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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19361336 No.19361336 [Reply] [Original]

So do you faggots really switch between your computer and phone to samefag shill coins that you like with different IDs? An insider told me that this is prevalent with 75%+ of /biz/

>> No.19361360

>start thread with my computer that has a static ip
>reply to it with mobile and keep switching ip
>if someone calls me out I just reply with my computer that started the thread

>> No.19361380

OP here mobile posting, what’s to stop 4 people from grouping up and doing this with a fake ERC20 address to scoop up bizlet money or force an easy pnd with a low liquidity token?
Seems redpilled

>> No.19361381


>> No.19361390

People do it all the time.

>> No.19361414

So it's true this board is only 20 people at a time and 100+ reply threads within an hour are 50%+ samefagging? Doesn't this make this board basically mentally ill and schizo? I bet some of you even argue with yourselves to reverse FUD and make the FUDers look retarded.

>> No.19361425

nah, i post something i find funny from my computer then reply to it with my phone and say it's funny so i don't feel so lonely.

>> No.19361427

just shut the fuck up about it already come on what is this your first day?

>> No.19361503
File: 38 KB, 657x527, 1583037849598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda sad but I bet someone else notices your fake kek to your original post and temporarily acknowledges the potential kek that it is to other anons
On the contrary I'm not autistic enough to think of doing this before but the possibilities are endless if I feel like putting myself through temporary multiple personality disorder to make an asset I hold look better.

>> No.19361510

.........Aragon Court (ANJ) is the real deal. Aragon is reinventing organizations and governance. With backers like Tim Draper and Brian Armstrong (Coinbase CEO), this thing is gunna moon soon.

10-50x this year.

Buy ANJ on Uniswap: https://v1.uniswap.info/token/0xcd62b1c403fa761baadfc74c525ce2b51780b184

>> No.19361690

There is actually only one link holder on biz, but the guy is an absolute maniac with a dynamic ip

>> No.19361715

Imagine not just turning your mobile service off and switching to wireless but going to your pc.

>> No.19362417

for ages now /biz has been nothing but discord tranny shill groups and shizo samfags

>> No.19362725

Only pajeets and FTM shills, and you can tell who they are immediately. Are you an AAVE holder?

>> No.19362748
File: 15 KB, 250x238, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your meds. Noone does that.

>> No.19362767

>An insider
yep he's right
Basically if its not a BTC /thread, its a scam

>> No.19362876

Yeah there is only like 14 of us here desu

>> No.19362899

yeah three guys created all the STA threads and flooded them with replies enough to bring down two exchanges.

>> No.19362905

Yes. Buy bitcoin

>> No.19362977

i literally do this all the time

>> No.19363026

You should see some of the Link fudders; they cycle through dozens of IDs.

>> No.19363039

I've slide so many threads in the last few weeks, its turned into something of an addiction, I at least try and steer anons away from bad advise.


>> No.19363049

Same here

>> No.19363111

yes, thank you for 100+ Eth in referrals over the years

>> No.19363136
File: 12 KB, 359x295, shrimphatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ne1 member shrimpin?

>> No.19363380


>> No.19363404

I pay low life creatures like indians and niggaz to do that for me. they are very cheap and the worship white men.

>> No.19363440

I don’t think you understand how to use kek you fucking spazz