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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19418637 No.19418637 [Reply] [Original]

How high is this piece of shit going?

>> No.19418699

$10k one day
don't know when, but eventually

>> No.19418744
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>> No.19418784

Its already peaked

>> No.19419439

This. Possibly even higher but 10k within 5-10 years is not even questionable

>> No.19419486

It’s done time to short

>> No.19419496

Not as high as FUND will go after the financial apocalypse

>> No.19419601
File: 379 KB, 2343x1150, basicallythefuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhere around 6000 most likely. Depending on the FOMO it could go to 10k too which is the meme everyone keeps throwing around.

I think it will fall just short of that because smart traders who've been riding this beast for multiple years will be pulling out before we get close to 9000.

Personally I will be offloading after 4000.

ETH has pretty clear cycles and it always reaches out to the 4.236 fib on the next cycle, determined by the previous high and low.

Given that Ethereum really is the only actually functional chain with an actual developers scene and actual dApps providing real world value I'm fully convinced that these prices will happen.

The time factor however is harder to nail down, and this price projection could take till 2023 too. But regardless I'm absolutely sure we have bottomed and the great climb has started.

>> No.19419674

Sure but why aren't we factoring in the global economy? It's obvious crypto is tied to the stock market and it might collapse in the coming months.

>> No.19419685

>But regardless I'm absolutely sure we have bottomed and the great climb has started.

>> No.19419758

1. I don't believe it is fully correlated. The COVID worldwide panic at the beginning of March just hit crypto too because everyone was panicked. The crypto market sell-off had little to do with stocks imo. It was a worldwide black swan event that rekt crypto because of over leveraged people on exchanges that didn't have systems in place to keep cascading sells in check like they have in the real world markets. There is very little correlation to the global economy in a number sense, but of course it's correlated to worldwide sentiment.

If the world comes burning down because the global economy burns down, everything will be fucked anyway so why care about that possibility. Also they won't allow that to happen so another reason to ignore that scenario.

Only BTC maximalists fawn over their stupid anarchy fantasy where that dysfunctional old dinosaur of a coin somehow becomes the gold of the future when the world collapses.

Dude you've literally had 2 years to buy. People are loaded the fuck up, this thing is ready to GO.

>> No.19419806

It's about to dump hard. $120-150

>> No.19419925


>> No.19419930


>> No.19419982


>> No.19420016

Along with everything else?

>> No.19420049
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lmao, ethies are more deluded than linkies, i didn't know it was possible to beat them

>> No.19420145

Lol People have been saying this for months yet it continues to climb - it’s not too late anon, you can still make it

>> No.19420179

Good to know it will climb forever with no correction or retracement, the first time in history any asset has ever done that. I appreciate your unbiased financial advice friend

>> No.19420204

It’s been sideways since 2017. U.S. markets took 9 years to cool off after the dotcom bubble. Time goes by faster in crypto... you really think we are going to continue sideways forever?

>> No.19420257

The bottom was in 2 months ago on traditional markets. Only doomers will tell you otherwise.

>> No.19420277

$360 by end of june

>> No.19420279

What about inflation, unemployment and closed businesses?

It has to hit is at some point doesnt it?

>> No.19420309

pretty high. too bad the whole crypto market is overinflated and I'll have to wait for a crash before buying.

>> No.19420329

Most likely not happening because of BRRRRRRRRRRR

>> No.19420351
File: 941 KB, 1668x1509, FF580027-59F1-4D35-AEA3-FBC13D0EFE4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that ren created a bridge to bitcoin, there is no limit

>> No.19420359

The economy is not the stock market. The Fed will not allow the markets to fail.

>> No.19420428

I thought GDP was the best indicator for stock growth.

>> No.19420573

That was before money printer went brrrrrrr.

>> No.19420583

I just don't see it being sustainble

>> No.19420653


>> No.19420663

Knc niggers

>> No.19420691

>32 eth is nearly $8000
Yeah im thinking normies priced out

>> No.19420693

Anything below 10k is a bargain deal. If you are not buying below 10k you are literally throwing away money.

Imagine, just imagine being so dumb not buying eth below 10k. Top Kek

>> No.19420705

It's going to dump. Why buy now when you can buy at $120 soon . Retard

>> No.19420707
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It is. People fall for the brrrr meme not realising that central banks have always done this in the past and failed. What the Fed is doing today is on par with what it tried in the 30s but look what happened.

>> No.19420739

When do you think the crash will be anon?

>> No.19420767


>> No.19420780

It doesn't need to be sustainable, they only need to print until confidence is restored. Businesses are now re-opening and economic growth will return to normal. The effects of the Corona virus are temporary.

>> No.19420947

>piece of shit
Ether is stupidly useful even in its spaghetti-code, current fashion.

>> No.19420968


Fed stopped printing. That’s what led to the Great Depression. That’s why Bernanke said “we did it, and thanks to you, we won’t do it again.” Learn some history, moron.

>> No.19420978

I've got close to 300 ETH so I want to believe this. But it's much more likely that we might be able to see $2k/ETH by 2025.

>> No.19421365

everyone on unemployment is still getting an extra $600 per week because of the CARES act. a lot of people are making more money than they did at their job.

i'm a student who lost my part time job at a theater (performing arts not movies) where i worked part time maybe 15-20 hours a month. i made like $2500 all last year. i didn't qualify for traditional unemployment because of the limited hours and earnings but i qualified for pandemic unemployment assistance (PUA). i'm now getting $800 a week. i've made three times the money in the past 2 months sitting on my ass shitposting and playing video games than i made last year.

best part is that entertainment venues are the last thing to reopen and i'm in NY so i can stay on it until at least mid july. the fed is pumping so much money into the economy it's crazy.

>> No.19421790

$10,000 unironically, if btc hits $100,000

>> No.19421824

That's what people were saying yesterday when it was at 220 and the day before at 212