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19403361 No.19403361 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19403377


>> No.19403881


>> No.19404712

literally who?


>> No.19405420

wait a sec... you gotta type it the retarded way.

>> No.19405548

it's either bitcoin or BitCoin
no such thing as Bitcoin anymore (blockstream official)

>> No.19405795
File: 453 KB, 763x946, 1590600166735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Takes STIFF pipe hit*

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than buying Segwit.

Honestly, think about it rationally.

You are buying a fake version of BitCoin.

All the hard work you put into your earning money - whether it is wagecucking for Mr. Shekelstein or getting neetbucks from the government. All of it has one simple result: you buy and HODL a fatally flawed version of BitCoin.

Raised the money and bought a whole BTC (CoreCoin)? Great. Who benefits? A random Chinese whale who had nothing to do with the way BitCoin was created.
He gets to dump his bags on you. He gets the benefits of the inflated price that came from the way you HODL'd Segwit Core instead of using BitCoin as money.

As a man who has BTC (Segwit Coin), you are LITERALLY dedicating years of your life simply to HODL'ing and inflating a ponzi shitcoin's price for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck.

Think about it logically.

>> No.19405997
File: 298 KB, 712x1073, BE4EBA3D-23D1-41C3-9A0F-FBCE67FA8233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think about it logically.

>> No.19406944

why do you need xmr or mixers if you can send btc to addresses that are used only once?