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19389739 No.19389739 [Reply] [Original]

Wait, DeFi protocols actually have to pay link to use Chainlink oracles? And they said it’s about 7% link available in exchanges. And one anon said Staking is coming. Is this for real?

>> No.19389768
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Yes it true, why do you think the FUD been so damn rampant lately.

>> No.19389839


>> No.19389866

Use your words, Pajeet.

>> No.19389923

sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together

>> No.19389961

I’m shacking right now

>> No.19390123
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>> No.19390182

I ran into Sergey at the Spunk Adonis in NYC once. You guys have no idea how incredible this man is at dancing.
Hypnotic and immensely sexual.
He's into bridging the gap between dicks and dudes asses in a decentralized fashion.
Who's the giver? Who's the taker? No one and everyone. It's a trustless sexual position that allows real world semen to be immutably deposited into interconnected men's rears.

>> No.19391005

>Wait, DeFi protocols actually have to pay link to use Chainlink oracles
will it moon eth style after this or first step 10 usd then crabbing until 20 usd and so on?

>> No.19391338

Prob a very violent moon. Oracle intergrating with them in Q3 so let see what their reports say. I think Q4 Or Q1 will be a good start. My bet is on Q1 of next year as that gives them a quarter vs quarter comparison before intergration and after intergration.

Which will then lead to adoption if the metrics are good. Fomo starts in Q2/Q3 by mega corps of next year because they’ll be comparing covid impact numbers to non covid impsct numbers plus chain link benefits.

>> No.19391909

When Chainlink threads are being slid by scat threads you know something is coming

>> No.19391957

>Prob a very violent moon
give some targets
>Oracle intergrating with them in Q3
isn't priced in?
>I think Q4 Or Q1 will be a good start. My bet is on Q1 of next year as that gives them a quarter vs quarter comparison before intergration and after intergration.
and why after this comparison the price of Link should moon all of sudden?
All of sudden investors make comparison and say ''with Link Oracle comapny made more profits..let's buy Link'' ?

>> No.19391995

>And one anon said Staking is coming
Source ?

>> No.19392549

I think were going straight to $60-$80.

Q1 of next year makes the most sense because lockdowns didn’t happen until late march so most companies financials were immune from covid impact for those 3 months. It gives us a best look at how one quarter did without Cl and one without.

Then after a full year of intergration dec of 2021 i think we’ll see a harder moon to $3,500 after some big enterprise state they were able to reduce costs by 4 - 5% in a regional pilot for a region and a 2% decrease overall.

Then we got $12k in 3 years as most companies will have intergrated at that point.

>> No.19392774

That’s a decent estimation however I think you’re forgetting staking. If they can 1.0 this year they’ll have 100 due to drying supply. They posted that staking is soon. Last time they said anything was soon it happens like a thief in the night and Floored the markets. Coinbase made link shoot to almost 5 with the google post. With staking locked up there will be 3 digits easy. Because there won’t be a supply to speak of.

>> No.19392808

Just put this on audio-repeater

>> No.19392848

Kek. Needed that laugh.

>> No.19392880

Yea I didn’t want to include that in my estimate. I think the reality is LINK is going to be hard to find. I think only 10 - 20% of it will be freely circulating most will be in staking. I think in 1 year 1 link yield will be about $30-$50 in annual staking yield. $300 after 5-7 so for anons with big stacks even 1000+ those will be off the market forever. I suspect once Defi takes off you’ll start seeing insurance companies invest into crypto with their excess premium to generate NII.

>> No.19392908

Nice, a fresh pasta

>> No.19392916


>They posted that staking is soon.

sauce pls sir

>> No.19392944

Sergey keeps mentioning in his talks. Mainnet was released without notice and google partnership was random one day too. That the way the team operates.

>> No.19392975

In this speech Sergey says around 8%.
Assuming then that the supply diminishes to around 10% and the value is around 300$ for 1 link, people with 1k will make around 24000$
This video shows the Roi to be around 8%

>> No.19393013

Dec 2021 - 3.500$?!
Dec 2024 - 12.000$?!

Sorry but this bullshit. 1k maybe, but 12k?! Never, maybe in 40 years. How do you calculate the numbers?

>> No.19393034

That pretty good. I think we’ll eventually go higher as everything defi is being eaten by chainlink. But yea a 24k a year which will keep going up as adoption increases even the linklet anons here will be happy.

>> No.19393038

Pure delusion

>> No.19393168

Out of my fucking ass? It suppose to be the http protocol of web 3, cisco estimate the internet is worth $19 trillion dollars. Take that amount and divide it by the fully diluted number of links it actually a little bit less than the estimated numbers.

Obviously im throwing random darts, know one knows that a link token could be worth but good chance it actually worth alot.

>> No.19393240

Fair enough. But then let me throw my numbers in:

2021 - 150
2024 - 1500

Cheers and good luck!

>> No.19393245

Anybody telling you LINK staking is soon is delusional. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s not for another year, in fact, I HOPE it’s not for a year. People forget this isn’t a traditional consensus staking mechanism. There has to be sufficient underlying data that demands collateralization before you release staking. I wouldn’t be surprised if technically speaking the code is finished and they are just waiting for the network effects to grow at this point.

t. Top 700 wallet

>> No.19393250

>Mainnet was released without notice
Why do you pretend to know things that are clearly wrong? Sergey announced mainnet launch date of May 30 2019 about 3 weeks in advance at Consensus 2019.

>> No.19393267

prove this else I'm not gonna listen to your larp

>> No.19393285

81k by 2024, that anon is a retard and isn't as based as me for i am a tartarianchad from the future

>> No.19393288

I have nightmares from those. Gore is a lot better than whatever the shit(literally) those pics were.

>> No.19393344


>> No.19393378

>I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s not for another year, in fact, I HOPE it’s not for a year.

strongly disagree but appreciate your input fren

t. top 500 wallet

>> No.19393437

nice copium thread. but i agree defi is the next bullrun. shill me some projects/tokens. next to link obviously

>> No.19393473

How do you even know if your in the top wallets?

>> No.19393568

etherscan. also: lurk more before you ask stupid questions.

>> No.19393631


>> No.19393747

This had me wheezing, fuckin based

>> No.19393902


And that him being in the top 800 wallets doesn't mean he has more knowledge than the rest of us. It just meant he got in earlier than others. The top 1K starts at 30-35K which people could have accumulated from 2018.

>> No.19393963

>All of sudden investors make comparison and say ''with Link Oracle comapny made more profits..let's buy Link'' ?
It's not investors, that what fudding link is about, we don't need your faggot investors with pocket change buying 100 LINK. This token is going to be bought by corporations in an automated manner from their backend because they will motherfuckingly integrate Chainlink into their infrastructure

>> No.19393975

Mainnet was announce on 14 May in Consensus, 31 May was the mainnet day

>> No.19394053

We will probably see staking in testnet this year

>> No.19394174

>It gives us a best look at how one quarter did without Cl and one without.
who the fuck does this?
looking at quarters with/witout cl comparing them to the one of one year before?

>> No.19394204

>With staking locked up there will be 3 digits easy
implying everyone willl stake instead of selling the Fomo

>> No.19394238

Wow I got sooo much dopamine from this post. Thanks for real anon.

>> No.19394256

Only poor street shitting Poodar's like yourself who are unable to stake on LinkPool will sell. No one with proper amounts of LINK will give up their staking positions to chase a few Rupees.

>> No.19394284

how are those oracle 50 start ups going ? LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO STUPID FAGGOT

>> No.19394304

>I think were going straight to $60-$80

>> No.19394333
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I come from /ck/ and this is the most baffling thing I've ever read. This is like some word salad shit, are you people fucking schizophrenic? Jesus Christ.

>> No.19394338

>i think we’ll see a harder moon to $3,500

>> No.19394360

Sure, turbulence initially is to be expected. It should be noted that there is a reason there are articles about people not selling and ruining futures contracts for speculators.
So maybe 90% sell at an appreciable valuation. There will be others to take their link and will do so gladly and enough of them won’t sell.

>> No.19394366

You compare quarter to quarter on balance sheets and on i.s. Go look at a company 10Q or 10K. Those numbers than get used on forecasted AOPs. Using numbers from Q2-Q4 is bad because we have outlier effects due to covid.

>> No.19394380

Jokes on you nigger, I’ll never sell

>> No.19394413


>> No.19395369



Seriously. And i have been holding this since early 2018. $1000 is a fucking pie and the sky at this point. what are you smoking? and in 3 years? Just Lol.

1000$ would be the stars aligning within 3 years, and every company integrating it and it being worth 3500$ is literally 15 years away

>> No.19395874

link is russian made code, no fucking way western companies will adopt it, link will be adopted by russian but not in the west,

tellor is american and band is asia/american so i would invest on them aswell. but i hold link aswell