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19397019 No.19397019 [Reply] [Original]

Let’s say you sell your link stack and make $10,000,000 by some miracle. You transfer the money to your bank account. What happens then? Do you go on some government list? Does some secret cabal start sending you invitations to their conferences? Is it possible to just be a reclusive rich person? Does the bank start offering you premium services? What happens anons?

>> No.19397040

You fuck prostitutes and buy something for yourself.

>> No.19397042

10 million is nothing.

>> No.19397043

If you’re not retarded you would reinvest most of it in stable investments.

>> No.19397047

Most bank accounts only insure you up to 250k. You will need to use an investment bank and consult with wealth managers to learn how to manage and safely deposit that amount of money

>> No.19397060

you buy a lot of coke and hookers

>> No.19397071

t. poorfag

>> No.19397226

This exact thing happened to me. The night after dumping my stack I was abducted from my bed and taken to an island in the pacific. There I walked barefoot on the beach with a man named Sergey and we drank martinis. We talked and talked late into the night and we held each other under the moonlight. The next day I woke back up in my bed and I was all wet... from the beach water I guess.

>> No.19397257

You dont put 20 mil in a bank dumbass

>> No.19397261

you pay taxes on the mfer

>> No.19397357

This is what you do.
>Go to casino
>Say you wanna buy 10M worth of chips
>They see you are paying with LINK and immediately agree.
>Play some games
> Return chips
>lets say you lost 500k in degenerate gambling.
>Now you have 9.5M cash which is less than what you would pay in taxes
(assuming U.S. and Long term asset 15%=
1.5M you would be paying)

After that get a wealth manager who will know more loopholes. Like buying an asset (Art, Yacht, etc) and taking a loan on said pieces.

The asset gains value while you get get cash.

>> No.19397394

>stable investments

>> No.19397440 [DELETED] 

Not rich here, but I sent $250,000 to my bank in 2017.
They called me and asked to see documents of source of income, and threatened to freeze my account until I complied.
Went in, gave the documents, answered a few questions, they thanked me... and I haven't heard from them since.

>> No.19397493

>Thinking a casino will give you 9m in cash
>thinking a casino doesn’t track every dollar you win/lose
>thinking a casino doesn’t report for AML and IRS


>> No.19397542

Not the ones in the U.S. Come on man.
You go to Macau.
They won't give a shit.
You gamble a little and you will still come out on top as long as you don't get crazy with the betting.

>> No.19397571

>walking out of a casino in Macau with 9m in cash

Dead man walking

>> No.19397586

Boomer rocks

>> No.19397602

Yeah I would put it under my mattress. Can't trust anyone with that much money.

>> No.19397607

Your bank will definitely start trying to sell you shit and the IRS sees anything over $3k.

Aside from that, nobody will really know unless you are careless with your info.

>> No.19397615

If you have 9m you can afford armed body guards.

>> No.19397635

Great so I now have apparently 9M in chink funny money? How am I supposed to transfer it to gold or crypto and get it back to the us exactly??

>> No.19397651

>1 - go to Macao
>2 - try and hire Chinese as your bodyguards
>3 - ???
>4 - wake up with no money and no kidneys

>> No.19397695

It's more money than I would ever need.
I would leave it in crapto and cash out small chunks as I need them.

>> No.19397730

fly them out with you. Alright now you're just really reaching here...

>> No.19397801

Moving millions to Macao just to launder it through a casino there bringing your own armed mercenary squad with you and I’m reaching?

>> No.19397833

The real reach is that all of you would think they would take LINK as payment.

>> No.19397837
File: 48 KB, 253x229, 1522298930410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happens when you get rich?
you still shitpost from a pile of filth but you have a bigger monitor

>> No.19397851

10mil isn’t crazy splurge money if you want to never need to work forever.

>> No.19397926

I seen the video too and that only works for chinese billionaires.

>> No.19398270

If you weren't a smoothbrain 10 million is enough to never have to work again for you and several more generations

>> No.19398325

>completely lacks reading comprehension
>calls others smoothbrains
Never change