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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19391368 No.19391368 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19391380

Free shkreli

>> No.19391396

Because insurance pays for it

>> No.19391398

in theory because the mark-up of the pharma med by bigpharma reflects recouping their RD costs, while the markup of the sanitizer reseller reflects only an exploitation of demand

but in reality fuck off

>> No.19391410

idk it's really insanely though. This nasal spray I take is $600 for a months use. The diabetes med Trulicia that a family member I know takes is over $1000 a month

>> No.19391418

Because pharma companies pay them (lobby) to allow it. Small business resellers don't have lobbyists.

>> No.19391432

the pharmaceutical company invented the molecule. they are likely to use the better part of the profits to invent more lifesaving molecules.
sanitizer price gaugers are likely to spend the better part of the profits on a night out in vegas.

>> No.19391436

what I don't understand is how why the insurance are OK with it? why wouldn't they fight for lower prices? How do they make money paying $1000 for diabetes meds for half of America?

>> No.19391464

Obamacare passed a law saying that inusrance companies can only have a certain of profit. By increasing costs they can increase premiums and get more profit.

>> No.19391466

>How do they make money paying $1000 for diabetes meds for half of America?
by charging higher premiums and increasing deductibles

>> No.19391474

probably work on a % basis? they take x% of the revenue as profit. if they spend less their profits will shrink, because congress won't be okay with people paying 100x on insurances of what the insurance companies pay out to doctors/pharmas

>> No.19391482

They don't actually pay the pharmaceutical companies that much
They don't pay for the full amount of your hospital bill either
Healthcare is a meme

>> No.19391486

They're okay with it because it means they can charge more for their own product.

>> No.19391496
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>invented the molecule

>> No.19391507

that's literally how pharma works, my low iq fren

>> No.19391686

Reselling hand you bought faster than other people who were going to buy it anyway is essentially front running which is the fucking gayest trading strategy in the world. The pharma thing though, I Dont know enough about it to tell you