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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19395474 No.19395474 [Reply] [Original]

There are ZERO excuse to have a bad credit score.

Change my mind.

>> No.19395493

There are ZERO excuses to be on 4chan

Change my mind.

>> No.19395516

I'm autistic and should be quarantined from society

>> No.19395518

What about losing your job because corona virus?

>> No.19395530

My score is 540. I took the free money and bought juul pods with it and never payed it back. Suck my dick boomers. I pay cash for everything.

>> No.19395559

How longs mine going to take to recover?Maxed out and missed two payments because I didnt have a job a couple years ago and just finally caught up and payed everything off last month

>> No.19395592

I don't make excuses, this is the only open content website I enjoy

>> No.19395616

there are ZERO excuses to have a (((credit score)))

>> No.19395642

slipped into the 600's this week because I stopped paying off my cards. Fuck banks and fuck this government. If you want my money then go beg for some govt bailouts you dickheads. and fuck this jewish landlord credit scam bullshit in general. This country is pozzed out the fucking ass. it is our job as the new generation to end all this creditslave madness. should I ever be presented in front of a judge for my non-payment, I will literally say this same shit to their face.

>> No.19395646
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This is unironically one of the most important websites on the internet

>> No.19395657

You plan on owning property ever?

>> No.19395693

Yes, and I'll pay for it in full cash. Or btc.

>> No.19395786

i'm gonna do chapter 7 soon i think. I've never missed a payment or carried a balance in my life. had high 700's score, paid off multiple loans etc. it can happen fast bros, i took a chance to leverage some of my credit cards to start a small biz in feb/march and I got fucked by the corona real fast. was the perfect fuck you storm. advice welcome

>> No.19395793

This. I hate when people always counter with
>durr but what about if you ever want to buy a property
I refuse to join the (((credit))) scam, and I’m still going to end up owning property. Suck my dick

>> No.19395830

>he started a small business in the jewnited states of america

serves you right. just offshore whatever funds you have left so that big brother cant take them away from you when the card companies come to take your the blanket off your back. actually, max them out even more. My uncle pulled the bankruptcy trick TWICE, got out scab free having taken like $50k+. Paid in cash for the next 10 years and never gave a single fuck. If you think that one financial insolvency is the end of your life then you have been brainwashed by this system too long. There is still life. Keep your chin up brother.

>> No.19395854

I won't argue with that. My credit score has gotten much more terrible than it ever should have because I got careless with how I charged my credit cards and it was nobody else's fault except my own. People who do try to come up with excuses for their credit scores have no accountability, self-control, or integrity.

>> No.19395899
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The only useful boards are /biz/ and /pol/. /biz/ can make you a millionaire if used properly, and /pol/ redpills you so you don't squander your wealth.

>> No.19396250

this but unironically

>> No.19396534
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>There are ZERO excuse to have a bad credit score.
Got your first cc anon?

lol, bankruptcy is a powerful financial tool & it won't fuck your credit up half as much as the jewman would have you believe

>> No.19396545

Very based

>> No.19396625

I hope you realize how many red flags buying a house in cash raises. Better be sure you can prove you got that money legitimately and that you've paid taxes on it.

>> No.19396637

I'm not scared of the IRS.

>> No.19396651

>caring about your goyscore

>> No.19396670

Good luck buying a house or a car dumbass

>> No.19396682

When im filthy rich and never need to take a loan again im going to ruin my credit score for funsies.

>> No.19396695

I had low 600s paid off a few cards and had a couple of negatives removed now I’m 740+ it only took about a year

>> No.19396699
File: 39 KB, 500x500, avatars-000378084956-ykhazf-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine unironically thinking this

>> No.19396826

thanks fren. i'm not too torn up fortunately. i was planning on moving out of country anyway, so i'm not getting any mortgage in the next ten years and i'm done using credit after this. moral of the story, it can happen out of nowhere. who would've thought i'd be shut down a month after starting, fucking crazy. and no bail out for me, fuck this country. i'm done