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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19369889 No.19369889 [Reply] [Original]

Q4 2020 is when te magic happens....

Screencap this..


>> No.19370403

I never understood why NEO uses such a restrictive/exclusive type of model regarding who is and isn't allowed to build dapps with NEO... like they claim it is for quality control but bro all the huge tech players we know today started from nerds tinkering around with new tech...like Ethereum lets anyone go build and yeah theres a sea of shitty dApps because of that but how else are you going to allow for the few actual gems to get their start? Certainly not buy restricting the use of your platform so that no one can hop on and start making something like wtf bro what kind of logic are they using? Maybe things have changed since I was last in the loop with NEO but if this restriction is still in tact then NEO is gonna go in circles and die.

>> No.19370433

China btfo
Suck a cock neo

>> No.19370444

How heavy are those bags?

>> No.19370456

Maybe pre covid-19... I will never invest, trade, or use Chinese shit ever again!!!!?!!

>> No.19370475


Based and freedompilled

>> No.19370624

if youre going to buy something chink why not at least buy something post 2017 and small cap with lots of room for growth, like NKN or ARPA

>> No.19371308

very heavy, i had ATH of $400k,
now it's worth $14k

>> No.19371899

Because chinks. They are the "chinese ethereum", so whatever deals they have with the government probably have to meet some autismal chink standard. They are all about appearances, nothing else matters.

>> No.19372853

They will not make their deadline. They will release NEO 3 at least 3 quarters after the ETH 2.0 buzz and you'll be left crying and spinning the sad little propeller on your hat.

These fuckers can't do hype or tech.