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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19401692 No.19401692 [Reply] [Original]

if you have under 500k in crypto you're not gonna make it. at best you can make another 10-20X. so no way you will make it with your pathetic 10k$ stack.

>> No.19401706

I have $180k in Crypto

Will I make it?

>> No.19401707
File: 24 KB, 421x274, 7343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have 300$ in crypto and i’m still guaranteed to make it

>> No.19401734

if you're smart you could turn that into 2 mil, is that enough?
if you're smart you could turn that into 3 mil, is that enough?

>> No.19401740

>if you're smart you could turn that into 3 mil, is that enough?
more than enough for the comfy life i plan to lead

>> No.19401742

also a huge factor in making it is how much tax you have to pay. in my country it's 1.5%.

>> No.19401777

I need $1.5 million after taxes to retire here in Yurop

>> No.19401794

hope not western europe?

>> No.19401829

i turned 2k into 4k since 2 weeks ago. i firmly believe i can make it this alt season

>> No.19401883

you will get burned anon. even if you manage to make 50% gains per month by the end of the year you will only have 70k. and by then bull run has already started. and that is not enough to make it into 7 figures.

>> No.19401920

You must be taking an enormous amount of risk to make 100% in two weeks, you’ll be at 0$ very soon.

>> No.19402249

500k is game over money for me

>> No.19402271
File: 174 KB, 950x935, 4C19BFDD-3EA2-42A8-82E2-DB51CB91D65A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahaha the fud is real (((stop goy youlll never make it you’ll be poor forever sell ur 10k stack goy))) fuck u if I heard u say that in person id bop u in the fucking nose u stupid fucking kikes

>> No.19402289

Nigga, I already own an house I probably only need $500k to generate enough passive income to simply not work.
That's "making it" for me.

>> No.19402445

I would agree with you OP, but GHOST is going to 1000$

>> No.19402600

im really not. i got very lucky and 10x'd 500 dollars on XIO. i have 2k in cash but on cb pro for emergency but not touching it. the rest of the 2k is pure profit on various other shitcoins

>> No.19402673

putting 25% of your money into a sub 1M shitcoin is not risky how?

>> No.19402708

because the 2 grand i started with isnt even close to me net worth you fucking faggot. and now that 2 grand im tradining with is basically free money so i accept large risk. plus i dont throw stacks that big on every shitcoin, i look at the best opportunities and put varying lvls into them

>> No.19402738
File: 556 KB, 638x641, 1590654633700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i use 5x margin
I just need to capture 2% and 3% moves everyday and i make 100% every 7to10 days of doing that

>> No.19402761

dude just fucking DCA into btc, etch, and maybe link. you're going to get burned looking for shitcoin pump and dumps all the time unless you're one of the people on the inside that buys before they start to pump it.

>> No.19403021


>> No.19403059

im not though because i know what im doing. all i need is like 1 in 5 choices to be a win and i cash out and add to my usd pool. even if none win, the worst that happens is a lose a few hundred. the upside is making thousands. i cant lose

>> No.19403066

Deposited $2 on ftx last night. I am confident I'll make it

>> No.19403164

Western is the only Europe that counts
We call the other states off brand russia

>> No.19403371 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 240x300, 1585936878078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 30 year old /pol/tard
>has mever met a jew irl
>likes to make false claims about Jews that he parrots from other neckbeard who parrot from other neckbeards who have deepseated hate for jews because they once lost a job to a jew or their gf dumped them for one.
>still lives in his parents basement because he couldn't finish school.
>Hates women because stacies don't find neckbeard nazis attractive.
> Hates people of color because of other parroted arguments from other /pol/tards
>Dreams of a massive genocidal holocaust of all non whites while incessently claiming that the holocaust never happened.
> Masturbates to black male white female, underage girls, and barn animals semi frequently while claiming that the Jews are plunging America into degeneracy.
>sometimes eats his own cum.
>Isn't religious
>still reminises about that ladyboy he fucked on his visit to the philappines.
>keeps a tally of all the times he outmemed a jew.
>His few friends have no idea he's such a degenerate faggot

>> No.19403412
File: 13 KB, 240x300, 1585936878078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 30 year old /pol/tard
>has mever met a jew irl
>Unironically uses the word goy thinking it makes him edgy.
>likes to make false claims about Jews that he parrots from other neckbeard who parrot from other neckbeards who have deepseated hate for jews because they once lost a job to a jew or their gf dumped them for one.
>still lives in his parents basement because he couldn't finish school.
>Hates women because stacies don't find neckbeard nazis attractive.
> Hates people of color because of other parroted arguments from other /pol/tards
>Dreams of a massive genocidal holocaust of all non whites while incessently claiming that the holocaust never happened.
> Masturbates to black male white female, underage girls, and barn animals semi frequently while claiming that the Jews are plunging America into degeneracy.
>sometimes eats his own cum.
>Isn't religious
>still reminises about that ladyboy he fucked on his visit to the philappines.
>keeps a tally of all the times he outmemed a jew.
>His few friends have no idea he's such a degenerate faggot

>> No.19403523

fuck off junkie

>> No.19403541


>> No.19404318
File: 5 KB, 390x129, 0xMonerodotcom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest in solid microcaps like 0xMR and you will make it. You can easily 1000x an investment in the right microcap.

>> No.19405461

So are you saying i'm going to make it from my LOKI bags alone?

That's freaking awesome desu

>> No.19405482

I havw $8k in RSR (2.7M). will Imake it?

>> No.19405732

$1.5MM is enough to (almost) retire in western Europe if you just want to live a normal life. If you're young you can afford to be heavily invested in stocks (i.e. close to 100%) because you won't need most of the money for many years to come.
If your expected return is 6%/ year you can withdraw 3% and have 3% to beat inflation/ slightly grow the portfolio.
And that's without touching the principal investment ($1.5MM). As you get older you can increase you withdrawal rate and you'll also have your public pension savings (which are quite large in some western European countries).
$45k/ year is enough money to live a decent life, especially if you're not a normie who needs dumb shit like expensive cars and watches to be happy. Most people on /biz/ (including me) just want to be free, escape wageslavery and be able to pursue their dreams. I don't need a lambo, a $5MM condo or designer clothes to be happy.

>> No.19405778

Jokes on u. my burn rate is so low even 500k is more than enough to never have to work again. Have fun buying a bunch of overpriced garbage and experiences.