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19400145 No.19400145 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19400215

My 10 year HS reunion had drama. Apparently the person set it up made it too expensive ($100) for some so it became divisive and a third ended up meeting at some bar lol.

What a bunch of cheapasses

>> No.19400279

its in 5 years for me. i hope im richer than everyone by then :{

>> No.19400300

no it's covid year

>> No.19400306

If the idea of attending a high school reunion even crosses your mind you should kill yourself because you aren't going to make it.

>> No.19400312

I skipped it. 20 year is only a couple away. Will also skip.

>> No.19400325

But what about the networking?

>> No.19400467

I don't even know if my class will do that because I ghosted those faggots harder than Jeffrey Epstein ghosted accountability.

>> No.19400475


>> No.19400491

I don't know if my class even had one. My year doesn't have an alumni committee, or whatever it's called. Every other year at that school has one, but not mine - and it's not a small school, and it's in a big west coast city. I've never been contacted at all since I left that shithole, which is the way I like it. I don't know what it is about that year, there are no facebook groups for it, alumni groups, nothing. My brother and sister are nagged constantly by alumni from the same school, too. My brother's was last year, he's still laughing about how fat everyone got.

>> No.19400500

I will go because I was a chad in high school and creampied half of the cheerleading squad. Can't wait to see their cucked husbands while having the biggest grin on my face

>> No.19400516

they left you out anon, I'm sorry

>> No.19400520

>I will go because I was a chad in high school and creampied half of the cheerleading squad.
No, you didn't.

>> No.19400526

No, I have nothing to gain from it. It'd be tedious having to say what I do now to 100 different people and listening to their bullshit.

>> No.19400533

High school was the last time you could raw dog and didn't have to worry about STD's.

>> No.19400538

I missed it. Wasn't even invited. I was literally one of the lowest ranking students by grades. The funny part? I know i'm the richest now.

Might just have to go all in on ARPA, feeling risky.

>> No.19400541

No, they didn't. I asked some people I used to be friends with, they've never heard anything, either. They asked some people associated with the alumni association, my year didn't have a reunion. And no 20th is planned.
Not that I'd go, but it's wierd. My class was the kind of faggots who'd be into that kind of shit. I just wanted to see on Facebook how fat they all got. I know one of the cheerleaders who everyone thought was so talented and sooo pretty and would be sooooo successful was working at the mall, last time anyone saw her. And she got fat.

>> No.19400544

>Might just have to go all in on ARPA, feeling risky.
You're about to be the poorest again.

>> No.19400550

No, it wasn't.

>> No.19400563

I doubt anyone cares to see me.

>> No.19400582

Once girls go to college you don't know who they fucked and they'll lie about being virgins.
In high school you know their entire sex lives, if they even have one.

>> No.19400594

>spending money to see people you knew in high school
If they were worth knowing I kept in touch with them.

>> No.19400608

Nobody believes your bullshit, just stop. You spent high school playing Magic: The Gathering and masturbated like a spastic monkey.

>> No.19400613

I had mine in December last year and unironically banged my junior high girlfriend who’s now married with kids

>> No.19400652

No, you didn't. And, nobody throws a class reunion near xmas, stupid. That shit, from what I've seen, is always in the summer, when people can travel.

>> No.19400672
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A reunion at some bar would be way better than paying $100 for some shitty "banquet"

>> No.19400694

Or maybe because it was around Christmas and everyone was home for the holidays which is why it was planned then you stupid faggot. You expect people to fly back to their hometown just for a reunion when there is no other reason to? How naive are you. And why is it easier to travel in the summer? People still work in the summer, we aren’t in school anymore where we still get summer breaks you fucking dipshit, what a moronic comment all around

>> No.19400723

Nah, didn't happen. You're trying too hard. And you're probably a kissless virgin, too, who thinks he's gonna go to his reunion and think that talking about chainlink is gonna make all the girls who didn't even know he existed back then want to fuck him in the bathroom.

Just stop.

>> No.19400724
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tfw won't get to fuck Stacy because of corhoaxa virus. Gonna genocide the chinks with my Link gains for this one.

>> No.19400796

Kek, ok. Actually fucked her 2 nights in a row when she hit me up the next night begging for it again. Use that as your masturbation fuel tonight, you seem to be good at coming up with pathetic lonely virgin scenarios as if you have a lot of personal experience with them. You know the occasional chad visits these forums too right? You fucking nerds have made me a lot of money so thank you, your contribution to my wealth success just makes your jealousy even sweeter

>> No.19400800

incel detected

>> No.19400862
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I did a couple years back at a bar, a ton of girls threw themselves at me but I did some drugs, got wasted, started a fight and got my ass kicked just like fucking High School

>> No.19400871

cringe larp. you’ve been watching too many movies anon

>> No.19400890

I didn't because in addition to not actually wanting to see any of these faggots ever again I'm worried I would have started a fight if I did, and I don't want to go to jail for putting some faggot in the ICU over an old grudge. Will skip the 20th for the same reason.

>> No.19401001

Mine's in a few years, but I probably won't because I got left out.

>> No.19401025

Are you a manlet and/or a nigger, by chance?

>> No.19401043

I don't even have contact with anyone there since some time now. I ghosted the last friend there because interactions felt so forced
It was probably a mistake in hindsight but my 20s taught me it's a waste of time and energy to pretend.

I checked facebook once and my crush from back then hit the wall pretty hard though, she looks tired and 10 years older than she is. While I've never been fitter and better looking.

>> No.19401069

I was voted most likely to go on a killing spree, I should probably go dressed as a woman and fuck with the overweight balding chads and flogged out stacies.

>> No.19401078


>> No.19401091


Yeah imagine if you dressed as a woman and convinced one of the guys to let you suck his dick would be a funny prank haha

>> No.19401092
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I'm not old enough for a high school reunion anytime soon but if I don't go I seriously doubt anyone would notice. Whatever friends I made weren't the types to go to these things.

>> No.19401310

Mine already passed, and all my friends from then are now successful and rich, and im still poor

>> No.19401329

Sounds like you’re that guy that never grew up.

>> No.19402223

I believed you until this post nerd

>> No.19402278
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Mine was in 2016 and I skipped it. My friend went and said almost everyone is a loser.

>> No.19402320
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High school is incredibly irrelevant after you graduate college. So that's a hell no.lol

Over the years, some high school friends have tried to keep in touch but I legitimately have no desire to even have a beer with them.

I'm happier sleeping, drinking or playing a video game desu

>> No.19402329

i went to a bar that had a reunion so i went up to every milf there and told them how i had a crush on them in high school and got indignant when they had no clue who i was
good times

>> No.19402395

I'm saying this from a practical point retard. Never played MTG and everyone masturbates. You are playing russian roulette if you raw dog girls in college.

>> No.19402405
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>nooooo no way my wife fucked her high school bf at her school reuinion! women never fuck exes. women never cheat. i-incel!

>> No.19402421

>My friend went and said almost everyone is a loser.
Everyone who decided to go to the reunion*

>> No.19402477
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do americans really?

>> No.19402488

Is this shit real? I thought it was just a movie thing. Is it an american thing? Haven't heard about it in Canada.

>> No.19402504

I got wasted.


>> No.19402617

Yeah so you just keep poppin hs girls lmao

You will he able to do it easily when link makes it and you can live your real life

>> No.19402670

you'll die a broke virgin bro

>> No.19402706

>and you can live your real life
in prison

>> No.19402736
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>> No.19402749
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