially if you are a completely lazy piece of shit neet, but now we know it's going to be easy as fuck to run a node.

>> No.19426519

>seething the post

>> No.19426524

running a node is easy. but how about getting and running useful jobs that payout? will this be easy enough for the neet?

>> No.19426623
File: 3.67 MB, 2481x2269, swingtrader-collage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a nice collage

>> No.19426636 [DELETED] 

el admino loco

>> No.19426647

Brainlet. No argument.

API Marketplaces are a thing. It will be easy. Take profits now...

>> No.19426666

LP shills are so fucking obvious

>> No.19426682

Is there a consensus on whether or not it’s smart for burgers to buy LP with a VPN?

>> No.19426696
File: 24 KB, 472x472, checkem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek is not pleased with Johnny and his hordes of shills

>> No.19426712

you lying piece of shit get out of here

no one who invested in pre-sale didn't know about staking. We've been talking about it since LINK was first shilled on this fucking board by assblaster.