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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19421923 No.19421923 [Reply] [Original]

Post what you are currently working on, what your business ideas are, what you ares teuggling with.
Everything related to starting your own business is welcome.
I am currently working on an app that could become successful, not posting it yet because it isn't finished. I have a lot of fun doing it but it takes more time that I originally thought

>> No.19421967

Find Alibaba product
Sell on Amazon

Looking at pet toys rn. Seems easy desu

>> No.19421981

Dropshipping is oversaturated™

>> No.19422085

Do you even buy the product are you just basically doing pre orders and selling order contracts to a vendor in China aka doing nothing?

>> No.19422442

Building Shopify add ons with recurring revenue.

>> No.19422449

>I am currently working on an app that could become successful
dont worry man, it won't

>> No.19422473

thats how it works

>> No.19422524
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Thanks for your contribution to the thread anon

>> No.19422770

So if you’re just middleman’ing contracts I don’t get why that hasn’t just been absorbed by amazon itself or the manufacturers.
Also I feel like it’s a losing game because how do you stand out from everyone else? Just keep dropping prices and using fake orders to pump your rating?

>> No.19422868

Do you have to provide warranty or something like that for an alibaba seller's products?

>> No.19423113

Kek, this image is pretty delusional.

>> No.19423157

it's just a joke but kinda true actually

>> No.19423488

Why Amazon and not eBay/shopify?

>> No.19423882

> t. has never done anything in his whole life because he thinks it will fail anyway

>> No.19424230

You won't get away with 2 years with anything finance-related

>> No.19424331

mostly teuggling with what business to start
I get the feeling that in about 6-12 months, maybe longer, people are going to start talking about mis-selling in loan/credit card/mortgage holidays and people made bank representing PPI mis-selling complaints but other than that tiny speculative crumb I got no ideas.

>> No.19424495
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Anyone has any experience contacting potential clients/partners? I got this app that different companies' clients could use, every company would have their own version of the app so it's like SaaS. Goal isn't to even make money, but to just get experience on how all this "business" works(I'm 20yo uni student, haven't worked a day in my life, got 19k linkies though). If they like it then maybe try to get a subscription fee going. This app is something that other similar companies have, so I'm not inventing anything new really. They wouldn't need to do much to integrate it as well and I can do it all for them. How do I go about getting in contact? Do I just call the receptionist and ask for the IT department's chief's phone? I doubt anyone responds to emails.

>> No.19424869

Email is much better than calling. Who would want to get bothered in the middle of the day when your discussion is going to have to get rescheduled anyways?

>> No.19424872

Looking for business ideas. Please post whatever comes to your mind, I really want to start something on my own

>> No.19425059
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Dragon Dildo Factory

>> No.19425168

I'm thinking of making tutorials and/or study flashcards for a niche subject I'm involved in. There's hardly any GOOD study material for it and a lot of it is out of date. This would probably take me over a year to accomplish. If you went to college and know your stuff you can probably make money selling prep courses or an app for that subject. Or as a second job tutor in undergrad courses. I've seen sites where you can sell your own lecture notes but from my experience people don't want to sift through notes and rely on quizlet a lot for tests.

Anyone have experience doing study material for standardized tests?

>> No.19425338

Sounds like a really good idea anon, do you want to tell us which topic you are speaking about?

>> No.19425504

How are you planning to sell them?

>> No.19425585



>> No.19426284

>Or as a second job tutor
Ok that is maybe not that practical but the rest of your ideas are really fucking based

>> No.19426867

Engineering, I'll leave it at that but it's a specific field, about to graduate soon. There's too many tutorial videos on YT that are made by pajeets with shit graphics so I want to do a series going through my major's entire curriculum.
If I go the app route I can either make it a one time purchase or subscription based. There's an okayish app out there for this field now that's charging $5/month or $50 for a year. I'd probably do it at a lower price just to get people to buy mine instead. I don't think the guy that made that app is a dev either (probably outsourced the dev work to fivver or something) so reverse engineering his app and fixing all the mistakes to make my own might make it a lot better. I only have basic coding experience though since I was focused on my major all throughout college but if I do this I think I'll do the whole thing myself after I graduate.
To make physical flashcard sets I can market myself to my peers through social media I don't think it'll be too hard since we all do the same major. I just don't know where to actually get flashcards made but I have google for that lol.
tutoring in the evenings after work or on the weekend would just be extra income. I mean you can charge in the double digits per hour depending on your clients so it's not bad but yeah it's a job rather than a business.

>> No.19427134

based at fren, thank you for sharing some insight. I might do this in a couple of years maybe

>> No.19427403

also this might sound like a retarded idea IDK, but I've noticed that out of all the youtube "millionaires", they only make videos AFTER they make it and share their wisdom (or lack thereof like gurus/scammers) then. How about this, a channel set up as a weekly podcast, where the host (as in me) ISN'T a millionaire or wealthy at all. I personally haven't seen a channel that's doing this. A middle class to millionaire type series where I explain everything I'm doing in trying to make it (time management, business ideas and trying to implement them, what I'm learning in my spare time to build up skills, how I cook, how I'm working out, what I'm doing with regards to stocks and crypto, and how long it's taking along with all the challenges that I face before/after a 9-5 job). That itself would be a source of income obviously if it gets attention, but that's not my main goal with the channel. The goal would be to show other people that it's completely possible to build yourself up while in a full time job. it'll probably be a shit ton of work, but I'm up for it since I'll be on my own for a while, and I know I'd probably get a lot of hate comments in being transparent about the whole process so eh just an idea I've had in my head