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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 954x539, bitbaybros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1938485 No.1938485 [Reply] [Original]

Damn son, does it feel good to be best coin of the motherfuckin' day!! You guys gonna sell and lavish in those sweet gains or hold?

>> No.1938505

What color Gulfstream should I buy? I'm thinking MAGA Red

>> No.1938559

>bought at 430 sats
>sold at 500
>slept in between
Pretty good coin desu

>> No.1938573

>bought at 331 sats
>getting greedy, know I should sell but something is stopping me...

I think it's because if I sell, I'm really clueless as to what I dump my earnings into next. I guess continue with what I've been doing and putting it in any reputable coin that recently had a major dip.

Is this how actual real investors work? No one can predict the markets, how the fuck do they determine what moves to make?

>> No.1938598

Just dump it in to your pockets bro

>> No.1938768

I'm holding until it reaches 800 or 1k. My main investing coin is still too high so no hurry.

>> No.1938777

Holding my bag tight. It's going to explode in a few months.

>> No.1938795

and my trips confirm.

>> No.1938820

7's never lie. I'm going to buy more then when it dips.

>> No.1938882

Still hodling. Mostly for memes sake though. You guys believe in or know about the tech or just praising kek in this one?

>> No.1938916
File: 63 KB, 500x493, 1491274497457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The tech is all there. Def holding this one long term. The only thing that brings doubt on BAY is the developer being a one-man army, but can't argue with his results.

>> No.1938956

Check'd and Kek'd
Praise Kek!!

>> No.1938967

Would anyone be interested in metal guitar picks?

Used snowboarding gear, maybe other outdoors stuff?

>> No.1938996

>developer being a one-man army, but can't argue with his results.

He's a turbo nerd coding all hours in the day to get back at his former team members who scammed him and left, his life and honor depends on this. Never underestimate the power of spiteful autism.

>> No.1939003

>He's a turbo nerd coding all hours in the day to get back at his former team members who scammed him and left, his life and honor depends on this. Never underestimate the power of spiteful autism.

This true? Can I get a source?

>> No.1939034

I wanna buy, but the sites design looks so awful, then again, most websites on the deepweb look awful, so I guess it's fine.

>> No.1939046

>never underestimate the power of spiteful autism

Kek spiteful autism is certainly a powerful force. I would never want to be up against it so I'm glad I'm on the bay side. Hoping my 43% profits turn to 4300%

>> No.1939047

Redirect all bitcoin related topics to r/bitbay

i dont want to listen to your dumb negro coin all day

developer has 100 million of these shitters stocked away (higher percentage than what satoshi has in bitcoin), only waiting for you retards to raise it's value to half a dollar so he can retire

>> No.1939081

Daily reminder that biz/ was created as a cryptocurrency board when /g/ got tired of all the crypto threads.

This isn't your board faggot. This is satoshi's

>> No.1939091

dumb negro

im not complaining about cryptos in general, im complaining about your dumb scam coin

it's just a dumb marketplace that has got a few fake accounts running to make it seem somewhat alive

>> No.1939098
File: 771 KB, 746x1200, 1186e37eebce379cee37a06aefd4fa85219eae4f0ab24f3d6620912cff38f5cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to plug DOPE coin

>> No.1939112

Go talk to him on slack. He answers all questions.

>> No.1939155

Nigger it's not about the now it's about the potential. Can you not see the writing on the wall? Crypto WILL be a huge part of the future and having a stake in the possible players could make people millions. Stop thinking like a poor person

>> No.1939179

>rolling peg not even out yet
Holding till a dollar, make me a millionaire David.

>> No.1939184

Read the original bitcointalk thread, be prepared for hundreds of pages of drama.

>> No.1940121

Guys the fact David has 20% is nothing!
Dash - top 10 wallets (the core team) have 48%
Syscoin - top 10 wallets (core team) have 65%

Just an example

Let's not forget that at one point 65% of Bitcoin has been stolen!

And 30% of Bitcoin is is lost wallets!

Everything is transparent in bitbay - there is an even spread of wallets and they are getting things made and done

Also when the peg hits this shit is Gona hit the fan in a good way!

Just imagine - if u know a coin is Gona drop - you can buy bitbay and watch your coin tank. Then when it's stopped dropping and you think it will rise you buy back.
Because you bought bay your wallet held its value and you end up owning a lot more of your chosen coin!

Million dollar whales are going to use bay to arb against drops!

>> No.1940123

^^^^^^David has 10% not 20%- my mistake

>> No.1940215

>Just imagine - if u know a coin is Gona drop - you can buy bitbay and watch your coin tank.

this is so retarded have you even thought more than one second before typing?

>> No.1940336

I seem to be the only one who knows anything about crypto

>> No.1941532

Feels fucking good having 1 million+ BAY

>> No.1942710

>he doesn't know about buy high sell low
it's almost as if you wanted to stay poor your whole life