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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1935232 No.1935232 [Reply] [Original]

>fell for the dropshipping meme
>not a single sale yet

Fuck you guys

>> No.1935236

Do some marketing

>> No.1935357

Link to your site?

Maybe we can help you.

>> No.1935537

what's your niche and what's your advertising stratergies

>> No.1935554

>when you realize this is how he is marketing
clever anon

>> No.1935829



>> No.1935882

>not even started
>already made sales

>> No.1936993

>aka pay normies to shill shit on instagram
>no sales
>pay for fb ads
>no sales
>pay google ads
>no sales

you need tons of traffic to get organic continued sales, this is a scam

>> No.1937847

ffffffuck how do i make money online shieeeeeeeeaaaaaaaajdsijaosd

>> No.1938686

better of blogging for adsense cash.

>> No.1938747

At least you aren't carrying inventory

>> No.1938758

Why not just advertise shit on ebay and then when the orders come in just place a bulk order on aliexpress. That way you will know of there is a demand or not and you wont have to run a stupid shoppify store.

>> No.1938767

Because if you list products on eBay you're competing with Chang and Pajeet who are happy to accept a 0.02 cent profit margin.

The whole point of running your own store is so that customers can't just compare prices with the click of a button.

>> No.1938793

Not always. You have to find something that rajesh isnt selling yet.

Shoppify is a meme dude. No one goes to google to search for individual stores to shop at anymore. They either go straight to amazon or ebay and thats it. If your not selling there your not selling period.

>> No.1938802

That's simply not true.

There are plenty of successful e-commerce websites out there that aren't massive multinationals like Amazon.

Do some research.

>> No.1938827

Everyone on /biz/ should just start a blog. And then we can exchange links and shill in harmony.

>> No.1938972

There are actually not that many. And the ones that exist are your competition. To me it seems that if you are going to pay for shoppify with less traffic you might as well just pay the ebay jew and get good traffic. Either way you pay. The jews have it all locked down.

I suppose you could host your own site from home and save on the hosting fees but you'll still have to pay for a payment processor and also you still wont get as much traffic as on ebay or amazon.

>> No.1938981

>somebody calls clever
>anon is happy
>he gives away the link to his unwanted product
>anon's name is known by everyone now
>he is not a almighty anon anymore
>he is just a regular dumbass

>> No.1938989

What will you fill the author spot in your blog with Anon?

>> No.1939187

Doesn't matter. I just use random names.

>> No.1939194

And I order the texts online. There are plenty of websites where you can order a text for a cheap amount.
Or you could do it yourself and write something as you get inspiration from the blogs of others.

>> No.1939316

>You have to find something that rajesh isnt selling yet.
Good luck with that.

>> No.1939529

Agreed to a point. What you need to do is build an e-mail list from eBay or Amazon and spam those people with cheaper deals. But those deals would be less cheaper if you only switch out the Amazon jew fir the Shopify jew.

>> No.1939544

This was actually a thing on /b/ years ago. Basically the idea was to get a shitload of people together to make blogs then they all shared the links in a chat and spent all day clicking each other's adds

>> No.1939586

Unless you've got a few thousand people, I doubt you'll earn more than a few cents.

>> No.1939726

Post your store link

>> No.1940250

made £150 from this before permaban from adsense

>> No.1940565

Ok question for you dropship /biz/raelites,

I made my store via shopify, got Oberlo, bought domain name, listed products, all Gucci

However, when my users go to choose shipping, all they see is shipping times / options from MY home address, in central USA, leading to grossly distorted shipping times.

I paid $29 for a month of basic shopify, yeah I should have googled the month trial like a non-pleb,

My question is is there a way I can reflect an accurate time for my customers to get their parcel dropshipped from China?

>> No.1940595

Clicking each other's ads is gonna get us banned, the hot new thing is backlinking each other where we would actually get real money

>> No.1940643


>> No.1941404

I know how to code i figure i can get around using shopify and not paying.
It would be fun to build it.
My rub is that oberlo seems super convenient.
But it only works with shopify.
Is there a good service that I can use to drop ship effectively that doesn't need shopify?

>> No.1941538

Make vimeo videos sends a fuck ton of traffic for the cheap if you do it right. I'm 19 sold 9k last month on my ecommerce store selling Bieber themed dildos

>> No.1942274

you obviously didnt follow this guide

>> No.1942362

gunna need some proof for this ridiculous claim

>> No.1942507
File: 970 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170409-122327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I was lying about the Vimeo and the dildo part, but I am 19 and made a little under 9k last month with e-commerce. Not going to say anything else about how though. Here's this month so far.

>> No.1942567

nice LARP

>> No.1942586

How long did you have your store running? I opened one store up in January and didn't do well at all.

>> No.1942752

ePacket, it usually delivers within 10-14 days to the USA and has a tracking number, don't use any other shipping method
nice. how much has your store been up? what marketing channels are you using? what is your profit margin on average (per item)?

also, has any of your customers ever complained about the packaging of the item? the label being in chinese and all, didn't anyone notice?

>> No.1942780 [DELETED] 

I started this business like 9 months ago.
Average margin per order 65%. No dropshipping bs. I pack orders out of my dorm room and am moving to a fulfillment center this month. Not going to give away any of my main marketing channels other than Reddit which I shill the fuck out of.

>> No.1942786

so when an order is placed you get the products from china, swap packages and then send it? how much time does it takes? and how do you keep the customer quiet during this time delay?

>> No.1942789

why wouldn't I wanna use other shipping methods? What if I'm shipping to other countries without ePacket?

>> No.1942806

are you the motorcycle streetwear store guy? what are you going to do when people start asking for refunds after they realize nothing fits them since it's all ching chong sizes?

>> No.1942847 [DELETED] 


>>1938802 is 100% right. I've literally never heard of "Shopify" until clicking on this thread.

On top of that, I always watch deal sites and shit to save money and my roommates always think I'm weird for buying stuff online from places that aren't amazon. We're at a point where 99% of normies either buy shit from Amazon or Ebay.

>> No.1942850


>>1938793 is 100% right. I've literally never heard of "Shopify" until clicking on this thread.

On top of that, I always watch deal sites and shit to save money and my roommates always think I'm weird for buying stuff online from places that aren't amazon. We're at a point where 99% of normies either buy shit from Amazon or Ebay.

>> No.1942963

Do you drop ship from aliexpress? Do you ever get any complaints?

>> No.1943441

his business is a month old. the complaints will come one people start getting their items.

>doesnt look like the pic
>too small
>too big
>shit quality
>why do i have to pay $30 for return shipping to china?
>its been 4 months and my order never arrived

im not talking shit it just has happened to me. the complaints and bad reviews killed my business.

>> No.1943528

1st: don't dropship from Gina it will kill your business instantly.
2nd: don't dropship from Gina unless your margin is 100%
3rd: dropship cheap shit targetted at women, girls, old people as they are less likely to be aware of ppl like you.
4th: dont dropship electronics, furnitures, toys
5th: build your social page first.

>> No.1943531

I'm not selling any Chinese garbage or dropshipping guys. I keep all of the inventory under my bed and in my closet. Got a label printer and the shipping hasn't been that bad of a time suck but is starting to become one. Less than 3% of my customers want a return, and I've had tons of great reviews (4.8ish stars avg).

I worked with my supplier to have the product changed to get rid of a few very annoying flaws and it's now much better than any competitor's that I've found. Everything took awhile to get setup but I've had much better results than I would have ever gotten selling the same trash every other warrior forum retard tries to dropship using Zucker ads and a basic Shopify theme (I spent 3 months making my website exactly how I wanted it and now my conversion rate is 5-10% depending on the traffic source.)

Stop being a cuck and try to create real value that you would pay for yourself. Dropshipping is for fucking noobs.

>> No.1943541

i make so much more money buying a few FB or AAPL shares lOl

>> No.1943805

Depends on your niche and whoever is selling it. However there will be those knacks, especially from China.

Shipping is something that would be a miracle to fix. Anything less than two weeks would be glorious. But shipping costs is so ridiculous: $1.23 9-12 days, them anything less is like $30+

>> No.1944051

Nice. How did u get past the fear barrier and purchase your first inventory with the intent it will sell? Do you purchase thru China and wait the 30 days or do you have a different technique? What did you use to make your site and how did u keep a vision?

>> No.1944063

rajesh here, watching this thread

>> No.1944079

for the people who have actually been doing this shit for longer than a couple of years, how much are you actually making from it?

>> No.1944541

so is dropshipping a meme or not?

>> No.1944560

I found a small niche in early 2014 and started dropshipping. First year and a halve, profits varied between 50 and 400 dollars. Often got a whole bunch of orders from the same city, which was when profits would spike. I built a solid brand after learning what caused the spikes (short answer = Hipsters). Improved market research and marketing (including physical events) brought the store to where it is today.
Average margin on my products is relatively high for drop shipping (about 64%), as a result of good deals with suppliers and a huge mark up. Profits have somewhat stabilised and are rising, averaging about $1200/month . Even turned the two week delivery time into a strength; Hipsters are fucking retarded and buy into the idea that the products are custom and that's why it takes that long. In reality, the customisation delay is like a day.
Once you've established yourself, a dropshipping store is pretty easy to run and low maintenance. Spend about 8 hours/week on it currently. I'll probably sell it once I get my degree next year, any tips to go about doing that??

>> No.1944569

>I'll probably sell it once I get my degree next year, any tips to go about doing that??
IIRC there was a website dedicated to this. Kind of a marketplace for ecommerce websites, but I can't remember the actual URL.

>> No.1944573

flippa? sedo?

>> No.1944710

Empire Flippers. With 1200 verified, on average, anon is due to make 20K dollar. Nice!

>> No.1944740

1. Open an ebay account
2. Open paypal account
3. Go to the store and find stuff that's on sale
4. list those items on ebay for full retail price plus buyer pays shipping
5. when the item sells go to the store and buy it
6. profit?

>> No.1944874

What you you recommend doing for advertising?

>> No.1944879
