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19356124 No.19356124 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand all the hate boomers get. This is the generation that RAISED YOU (if ur a millenial), whatever happened to the thousands year old tradition of respect and understanding towards your elders? Stop blaming all your problems on other people just because they were born before you, thats ridiculous. /blog post
t.31 year old that made it 5 yrs ago.

>> No.19356162

>t.31 year old that made it 5 yrs ago.
well yes it is still entirely possible to make it, that doesn't mean that the boomers haven't left society significantly worse than when they took over.

>> No.19356193

The Zoomers don't realise how unhireable they are.

>> No.19356219
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Zoomers are like, not cool

>> No.19356259

>pick yourself up by your bootstraps
boomers are hypocrites that destroyed (or allowed to be destroyed by watching from the sidelines without any courage) family values, western education, and now the financial markets.
fuck you, dad.

>> No.19356299

>whatever happened to the thousands year old tradition of respect and understanding towards your elders?
The boomer generation systematically dismantled it, enabled by their parents embittered by two world wars

>> No.19356301

I hate them for
>being a hippy and allowing social decay in the 60s and 70s
>becoming asset hoarding trader scum in the 80s off of cheap (((credit))) leading to the boom and bust cycle
> voting in the "Third Way" jackasses like Clinton and Blair, but also hicks like Bush and Trump, who send us to war while most of them don't do shit.
>overseeing a general period of civilizational decay in the West, including in things like culture, architecture, sexual conduct, fine art, etc.
>creating a demographic time bomb, mostly by (in the case of Europe especially) paying themselves silly pensions that are protected to the hilt by the political class, that they own too.
>protecting and encouraging their housing bubble so they can feel muh safe about their asset, leading to 08 but also the coming collapse too.
>being so shit scared of inflation, a natural way for wealth redistribution from savers to risk takers, that they bailed out the megabanks after the 08 crisis
>claiming to have beaten Communism when it beat itself

do I need to go on?

>> No.19356400

>kicks you to the streets at 18
>"you'll find your way!"
yes Im sure kicking a child onto the streets is smart parenting

>> No.19356440

how are the financial markets being destroyed?
some of those are fair points anon i can admit that, but if we were boomers i think i would have bought as many homes as i could, nothing wrong with using the cards you're dealt to your advantage.

>> No.19356474

Please die already so that we can buy houses.

>> No.19356620

Maybe if they bothered to teach them anything about the world.
>shelter kids from the real world
>let them be raised by tv and vidya
>throw them out at 18 into a world they aren't ready for because 'muh job is over'
>"why are you such a loser? where are my grandkids?"

>> No.19356640

They are spoiled pieces of shit
They insist they're god's gift to the universe and I insist I can't wait for the last one to die off

>> No.19356774

Pardon me. The economy is done. The financial markets are "fine"

>> No.19356813
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They gave their children all of the things that they wanted, but none of the things that they needed, if that makes any sense.

>> No.19356896

I know this wealthy family that did this to their kids the day after they all graduated college. They all had good grades, went to good schools, were attractive, etc so I'm sure they found jobs pretty quickly, but I remember that one of their kids actually lived in his fucking car for like a year before he found a job. It's kinda fucked up, but it's a good way to motivate someone when you think about it.

>> No.19356928

well im sure when the parents are old and cant wipe their own asses sticking them into a nursing home where they get abused by minorities will be a good motivation to find the perfect anti-aging solution!

>> No.19357074

There's a few obvious reasons. Theyre technologically inept. Some of the better off ones were around at the start of command prompt PCs but technology outpaced them so hard. Keep in mind that the internet/pc culture has only existed for ~20 years in the mainstream. Theyve also managed to stay culturally "frozen" for decades on top of being technologically behind. A lot of them are lowkey EXTREMELY racist/sexist/homophobic/etc but theyre quiet about it unless prompted - and then you realize how fucking awful they really are. Theyre just good at hiding that stuff. At least if they were brazen in their disgust like their parents were then I might have some respect. They point the finger at Gen X + Millennials + Zoomers and ask "well if we did it then why cant you do it" when it comes to all kinds of things that have dramatically changed in their lifetimes. Perfect example is the "I worked my way through college" meme. They paid for most of their college education working a fulltime summer job and part time during the school year (if at all) and walked away debt free or nearly debt free. Theyve enabled some of the most garbage businesses/politicians imaginable because theyre the primary consumers of hot trash like Fox and MSNBC. Not all boomers are bad but the ones that are good are the ones that have bothered to keep up with the times while developing the wisdom that almost exclusively comes from old age. Unfortunately most of them have turned out to be cranky miserly assholes that preach meritocracy but practice nepotism and bipartisan politics and bigotry.

>> No.19357150

>This is the generation that RAISED YOU
No they didn't, lol. I raised me and now I hate you.


>> No.19357152

>but it's a good way to motivate someone when you think about it
it's not though. you don't know shit when you're 18 and you feel abandoned by your family when you need them the most. it's hard enough out here, no need to add psychological trauma on top of it before you even get started.

>> No.19357181

You left out electing a token nigger president to assuage their imagined white guilt, but otherwise spot on

>> No.19357221

*Slams door*
*Cries into pillow*

>> No.19357298

I'm 40 and would prefer to shoot you in the stomach and watch you die very slowly.

>> No.19357310
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Because zoomers and millenials keep getting outsmarted.

>> No.19357343

First generation to leave behind less wealth than they inherited. This DESPITE their larger numbers relative to generations before and after.
That alone is a canary in the coal mine to the massive fuckups they have been, are, and will continue to be

>> No.19357345

You're right, we should instead hate the group of people who sold the nation's manufacturing to China
Oh wait

>> No.19357355

Surprise Surprise the Mutt turns to violence like the niggers they are. Mutt problems are solved with the gun.

Best of luck in your 3rd world shithole

>> No.19357390

Forever rent free

>> No.19357424

I dont hate them, In fact I like them better than millenials and Gen X by a large margin

>> No.19357910

Someone post the boomer sayings with response how they fugged the following generations. There were like two dozen quotes with a boomer photo in the background.

>> No.19358067

35% of them have no savings for retirement. I can't even imagine fucking up that badly on Easy mode. When in world history has economic prosperity EVER been a constant, never ending thing?

>> No.19358318

Look, the average Boomer is and was an NPC normie like any today. They were ignorant of their economic advantages until it was too late. Those at the top are multigenerational - they were here before the Boomers, during the Boomers, and they are still here. This generational resentment is yet another diversionary tactic that is rooted in OWS.

>> No.19358339
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>I don't understand all the hate boomers get.
there's your problem you don't understand
your american and euro boomers fucked my russian wealth up when you destroyed the soviet union I had 100k soviet rubels that was worth something like 150k your shitty dollars and that's a lotta money for a russian guy
but that's okay
maybe you're a monk that's why you can't feel hate good for you

>> No.19358438

>whatever happened to the thousands year old tradition of respect and understanding towards your elders?
Boomers killed that tradition. They also undermined our race through "civil rights", destroyed our morality through the sexual revolution, corrupted our women through feminism, diminished the value of our labor by hiring Mexicans, polluted our environment, started factory farming. I know the jew is ultimately responsible for all of this, but the boomer is his ultimate pawn

>> No.19358450

>This is the generation that RAISED YOU
And you still don't understand? You're a fucking idiot, then.

>> No.19358797

If we are to blame the Boomers for complicity in Jewish schemes then how do we stop it in order to avoid hypocrisy? Are Gen Xers not as guilty?