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19354421 No.19354421 [Reply] [Original]

I have over £20,000 saved up and live with my parents who buy my food and don’t charge me rent, is it possible to do something with this money so that I never have to get a job?

>> No.19354447


>> No.19354540

Please could you point me in the right direction of what to look into/research bro? I fucking hate work and getting that money was hell

>> No.19354597

basically just wait 2021 and buy some cheap alt when BTC goes to 1k

>> No.19354674

Buy dividend ETF's

>> No.19354703

buy eth

>> No.19354709

Buy DXD and PNK.

>> No.19354722
File: 417 KB, 1057x699, Iheard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out the following links to get redpilled on chainlink, its very important to understand where this is going:


read all of this.
watch the following videos on youtube:

godspeed bro

>> No.19354735

Imagine being this priced out and delusional, wew lad.

>> No.19354774

Best advice ITT
Buy chainlink

>> No.19354847

i've saved up around 10k and thinking of starting to work 40% starting in november. This will enable me to spend more time with hobbies but also allow me to develope and create stuff in my free time.

>> No.19355087

I also have £20k.. It's an awkward amount of money. Enough to ensure you aren't allowed government gibs, but not really enough to buy a hard asset. I'd suggest you get a fucking job (although timing isn't great). You can learn about businesses that way, and if you aren't living in debt like most, you can happily walk out at any moment.

>> No.19355116

$1000 EOY

>> No.19355433

Thank you so much for taking the time to send this bro I’ll look at all of this

>> No.19355451

How did you do that bro? That sounds amazing even if that’s all I could manage I’d be so happy