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19354079 No.19354079 [Reply] [Original]

All memes aside, is this a good time to enter the market? Is covid still going to fuck with the market? Please help me

>> No.19354210

nice tractor fag

>> No.19354259


You're too late

>> No.19354274

yes it's a good time if you get into the right places

>> No.19354391

You are about 2 months late
Accumulate BTC before 2021

>> No.19354590

>You're too late
>You are about 2 months late
I'll wait for the second wave then

>> No.19354713

Companies are mooning and crashing every day, there is so much fucking money to make on longs and shorts I need to find a team to find this stocks.
But is so hard with all the cryptojeets here, we definitely need our own board away from crypto nigger shit.

What's the next moon faggots I got my eye on UCO oil ETFs I am just trying to finding how many contracts to get, I don't know if I should stick all my money or just half

>> No.19354739
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I don't really know, but I've got a feeling some airlines and oil companies are still cheapies.

Biotech bullshit like MRNA and fucking Gilead seem like they're only going to go down from here on out. I'd avoid them like the plague

>> No.19354765

you're not too late, there are a lot of sectors that are absolutely undervalued, you've to find out what to buy

>> No.19354976

Literally every sector is undervalued as fuck, the only thing that is over value is bio tech, oil is about to make millionaires with literally a couple thousand bucks if you pick the right stock, then travel and from there the world, we should be getting active to find which stock will moon next, I was hopping to make more money from penny stocks but I barely made 2k, which I got in to stocks before, I am making money and getting cockier

>> No.19355114

tell that to mateo salvini

>> No.19355149

>Just missed the bottom
>Durrr... is this a good time to get into stocks?

>> No.19355164

Mid March was a good time, desu

>> No.19355165

Yes, of course there has been a -40% drop or more 2 months ago.
It's plenty of obvious blatant bargains at this point, believing that it's too late to make gains is completely retarded

>> No.19355258

answer the question, subhuman retard

>> No.19355309

fuck you, you've been ansered already, now DYOR and GFY

>> No.19355371

It is always the right time to enter the market because one company failures are another companies gains.
Just need to find the right stuff.

>> No.19355683

the problem is I don't want to put any effort, I just want my bank to do everything