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File: 120 KB, 333x500, C699687-6b764d00bc388bdfad105dc569323dab-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19387900 No.19387900[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

lowest divorce rate
9/10 compared to american women
won't use all your money
will help your endevaours
why or why not?

>> No.19387932
File: 491 KB, 628x777, Screen Shot 2020-05-28 at 11.25.43 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related my current matches.

>> No.19387938

just go for women with small families or no families you'll end up with the same results since they just want to start a family, and with your crypto gains you can practically ensure your family will be set for 30 generations.

>> No.19387960

isn't mail order bride a derogatory term? Aren't these just rural dating sites in foreign countries marketed internationally?

>> No.19387972


How do I get one and have nobody else know about it?

>> No.19387986

>isn't mail order bride a derogatory term?

>> No.19387995

>What do you call a scam

>> No.19388007

Absolutely abhorrent post.

>> No.19388021

I'm gonna need a bit more details on your plan. Date an eastern european woman, with the intent of marriage, and starting a family? Not pump and dump?

>> No.19388038

>and with your crypto gains you can practically ensure your family will be set for 30 generations
are cryptofags unironically this delusional?
if you didn't make it in 2017 you'll never make it
>t. /pmg/ chad

>> No.19388063

Yeh good look dealing with these miserable bitches. Ukraine is probably the most miserable place on earth.

>> No.19388106

everywhere you go with a russian girl people will assume it's a mail order bride. if you're cool with that then whatever. my boss had one and we all made fun of him behind his back. he also spent tons of money every year going back to russia with her to visit family.

if you don't care about finding a "soul mate" and just want a good looking woman to fuck and give you kids then i'm guessing you could do worse than getting a mail order bride. just have a prenup.

>> No.19388137

Heavily considered this too because I dont have friends and am obviously shit with women but I wouldn't be able to bring her back to my family, I'd be ashamed I couldn't pull someone who shared the same culture and language as me and my family.

>> No.19388157
File: 462 KB, 628x777, Screen Shot 2020-05-28 at 11.26.01 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose you're correct. The problem is where do I go find these girls? Sounds like a moon mission from where I'm at in the states.

Not a Pnd. Plan is to find girl, date for a while then if all goes well, go for a family. I've read about scams and such but also know my best friend's dad literally did this just before he passed away. The guy never has to pay rent cause of his based dad. Mom is taken care of too after his death.

>My boss
Ya I don't care what people think. Also, I don't mind the travel. I care about the soul mate part though.

>> No.19388160

Why not marry one for 1 year and 11 months, then dump her? She won't get citizenship and she won't be able to divorce you or get alimony

>> No.19388164


>> No.19388194
File: 7 KB, 299x169, daveeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Luck.

>> No.19388244

>/pmg/ chad
How are those sub inflation rate gains?

>> No.19388264

It is actually unbelievable how dumb you are

>> No.19388301

>be russians
>germans bad
>win war
>enjoy communism
>years later your females voluntarily sell themselves as sex slaves

>> No.19388322


damn this dude really wasted 7 years on this girl and it amounted to nothing? my god.

>> No.19388344
File: 53 KB, 600x646, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will they poop on my chest?

I need a girl that can lay a firm yet moldable log on me. It should have a slight odor of berries and wavy ripples showing where her sphincter contracted and relaxed as it exited her poo canal.

Which country would you recommend I import from? Also I would like to have a sample sent to me prior to meeting this girl.

A filled diaper frozen and overnighted will be suitable for this requirement.

>> No.19388369

Bottom left: definitely 10 years plus on 28 kek

>> No.19388392
File: 6 KB, 525x182, 1588203658166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.19388410

same brah.

I'm practically set for the next 60 years with my crypto gains, but my family would never accept this.

>> No.19388450

I remember there was this high school teacher that was on mail bride number 4. He gave them an allowance and they all secretly saved it until they could afford to escape. Kek.

>> No.19388466

These are men