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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 187 KB, 2666x1499, 11_curio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19364483 No.19364483 [Reply] [Original]

wait for normies to go ham on this.

still only 600k marketcap and only 2mil coins max supply

watch the Bloomberg feature:

>> No.19364501

why is the curry plate in a different resolution than the rest of the pic

>> No.19364506

Just dumped. Now is the time to buy.

>> No.19364531

I've seen this shilled a lot on biz, can I get some unbased opinion on this

>> No.19364573

not too hard to make your own opinion. super marketable niche (collectables like supercars and other luxurious goods) -> many normies on top of regular investors.
opens a new market for everybody to invest, instead of only the 0.1% who can afford an actual car) to reap gains from collectables market and store your value.
micro marketcap and super low supply.

>> No.19364607

All anyone needs to do is look at the chart for this and see how much a small buy order moves the price. Now imagine when CUR is listed on a bigger and more liquid exchange than Probit (which most people haven't heard of). Hundreds of thousands of dollars, let alone millions, is going to send this thing flying. It's not even my opinion, just look at the fucking chart and the market cap. 1 million circulating supply/2 million total. Most no-brainer investment ever. Bittrex is already lined up, and IDEX too. Possibly Huobi as well. Ignore the mindless fudders who clearly have not researched this.

>> No.19364626

Too many questions, sir.
Just buy Curio, very good coin, my friend.

>> No.19364655
File: 253 KB, 1040x620, Ferrari_F12_TDF-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, don't mind this.
Curryo plate is very real, sir.

>> No.19364665
File: 31 KB, 680x340, curiohuobi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curio isn't just about owning an exclusive car, it's also a utility token, which through Curio DAO, built on Aragon, provides token holders voting and governance right.
By staking Curio token holders also earn car tokens.
Curio is not just about cars, they are also building a suite of Defi products, wherein curio can be used for collateral and earn dividends etc
Curio Stable, like Maker/dai is coming up too.
There is a VR based game portal coming up, beta should be released in few days, Curio will be used within that .
They are also building a portal using tech from EOS and Polkadot, which other business, asset managers etc into same industry can purchase license for.
As far as car is concerned, Lots of people have confusion, Cars get old and decrease in value, I need to clarify it's not about any car or brand lambo or ferrari. It's about that particular peice. Every piece has a unique history, they are very rare and only exist in small numbers.
Do watch this video
Another comment I read somewhere, this isn't new idea , Tezos and others doing it already, so those need to understand, It's not about having the idea, but to have the expertise, know how, legal approvals, logistics, contacts in place etc etc. And being a business owner myself, I believe competition is healthy (Although this is just a part of Curio) and since big players are doing it, it shows business potential

Curio Max Supply - Only 2 Million

>> No.19364681

Do you think we are stupid? We know you are the same FAGGOT. And god damn you faggots LARPING as pajeets are so pathetic. It was only funny when it was done FIRST with the bsv threads . Fucking faggot , unoriginal zoomers

>> No.19364689

It's the same 5 guys (or 1 guy with 5 IPs) shilling it over and over. Nobody else gives a shit about it, including the "niche normies" that are about to pump this coin 99999x. Either get a bag or don't, these threads don't have anything constructive in them.

>> No.19364701

Company is based in Liechtenstein btw

>> No.19364717

They'll give a shit very soon

>> No.19364722

>Nobody else gives a shit about it

>> No.19364757

lol at your argumentation. do you invest in potential upside or do you rather buy high?
I bet you are this guy who buys after it 15x'd because then you are assured that enough ppl give a shit. stay poor :)

>> No.19364767

Yes, of course. any second now. If you repeat it enough times it comes true, right?
Don't worry, I set a price alert that's directly connected to a shotgun pointed in my direction. You don't even need to post here after you buy a curry lambo from curry car co with your curry riches to make me feel bad for not buying your stinky coin.

>> No.19364807

>curry car
>company based in Liechtenstein

>> No.19364845

uneducated larpers don't, but educated people do give a lot of shit about curio

1.Topper of Ycombinator and Oxford incubation program
2. Won the award for best Blockchain Startup of Crypto Valley!
3. Curio made it into the top 3 of the Block Battle TV Show, Korea. This helps them to share prize pool of $10 Million by SBI Investments and also received letter of Investment from huobi.
4. Curio presented at the two EM-Tech events, WEF Davos 2019.
5. Presented at digital economy trade show, China.
6. Presented at Swiss Asset Tokenization Event.
7. Curioinvest was single swiss finalist at global UBS competition.
8. CurioInvest was the top pick for TechCrunch’s Disrupt Berlin 2019.
9. Mentioned in Hackernoon
10.Among European most active blockchain project
11.This list is long, they recently got selected top 10 by Mckinsey Venture , and also nominated for RTS awards etc etc

>> No.19364892

Again some pajeet shills with their template shitcoin shilling. Pls sirs buy shitcoin so I can leave this lower caste and get into a higher caste where I can use a toilet!

>> No.19364924

You know, now that you mentioned all that, I'm forced to reconsider my shotgun price alert. I set it at $1, but I'm changing it to $0.8 now.

>> No.19365002
File: 21 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i rly hope you are silently accumulating, with your baseless fud

>> No.19365040

What's coming, In few days:-
1. Spotlight in Fusion Sphere Magazine
2. RTS TV award
3. Mckinsey's Venture Award
4. New Exchanges & 1st First Ferrari Sale
5. Special AI protocol with EOS
6. Curio Substrate Protocols with Polkadot
7. VR based game portal
8. Defi Loans
9. Aragaon Dao
It's important to note that only 2 million Curio will ever exist.

>> No.19365058
File: 212 KB, 1280x960, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ciara Sun, Head of Global Business and Market at Huobi, stated that “it’s a big step in expanding HT’s footprint outside our direct ecosystem and making real assets such as collectable cars accessible to the general public.”
This alone is $20 Billion Industry and Curio has been winning back to back awards.
They have now also reached final of venture

"Curio is the only company in world to have Full Prospectus Legal Approval for the Collectible Tokenization Business"

Keep in mind Only 2 Million Curio will ever exist. Lots is in pipeline.

>> No.19365071

Knowing /biz/ it's the second most likely case right after being flat out broke

>> No.19365083

I got a bag, actually: for every shitcoin that catches my attention I write a "pretend buy" down in a text file with current price and date. Just so I don't regret not buying after the promised & guaranteed pump never comes.
And you bet your butt there's a curio line in that file.

Moving the alert down to $0.75.
You guys need to learn to shill better, this is very low quality.

>> No.19365133

Ur life ur decisions, Curio will pump with or without you.

Why do I care. I have my bags packed and know it's going to be atleast $5 by June end. At this supply and all that coming up, once it's start , gonna be a crazy ride.

Curio actually doesn't needs shilling with that scarcity and all that's coming .

>> No.19365195

>will pump without you
>why do I care
>doesn't needs shilling
Kinda doesn't make sense since you keep making these threads over and over? It clearly won't pump without me.

Also, I heard that the coin is very scarce? They're only 2 million of them? Is that true??? Down to $0.7 now.

>> No.19365317

kek you rly using the ultralow supply as a fud? be happy you can buy a good portion of max supply at these prices

>> No.19365379

No, silly. I'm FUDding the fact the the low supply is constantly mentioned by you guys (six times this thread alone), like that's some magical proof of inevitable pump.

>> No.19365531

I'm really not....
But I understand what people mean about biz getting autistic now.

>> No.19366241

Werry good buy sirs. Only 2 millions of the coins sirs. Werry few left sirs

>> No.19366704

people assume attempts at organic conversation is always samefags promoting their coin
take opinions on biz with a heap of salt, its full of racist larpers