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19413264 No.19413264 [Reply] [Original]

Many people I know are in this same situation. I'm 19, and worried that myself, my mother, and my grandmother won't have a roof over our heads soon. So I need to be making full time income ASAP. Hoping maybe some of the anons here who have become self sufficient can help me figure out what to do.

I need a full time job so that I can afford maybe $800 in rent, and food for myself and my mom, and possibly little brother for the times he's not at his dad's house.

I have a 30 ACT, 3.4 GPA, and I have skills in basic linux server stuff, wordpress, video production, and audio production. I was also a summer intern for a fiduciary retirement planning place. I have some past job experience specifically in the av stuff, but probably not enough to compete with anyone who's been working full time for longer than a couple years. I've only done part time stuff before.

I don't really even know where to start. Where do I look for jobs? Who do I talk to? What kind of information do I need? How do I formulate my application to get the job? How do I pass an interview? Will I have to wear my muzzle to work? I'm not too great with socializing/people, but I can put on a smile and be charismatic for short bursts of time.

Feeling pretty down. Plz help.

>> No.19413336

Sorry op a third of country with way more experience is unemployed and will be picked first. Get you, your mother, and your grandmother all on the dole and, look into alternative routes for income and start something that uses your skills and will have real world application you can show when unemployment starts to drop. You absolutly will make less at a McJob or even a post-college non-stem job than an unemployed person right now. Also there's an eviction freeze, maybe a rent freeze depending on the state.

>> No.19413581

Yeah I mean, I technically have my own video production business. I have my own web design business. 0 clients.

I don't think competing with the rest of the masses means applying for regular jobs is futile. What you're saying is definitely true in theory, but I haven't really applied for any regular jobs. Maybe some others have an can attest.

>> No.19413619

>my mother and my grandmother won't have a roof over their heads
Maybe they shouldn't have gotten fucked by strange dudes and become single mothers, Anon.

>> No.19413634

It's an unfortunate situation born out of long awaited divorces. Nothing to do with random men.

>> No.19413679

They took half of their husbands' shit and still ended up with no savings? LOL!

>> No.19413709


>> No.19413717

My grandpa has been dead for 10 years and the $25k my mom is going to get won't last too long given the recent ER visits and ambulance rides we have to pay off.

>> No.19413738

Single mothers need another type of ER visit if you catch my drift.

>> No.19413805

I do an audio related job for a living, without giving away too much, so I know what you're saying. I haven't been able to come in for 2 months now. I trade as well. All through lockdown I've been downloading books and reading tons of material on trading, strategies, expanding my knowledge as much as possible. For starters, get some cash, any job it doesn't matter what. Get enough to secure yourself. Once you can do that, build it up using whatever means necessary. Find that path that will get you to where you want. All through this period I haven't been too worried because I have a plan and know exactly where I'm going. No-one can tell you exactly what to do, that;s stupid. No-one is you except you, so sit down alone and talk it out. Think "what am I gonna do from now" "what are my goals" "how am i gonna make this possible". At the end of the day, we can't make those decisions for you because we don't know what you want, but you can make those decisions. The hardest bit is just he discipline too follow through on what you choose. That goes for pretty much any profession. A lot of people give up and never get anywhere and have to start from scratch in a new position. I'm not saying lick someone's ass for 20 years but have a goal and stick to that goal. Changing tracks too much will cost you big time. Don't feel down, it doesn't do anything for you, don't waste your time on that, just figure it out. That will help you in a big way.

>> No.19413870

I didn't make this thread because I want to know how to get rich from investments, I made it because I want to know how to turn my sweat into food and housing.

I write my own trading algorithms + indicators and have friends making money from it. But I don't have capital. So using it is useless. Before shit hit the fan in my life I was going to a college prep high school, and had serious plans on what to do and how to become a rich fag. But things have changed, and those plans won't work without having capital or fucking food first.

>> No.19413958

There are over a dozen websites where you can search for jobs. Make a resume.

>> No.19414081

Ill be back in a half hour or so but i was literally you a few years ago and can help you work on a plan. In the meantime: Where have you applied so far? Are you happy w your resume? How have your interviews gone so far?

>> No.19414173

thanks anon. I haven't applied anywhere, I was working for a production studio as a freelancer until very recently. I've never had to apply for a job, I just emailed this studio a couple years ago and said I wanted to work for them and they started hiring me sometimes. I know >>19413958 mentioned job sites but I've read that they are one of the least efficient ways to try and get a job. But ofc I can spam my resume if that's the best way to go.

I do have a resume and it's decent, but I'm refining it.

>> No.19414198

You need to do something to show you have value. Create something then show the employer what you did. Fuck a resume.

>> No.19414276

Okay basic primer:
>Make a LinkedIn
>apply on indeed, glassdoor, dice, angel
>every offer that seems worth a discussion gets a resume sent, you are after experience here and the job will happen "by accident"
>after every app sent, follow company on linkedin and checj dms often
>keep improving resume but not for the sake of it
>if you have a point of contact, email for followup after 7 days each time
>make a portfolio site and or github. site can be basic wordpress, just have something
>audio stuff is cool but be careful of keywords messing w listing suggestions or the way you're tagged. this specifically was an issue for me.
>have a client to out under each company even if you have to offer free work to a relative, otherwise you may not be able to talk about it
>track apps & communications in spreadsheet
>5+ apps every day
>calm down and dont be a lost puppy in your interviews, getting that vibe but nbd you are young, jusy be there to learn w same enthusiasm
>stay sharp and remember to love your family, providing for them isnt a substitute if you value the current relationship. you seem like a good dude and im rooting for you.
>no zero days

>> No.19414370

Answered assuming audio industry isnt mandatory. You're going to have trouble w live gigs rn, but broadcasting is something you would have transferrable skills for. No real advice on that industry unfortunately.

>> No.19414376

Thank you, this helps a lot. what do you mean by "have a client to out under each company"?

I'm not usually such a downer, just got hit with a lot of things at once. I will focus and get my shit together.

>> No.19414379

Wtf, is this america? I payed 0€ for longer hospital stays, all covered by my healthcare. Jesus Christ what is wrong, we have healthcare in Germany literally since Bismarck and the Kaiserreich. Wtf.

>> No.19414390

I never said trade. I said sit down and come up with a plan and stick with it. We can brainstorm all day but it's you in the end who knows yourself better than anyone. I've also been through divorces, kidnappings, all kinds of fucked up shit, and it fell apart and we burnt through a ton of money to get it back together, now it's about building it back. Read my whole post if you haven't, I'm not saying trade, I'm saying stick with something and do it until you're more free to move around. You'll be stuck in some shit position for a while but it's worth it to get the capital necessary to make more moves. (sorry if ID doesn't match btw)

>> No.19414393

Yeah I'm open to whatever industry. No live gigs you're right, I actually have some experience in live broadcasting I was the livestream director for my high school's sports which were sometimes on TV.

>> No.19414421

Yeah America. But insurance companies are specific about what they'll cover and my mom has a rare disease and a long history of medical issues. Her insurance will only cover up to like $3k for medical transportation and she had to be flown somewhere which costs around $15k.

>> No.19414472
File: 22 KB, 500x327, 1552897912266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. This is actually the best time of my life. Glad to see so many people in poverty and despair. You are still much better off than I was a few years ago and the only thing you people could do is pathologize my poverty. Not one cintella of help. Zip. Zilch. Zero. Nada. Now the show is on the other foot and it brings be immense joy to see midwits like you suffering so. Here is an idea retard, liquidate all your assets and then sign up for public housing and food stamps. Oh wait, you wouldn't do this or listen to this so get fucked. Your other options now are the priesthood, US military or the French Foreign Legion.

>> No.19414501

My grandmother is currently in publicly subsidized housing and both my mother and her are on food stamps. But they got reduced and it's not something I can depend on. I have no assets.

>> No.19414555

Maybe you ain't so bad afterall. Hope things improve anon.

>> No.19414908

Another angle, but you will take it up the ass for a bit. Get yourself on Fiverr and setup doing all your audio there. You will have to take lossleader jobs to get established, but once you have the history, you can setup quite a decent business there.
Two things to bear in mind. First, if you do this, you need to tailor your offerings. Don’t just say “audio editing”, you want to offer “podcast production services for Crypto Twitter” or “idents for FPS twitch streamers” etc. Be specific. Don’t offer what you do, offer what the finished product is going to be to a well defined audience. Package it up, make upsells for everything, and be on the ball with your comms. The downside with fiverr apart from the particular flavour of ass raping of getting started on the platform is the fuckers can freeze your account if you fall foul of the rules or some shitty wankstain reports you because you are doing too well. Beyond that though, if you can edit fast, know how to dial in a compressor and have the software to do it all, you can start this immediately. Whatever, I wish you well anon. Step out with force, listen to your gut and keep going, even when the shit hits the fan as it invariably does from time to time.

Oh fuck off.

>> No.19415037

This is a great idea thanks, I may try this first. I have actually thought about doing audio stuff specifically for crypto podcasts.

I've even made custom audio visualizers before when I was editing the podcasts for the financial place a couple years ago, which I don't usually see podcasts on YouTube having. I definitely have the tools and this specifically is the kind of stuff I love.

I once saved fucked up audio that the rest of the team couldn't for an interview we did with Deepak Chopra. No one ever knew except the guy immediately above me. Thanks for the idea!!!