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19371779 No.19371779 [Reply] [Original]

>why don't you ever answer your phone when we call you its because we need you
Where do wagies get off thinking they can just "call me" or "text me"

>> No.19372579

people who call over text are just lazy assholes wasting my time i only pick up calls from family and very close friends everyone else can send me a mail or text me and then i respond when i have time

>> No.19372595

the invention of the cellphone is a blight upon humanity

>> No.19372614

i got bitched at for this when i was a factory wagie. sometimes id get a call (after working 6:30 AM to 2:30 PM) at 1 AM on voicemail, asking me to come in and work 2:30 AM to 2:30 PM. fuck off.

>> No.19372673

You're gonna be bitching about your salary not being high enough because of
>muh boomers
>muh inequality
>muh modern slavery
your whole life with an attitude like that.

People that treat work as
>they tell me i have to go be there at 9am and im freeeee at 17pm
will never make it.

>> No.19372691

thats called separating work from your own spare free non paid time you should try it or dont its your choice if you dont get your shit together in time youre due for a burnout

>> No.19372692


>> No.19372693

fuck off euronigger

>> No.19372705

le wagecuck has arrived

>> No.19372713

I only answer a call if its my mother or one of my sisters.

>> No.19372722


>> No.19372730

You’re a total bitch lmao I refuse to answer my phone at one second past 5pm and I am a successful paraplanner soon to be IFA. Keep telling yourself that so you can sleep at night being such a pathetic bootlicker

>> No.19372738


>> No.19372785

why would the company give you the phone and the number if youre not available the moment the clock shows 5?

a what? I've heard of paralympics so... good for you, lil buddy.

>> No.19372817

ok, i googled paraplanner and apparently you're a secretary. Again, good for you, but if you wanna get up there with the bosses, youre gonna have to be more invested in the enterprise that employs you, and not treat it the same way a kid treats school.

>> No.19372857

Is that a serious question? Do you think I get pulled into a room and vetted on my phone usage? Not everyone is some cucked call centre slave being watched and yelled at 24/7 you realise, I work from home without asking and no one cares.
And a paraplanner is to an IFA what a paralegal is to a lawyer. It’s a really cool job that I enjoy and I’m excited to qualify as a financial adviser so I can double my wages.
You’re clearly jealous, funny really

>> No.19372933

>qualify as a financial adviser so I can double my wages.

But you're already a "successful paraplanner" lol. You're either successful or a paraplanner buddy, cant be both.

Also, hotshot, i can tell that if the boss ever cared enough to call you past 5pm, you'd be on that phone in a heartbeat.

>> No.19373084

I only answer a call if it’s your mother or one of your sisters.

>> No.19373094

Well I’m 21 and earning 37k pound sterling a year and that will go up to 62k once I pass two more modules in my CII exams. I’m no hedge fund manager but I think I’m doing pretty well. And I don’t answer my phone to my boss after 5pm, I raise it the next morning and ask what was the matter and no one gives a shit. COPE

>> No.19373166

> And I don’t answer my phone to my boss after 5pm, I raise it the next morning and ask what was the matter
Let's be honest, Anon - this literally never happened.

>> No.19373178


>> No.19373202

>he thinks schlomo will throw him a bone for breaking his back

>> No.19373229

I don’t think you realise that most people who aren’t bottom level customer service or retail drones don’t live in fear of being fired and they’re not desperate to appease their boss. I’m not special, most people in my office don’t reply to group chats, pick up their work phone or respond to emails outside of work hours unless it’s tax year end or someone is retiring we all liked or something. You clearly have a shit job and you’re mad about it

>> No.19373276

>blah blah

Did this ever happen?
> And I don’t answer my phone to my boss after 5pm, I raise it the next morning and ask what was the matter

>> No.19373297

What’s the point in me saying yes when you clearly don’t believe me lmao

>> No.19373336

Just answer and I promise I will believe you.
Did this ever happen?

>> No.19373421
File: 19 KB, 399x384, 1578207352007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Task needs go-ahead from boss before it can be completed
>Even though we only received it today, it needs to be cleared today because someone else fucked up.
>Send an email with a run down of situation at 8 AM
>come 2 PM still no response
>straight to voicemail
>call again an hour later
>rings with no answer
>5.30 PM, just getting ready to go home
>get an email from the boss giving the go-ahead
>literally one line "Hi anon, please proceed with your suggestion, thanks"
>spend the next hour doing paperwork

>> No.19373528

Sure it did, it's not like I ignored an urgent call that I knew was urgent. You're acting like it's a big deal when it's not. My boss called last week at like 6pm, ignored it, next morning I messaged on slack saying 'Hey I saw a missed call what's up' and she said she was wondering whether I'd put in my holiday request or whether it had already been approved by Becky in HR. Again, most people are like me, you are an exceptionally sad, keen bootlicker. I imagine you called teachers 'sir' in school and offered to carry their books to 'get ahead in life' lmao.

>> No.19373834

>I don’t think you realise that most people who aren’t bottom level customer service or retail drones don’t live in fear of being fired and they’re not desperate to appease their boss.
This is so fucking far from the truth it's pretty obvious you don't know what you're talking about. I've worked with lower level staff all the way up to senior executives of multinationals, and bar-none the higher a position someone is in the more of their personal time they dedicate to work and answering their superiors. Usually lower level staff aren't reliable, and don't take responsibility for the task outcome or quality performance, which is why they usually stay lower level.

>> No.19373892

whatever drone

>> No.19373932

He's right though. I work as a financial advisor actually, small business nepotism, and the only people who aren't expected to work off the clock are the lower level guys

>> No.19374079

No he's not, no you don't, and no they aren't.

>> No.19374168

Lol, ok buddy. You want a pic? What you want, client account values, RIA docs, my CFP? If you want boomer money you have to play the boomers games, sorry.

>> No.19374217

That's some nice bait.

No, he's just a typical burger, that's how things are there. They really are like that. I've worked with some, they're the most egregious willing wagie cucks on the planet, absolutely insufferable. Nothing more pathetic than slaves actually proud of being slaves. And never, ever have one as a boss. I'd rather work for a Chink.

>> No.19374423
File: 161 KB, 975x1024, 1590430644274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Since we've been working from home I've made 300k from options and crypto and can now afford to stop waging so I've now completely stopped responding to work texts and emails. But the wages still have been paid into my bank every month. Saw some emails from my boss yesterday asking if I was OK and if I'd seen his email last week kek

Wagies, when will they learn

>> No.19374465

Hey man at the end of the day it's your career. A word of advice; if you're not careful, pretty soon the phone will stop ringing, and the emails won't end up in your imbox. Someone who's just as competent, just as ambitious and more reliable WILL steal opportunities right from under your feet. I know this, because I've been this person.

>> No.19374488
File: 104 KB, 768x768, 1574567279049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suddenly a loud sound. You don't know what it means but your body reacts. Your heart rate goes up and your eyes start looking for the source.
There's a glowing rectangle. Somehow you know the sound means the rectangle is vibrating and calling for you. As you approach the object you see the glowing light contains a pattern.
You recognize the pattern, it says "mom". The realization that you're a biological process that came out of another person horrifies you almost as much as the choice the rectangle presents with two large buttons that emerge out of the pattern. One is red, the other green.
As you struggle with the meaning of it all it suddenly stops as quickly as it began. You're free. The rectangle has no power over you any more.

>> No.19374630
File: 56 KB, 1137x640, cover2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Pic related

>> No.19374660

post pic of your sisters and your mom

>> No.19374685

>No, he's just a typical burger, that's how things are there.
No anon that's how things are everywhere. And if you think otherwise don't expect to make any career progress. Being good at what you do can only take you so far, and is seldom enough to get you where you want to be.

>> No.19374851

Even if that were the case, I'd quickly become regional manager and eventually director of operations while you'd still be flipping burgers with your "not my job" mentality.

>> No.19375313

I'm a pharmacist and this shit happens to me all the time. I have a main store where I do 12 hour shifts on weekdays, but sometimes on my day off I'd get calls from random local numbers asking me if I can fill in within like 30 fucking minutes at [insert shitty clusterfuck of a store here]. I always say no. For one because there's no fucking way I'm even getting showered/dressed/etc and able to drive to that location in the amount of time they want. But also because fuck you, no way.

I just stopped answering all unknown calls, period.

>> No.19375418
File: 107 KB, 584x584, 1587475744140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has a boss

>> No.19375501

I will never work off the clock again.
Did it for 5 years which culminated in me drinking, smoking and driving recklessly praying for death.

There's a certain level of mental and physical exhaustion you get to where you lose sight of reality. Made me wonder what it must have been like for soldiers fighting for months on end with little sleep.

>> No.19375509

Kek most people on here are trying to get out of that as quickly as possible rather than slipping further into the hell of wagecuckery

Even if you're director of operations you're still a wagecuck

>> No.19375546
File: 109 KB, 1200x1093, https___blogs-images.forbes.com_timworstall_files_2016_10_wagescompensation-1200x1093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol just work harder then you'll get more money

>> No.19375694

incredibly based

>> No.19375744

Sounds based, post those emails.

>> No.19375909

Same I only answer the phone if its your mum or one of your sisters... AND IT ALWAYS IS

>> No.19375974

Notice how the disconnect occurs exactly when nixon took America (and therefore the world) off the gold standard so (((the fed))) could counterfeit as much currency as they wanted to steal your wealth away

Just got in bed anon, if this threads still alive when I wake up I'll take some pics of the emails.

>> No.19376033

They will suspend your gibs dumbass.

>> No.19376343

this is what boomers actually believe

>> No.19377165

Net income increases are extremely valuable still when your new into the workforce or just poor in general. Obviously if you never build equity in anything your lifetime earnings are going to be looking like that graph, but 40k a year to 60k a year increase can help you build up that equity a lot faster.