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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19345641 No.19345641 [Reply] [Original]

Is this some glorified zoomer pyramids scheme lol

My gopnik friends just told me to get into this,and I'm sceptical

>> No.19345682

It's backed by three Stanford PhD's and has an insanely huge community so it definitely has a good chance of taking off imo.

At the end of the day, there's really nothing to lose by mining it on your phone so it's a chance that I would take for sure. Pretty unique project too desu, there's nothing quite like it in crypto right now.

>> No.19345705

Here are the two most important things you need to know about pi:
Second most important thing is its coingecko IOU price is around 40 cents per pi
If true you would have made at least 1000 dollars in one month
That's 1000 dollars for basically doing nothing but wasting a few seconds a day clicking on a button
Most important thing about pi is you get to register using my code "linkies"
That's right. Look at that beauty. In case you haven't noticed, my code "linkies" references chainlink
Now why the fuck would you mine pi and not use my code linkies
Retarded if you use any other link might as well not mine pi at all

>> No.19345711

It's shit. there isn't even a blockchain behind this, just a fucking SQL base made by "PhDs" and the community is basically 100 anons botnet with multiple phones clicking MINE every 24h. Get into stonk.fund instead, it's dapp on Tron. Core Tron devs contacted the dapp developer lately so they will promote this shit.

>> No.19345765

There is a blockchain behind it though, they just rolled out full nodes are implementing staking soon as well.

>> No.19345806

You should be skeptical. It's a worthless project with zero brain-wielding humans supporting it.
I say this as a gopnik myself.

>> No.19346211

Thank you for the info
Alright anon,I need to evaluate my life choices by using code linkies lol
Hopefully something will come out of this for them

>> No.19346492

It's your ticket to the moon

>> No.19346633

there's people already trading for $1 and above

the chinese love this - big BTC holders are mining this also, they see the potential.

main net is a few months away, you may as well keep a suicide stack

>> No.19346705

You son of a bitch, I'm in

>> No.19346764
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He had convinced me to give my dollar back

>> No.19346832

not traded after a whole year, not on blockchain, pointless button mining, and requires KYC so you’re getting datamined. the iou contracts are not binding, legally or otherwise. this shitcoin will trade at literally 0 if it ever even hits exchange. it doesn’t even have a purpose.

>> No.19346947

Most of the criticisms here are valid, but there is very little you have to lose by clicking the button every 24hr.
It uses the Stellar Consensus Protocol as the backbone for it's consensus algorithm. I understand that you could be getting datamined, but let's be real: your phone number and name are not too hard to find.
One of the devs, Chengdiao Fan is a anthro computational scientist, which I think makes sense given this is a project that leverages social interactions for computational purposes.
I know this shit is a long shot but I think there are worse options.
I'm mining.

>> No.19347566

all I can see is ~$0.35 on coingecko

>> No.19348638

Make sure to use the referral code
Ac413 for a small boost to your mining :)

>> No.19348852



just check what the Chinese friends say about Pi - this is the biggest news site about Pi as of now - plenty of good content there, just use google Translate

they are the biggest crypto holders and most advanced in Mobile tech - don't go against the flow - mine and HODL

>> No.19348924

>it's dapp on Tron
why the fuck does anyone use that shit network

>> No.19348995

>chinese are most advanced in mobile tech
>Uber, Lyft, DoorDash and PostMates all came from silicone valley
>Google Maps came from Silicone valley
China literally just copies all of innovative shit, but makes it at half the cost and 1/3rd the quality.

>> No.19349364

>they are the biggest crypto holders and most advanced in Mobile tech - don't go against the flow - mine and HODL
Yeah...they're big on it because they're "advanced in Mobile tech"
kek, what a load of bullshit
Any retard can buy 30 phones and set them up to mine this worthless shitcoin; it's just way more cost effective for Chinese to do it because their cost of living is like 1/20th to that of a westerner & everything (phones, plans, buildings) are cheaper relative to ours. Them making a few USD a day goes very far.

Pi was an idea aimed at including people without heavy-duty mining equipment which is yet another failure, because it enables pic related to happen. It's way easier for anyone to abuse their chain than someone having to shell out $100k for the newest mining rig every 6 months

>> No.19349390
File: 130 KB, 636x848, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.19349618

you missed Pi Network from the list - but the userbase is around 55% chinese :)

you are mistaken Pi other apps which are made for a quick buck -

Pi can be mined on your mobile - it's that simple - the backend is a deflationary stable coin that makes it very much go up in price with the more user - you think people care about Bitcoin and other shitcoin to buy? no. They want a piece of the Pi, that's it.

>> No.19349991

find better friends, loser.
or click your phone once a day, for a year and get 2$ if you manage to cash out.

>> No.19350037
File: 105 KB, 856x482, Did_you_ever_hear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so let me get this straight.
you get datamined by KYC, and after clicking your phone every day for a year you gonna get....2$ in worthless tokens?

Did you know your personal information is a lot more then a 2$ on a stick they promised you (which you wont get)

losers like you get scammed every day.

>> No.19350090
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 1585142485877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

son of a bitch you convinced me.
im selling my 4000$ worth of bitcoin to buy "pi".

read my lips
you are NEVER getting anything out of that spyware app, not even a SINGLE CENT.

if you manage to cash out EVEN A SINGLE CENT from "pi" make sure to contact me.

>> No.19350093
File: 192 KB, 693x345, chadchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's fast and reliable. great user experience and there is a lot of gambling addicts who just play casino games etc. like come on, 3 sec transactions is all you need in dapp game and it just werks. after making gains you just withdraw to eth or btc and chill

>> No.19350249

>thinking I haven't profited from Pi
>part of the In app transfer pilot since Feb 2020
>thinking the application from Stanford's DAPP class professor and other Stanford grads are gonna fuck people over for $2

Anon I have bad news for you.


>> No.19350547
File: 126 KB, 1024x685, ESx69GRWAAASaO4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I can make an app with a button that increments a number too, you can't even sell this garbage. Pajeets are spamming these threads everyday for free money from gullible people

>> No.19351443

What have you gotten out of it so far?

>> No.19351565

I urge anyone reading this to start mining before pi beta closes and inevitably gets memed to $3.14 in the coming years.

iPhone: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pi-network/id1445472541

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.blockchainvault&hl=en_US

Use code "maxy" when signing up. Referral codes are required.