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19353609 No.19353609 [Reply] [Original]

Solidity has an ecosystem, developer acceptance and years of professional tooling. EVM is not going away. It's POSSIBLE that something else can com along to usurp DEFI from Solidity but it's becoming less and less likely. Cardano will probably be better, but Plutus will likely be too nerdy/haskell based to catch on. That's why a performant, EVM, PoS, Sharded network without the years of tech debt and data bloat that comes with Ethereum can still upset the entire game. The staking is also a draw but the win will be when the greater DEFI userbase realizes this network is a better match for its goals.

>> No.19353641

Chink scam.

>> No.19353654

>they are from SV
>mostly ex-FAANG
this is why you're poor

>> No.19353744


>> No.19353767

So the only FUD they have now is racism. Most of these dudes are from the US but if you want to miss out cuz you're a cunt feel free.

>> No.19353811
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>> No.19353966

The ONE desire
Believe when I say
I want it that way

>> No.19354527


>> No.19354711

I'm not sure what you are referring to anon but if it's something you are into maybe you should, no you really need to...

>> No.19354726

>eth 2.0 now
>eth 2.0 before team vitalik
>team vitalik is melting down
>eth 2.0 without the BAGGAGE
this is the God protocol anons. Don't be retarded.

>> No.19354767

Look guys, a coin that dumped 99% is pumping 10%

>> No.19355574

It just launched it mainnet.

>> No.19355601


>> No.19355914

awwww.. he poor

>> No.19356950

This coin can go 10x in this year.
But that's too little for me.
I want at least 50x in a few months, and this is not happening with this one.
So I won't invest in it.

>> No.19357096


This is going to 25-50X this year. look at Cosmos.

>> No.19357176

that's weak fud w/ zero reasoning. This is actually the only coin on /biz/ with potential to moon right now. I guess any shitcoin is ok if you are playing with a few hundred bucks. Some people require volume.