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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 36 KB, 1200x1200, nkn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19375540 No.19375540 [Reply] [Original]

>and the team dumped on us again

where are all you shills now huh? are you gonna keep your eyes shut?

>> No.19375571

OP said yesterday he was a bag holder and FUD every shill here. Here he is.

>> No.19375595
File: 17 KB, 362x382, Screen Shot 2020-05-28 at 7.38.49 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see that candle? it fed bruce's village

>> No.19375623
File: 1.01 MB, 480x358, 1244546575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you hate your life so much that you need to spend your time to constantly post about how this chinkcoin is bad.

>> No.19375630

His village in California? That was the shill from yesterday dumping on us.

>> No.19375660

he bought the top and instead of taking responsibility for a stupid financial decision he blames the team

>> No.19375661

Kool-aid: drunk

Because Bruce stole my money and he will steal yours too

>> No.19375688

How's he gonna steal when I'm up 50%

>> No.19375693


Nkn has never had a top, it only goes down. The only people who make money from NKN are the team

>> No.19375736

if you measure from NKN's lowest point to its price right now its only 34% you copeoid idiot and i doubt you bought the bottom anyway, and even if you did you arent gonna sell now because you drunk the kool-aid and we will be back to that price in a month

you deserve to lose your money though so its okay

>> No.19375988

The lowest point was $0.008 and it's currently $0.017 =/=34%

>> No.19376064
File: 64 KB, 645x729, nkn holder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I measure crypto to crypto trades in fiat value

now I see why you bought nkn

>> No.19376178

what the fuck else do you value them in. Now I see why you're a bagholder

>> No.19376939

the team already dumped on lol

>> No.19376962

>The only people who make money from NKN are the team

>> No.19376975

Come on anon, I've been holding NKN for years and I like the project but obviously the only price that matters is it's BTC / ETH value, not fiat. If BTC goes 100x and NKN loses value in sats, it may go up in fiat but ultimately you would have been better off just holding BTC / ETH. The point of investing in ALTs is to outperform the market leaders which would likely have a less explosive growth

>> No.19377002
File: 722 KB, 1440x2737, 20200528_000907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything that pumped in the past few days is red today, why is this dude so obsessed with NKN?

>> No.19377019
File: 218 KB, 1108x758, nkndump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19377035
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>> No.19377052

>were not gonna dump promise
>moves 2.75m to binance 2 weeks ago
>moves 5% of the total supply to binance over the last year
>this is only one of their wallets


cringe chink

>> No.19377077

I'm quite new to NKN. I have done some basic research and this project looks legit good as fuck. Fud seems to be quite baseless/overreaction in most parts?? Probably will throw couple of hundred$.

>> No.19377086

yeah nice try Bruce

>> No.19377115

2.75m is fuk all you understand that right

on days when it pumps and there is high volume, that's like 5-8 sats worth of orders

Whatever they used it for (community rewards, team incentives?) even if they market dumped it instantly it couldn't move the price much

>> No.19377116

lol nope, just curious NKN-newfag. How's your forever stable LINK coin doing?

>> No.19377146
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>> No.19377155

look right now on binance, even if that was all sold instantly into the btc pair, it would dump it from 191 to 181 sats

you've been crying about this for 48 hours straight and even if it had been sold it would have moved the price 10 sars at most

jesus find a hobby

>> No.19377169

2.75m is not fuck all on an illiquid shit coin. Go look at the other transactions on the wallet. They've put almost 5% of the supply on binance from this wallet alone and like I said, this is only one such example, there is many more wallets like this linked to the team.

Get your nose out of bruce ass hole for one moment

>> No.19377233

Did my question hit right to your knee? KEK. Cope more.

>> No.19377235

2.75m coins would dump it about 10 sats if all of it was directly sold into the btc pair instantly

you've been wasting hours every day making threads about one transaction that might have dumped the coin 10 sats if it was market sold

on some days I see individual orders pop up for 2+ million NKN, meaning it could be sold without dumping it at all

the only other transactions to binance happened in october, that were for the
listing/vote winners

holy shit kill yourself you fucking virgin

>> No.19377269

What does bruce's poo taste like man?

>> No.19377327

i hold a small bag of this because of a twitter guy I follow and have never been on the telegram

im just asking you to look at binance and do some simple maths you dumb fuck

you can literally dump 2+ million coins right now into nkn/btc and move the price not more than 10 satoshis, and on days when it pumps there is better liquidity than that

imagine either being this retarded or wasting this much time trolling some random shitcoin

>> No.19377441

You're so dishonest that it physically hurts me to read your posts. Oh yes lets just ignore the 20m other tokens that got moved into binance over the last year, lets just ignore the fact this is literally just the first transaction on their dev wallet. If you go through their other wallets there are multiple transactions of millions of tokens leading to various exchanges AND on top of that, this is only the logs post NKN becoming an ERC20 token, they used to be a NEP-5 token, I bet theres plenty more shady transactions on the NEP-5 token logs

You arent worth communicating with because you clearly lack the intelligence or understanding to know what any of this information means and how to use it accordingly. If it wasnt NKN stealing your money, it would be some other chink. I just wish you wipe bruces shit on your nose next time you addressed me, you fucking insect

>> No.19377482

the other tokens moved to binance were in october for the listing/tokens to vote winners, heck I remember it clearly at the time and I sold the post listing pump

literally kill yourself and your parents for spawning such a waste of space

>> No.19377535

In what world does a team pay for a binance listing out of the developer personal fund wallet? and in what world does a Binance listing fee equate to millions of tokens being paid every 3 months for a year straight?

The absolute state of chink pay pigs

>> No.19377543

>literally kill yourself and your parents for spawning such a waste of space
TOP KEK, well BTFO'd

>> No.19377550

Holy fuck NKNlets on suicide watch

>> No.19377608

the conditions of the binance community coin vote was airdropped tokens to vote winners

those tokens had to come from somewhere, so it had to come from the team's stash

it was either that, or don't get listed on binance

there has only been one other large transaction to binance other than the vote last october

get a job/hobby you sad retard

>> No.19377812
File: 75 KB, 229x220, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this wallet putting 13 m onto binance


or this one putting 2m onto houbi?


what about this wallet sending out 10m tokens to various wallets leading to various exchanges?


Are they all just listing fees too? top kek. you're honestly unsaveable man, have fun funding bruces retirement....

>> No.19378107
File: 112 KB, 1501x751, 0_BFSEmjiPXoOthVO4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13m tokens were sent to binance in early oct prior to the binance vote (check the date on the transaction) because 13 million tokens were to be airdropped to the community coin vote winner as per binance rules, SEE PIC RELATED YOU FUCKING RETARD

The latter wallet there is sending tokens to the mainnet swap address, these cannot be sold because the mainnet tokens are NOT TRADEABLE YOU FUCKING RETARD

seriously just kill yourself and your parents YOU FUCKING RETARD

>> No.19378208

#1 ex-employee
#2 sends 21,000 not 2m.
#3 is the distribution wallet that pays partners, staff, investors, pr, and community awards, which are then free to do as they wish. People got bills to pay and not everyone holds. Mystery solved.

>> No.19378239

wrong its

1) 13m for liquidity for the binance vote win airdrop, see pic above
2) correct
3) tokens sent to the ERC20 to mainnet swap address

>> No.19378251

This is the coin that made me realize to never trust the chinks. I only stick to crypto’s that have 90% white team

>> No.19378267

Anon, why are you doing this to yourself? Do you enjoy getting humiliated? Weird fetish.

>> No.19378326
File: 563 KB, 2298x1280, Screen Shot 2020-05-28 at 10.46.01 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry guys, we will let the SEC sort it out. If they have nothing to hide they have nothing to worry about