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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1937344 No.1937344 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW realized that 4chan reinforces negative thought patterns and that it's best to leave if I want to become successful

>> No.1937349
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>> No.1937350

It's like booze. Moderate if you can, quit if you can't.

>> No.1937357

the real life isn't different but good luck

>> No.1937368

Optimism doesn't lead to financial success any more than pessimism prevents it.

In real life how things turn out has almost nothing to do with what you EXPECT and everything to do with how you ACT.

>> No.1937372


>> No.1937373


I like this desu

>> No.1937374

You can surround yourself with positively people though.

Let's be honest here. Would you have a friend in real life who talks like the average 4chan post? (DEFINITELY NOT)
So why marinate in constantly bad thoughts? Why read one-sentences posts and train your brain for ADHD?

If you go into battle expecting to lose you cannot win.

>> No.1937377

Just skip the negative threads...honestly i have mad a shit ton of money from biz. Before biz i was financially illiterate... I get it theres a shit ton of retarded threads.....but there is one good thing about biz
>everyone here is out to get money
>everyone here in some form or another is hungry for success

And thats good enough for me.

>> No.1937379


Ok, so why are you telling us this, anon?

Just leave

We're all anonymous here

>> No.1937381

>If you go into battle expecting to lose you cannot win
of course you can. It happens all the time.

you just can't ACT like you're going to lose. It's your actions that matter, not your expectations.

not that business is battle, but whatever.

>> No.1937387

Your beliefs and thoughts translate into your actions.

The reason many people are fat for example is (in my opinion) because their self-image doesn't show themselves as fit. When they imagine their body they imagine a fat person, and thus act accordingly. When you see yourself as fit and healthy and truly believe it you set higher standards for yourself and DO the things fit people do.

>> No.1937389

Women are like cryptocurrencies.They are only meant for pump and dump.

>> No.1937394

>Your beliefs and thoughts translate into your actions.
yeah buddy, I'm telling you this is new age bullshit.

you'll figure that out on your own eventually.

>> No.1937402

What the fuck does that mean? It's literally true.

You can't listen to emo music and tell yourself you're not capable all day and then somehow be successful and ambitious in another area of your life.

>> No.1937412

>You can't listen to emo music and tell yourself you're not capable all day and then somehow be successful and ambitious in another area of your life.
no? I'm guessing E.A. Poe would've shit all over you. Lots of artists I suppose.

but I digress. The opposite is the more important understanding-

you're not going to magically become rich because you're an optimist. It doesn't fucking work that way.

>> No.1937419

No one said it was going to happen "magically". You still have to do things but the mindset is more of a prerequisite.

>> No.1937423

>the mindset is more of a prerequisite.
it is not.

pragmatism and even cynicism is the better attitude. Not caution exactly, but being prepared for bad outcomes and trying anyways.

People that try to meme their way to success by optimism usually lack the intelligence to ever get there anyways.

a lost cause. FBLA don't get rich, ROTC don't wind up running the army.

>> No.1937424
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Do I tell myself I want to kill myself because I'm depressed or because I've read it so many times?

>> No.1937428

optimism comes in handyin the journey to success tho

after all it's more beneficial to be optimistic rather than pessimistic, since that translates into how motivated you are

>> No.1937433

>that translates into how motivated you are
sure assuming you're not motivated by things like hunger, lust, a desire not to freeze to death in a cardboard box, the state threatening to take your kids away, or any of the other many imperatives life actually throws at you every day.

I guess perhaps these motives don't apply to a generation that lives with their parents and doesn't work, but let's face it- they won't be getting rich anyways. No matter how optimistic they are.

>> No.1937444

If they had a positive mindset then they wouldn't be living with their parents or not working...

>> No.1937453

fairly certain it's not a positive mindset that forces people to move out and go to work.

>> No.1937472

It's because you're depressed
t. notdepressed

>> No.1937629

Fgt flush yourself life isnt worth living if you are a sub8 manlet

>> No.1937633

I'm 6'2.

>> No.1937636

You want a hugbox? Go to Wizardchan.

>> No.1937647

I agree, half this site is full of defeatist cuckoldry and brain washed morons gladly walking to their extintion, it is both a shame a and a disgrace.

Mty advice, do not let them win, you stay here and grab your balls my boy, be sure that they actions and decisions will make them suffer beyond measure, they will never realize their fate untill its too late.

Dont fall for their lies, do not surrender your kind to their false song of defeatism.

Be strong in your beliefs op