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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19342398 No.19342398 [Reply] [Original]

Tired of being poor. Too tired and stupid to finish school. Did retard electrical trade 2 yr degree cause some jackoff said it was smarter than going for a random bachelors. Dumbass fucker ruined my life.
Have 3/4ths of a bus econ degree. Not gonna finish it since I have planned suicides at age 26 or 28 depending on what btc does. Flops, then 26. Moons, then at 28. Im 25. Shit job. Barely over 14 an hr and its shit. Still live at home like a little boy. Not going to live with random plebs. That plus rent money = money that could go to btc. Live in california near la. Fucking garbage country. Fuck shitmerica. American flag = toilet paper.

The FUCK am I supposed to do?
Jobs I will never do:
1. Construction (I fucking hated the trades. Yes, I actually got in a union, but construction = toxic as a motherfucker).
2. Industrial electrician outside a railroad company (and they dont hire fresh meat). Why? Working live = youre going to blow shit up or die. Im not smart enough to not make mistakes.
3. ANYTHING with driving (so truck driving is a no go).

So what, am I unironically supposed to jump off a bridge?

Look. Dont bullshit me about "get a hobby" or "get a gf even though youre poor". No. I cant fucking think right now. Im fucking stuck.

>> No.19342510

>iphone filename
Maybe sell your overpriced faggot phone for starters.

>> No.19342513

you have two choices : Anders or Brenton

>> No.19342546

Oh dont fucking start with the boomer meme, bitch. It's not even a new phone, faggot. I dont replace phones unless they break down, retard.

Listen, retard. I dont even go out to eat. I literally go home after work and dont even go out ever. Its basically a jail cell. I dont fucking spend shit. I dont buy shit. Kill yourself

>> No.19342571


>> No.19342576

kys x2

>> No.19342638

Just finish your degree & get a comfy office white collar job you faggot, you’re still relatively younger than most burnouts here.

>> No.19342658

FIFO electrical worker in mining.

Dumbest cunts in the country with the biggest salaries.

>> No.19342660

>never spend money on anything at all
no wonder you want to die. consuming a moderate amount of product makes life a little bit more worth living

>> No.19342716

Id rather buy btc ponzi since literally luck is the only way to escape this hell hole. Maybe a buy signal, but im saving up usd before buying more btc since im hoping for a final disgusting dump (though maybe we'll just touch 6k levels only).

>> No.19342732

Also you’ll never make it accumulating BTC that ship has sailed & will soon collapse

>> No.19342738

If you're already going to suicide is an paltry 1-3 years, why bother working at all?
Sell away all your mortal possessions and go on a vacation or do something you enjoy before the end. No money? Go steal porch packages, sell em on ebay, then go die climbing mount Everest or something interesting at least.

Otherwise, I recommend you go seek help.
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
What have you got to lose?

>> No.19342752
File: 307 KB, 1600x1250, 05879672-3777-4C77-A6F0-441202B3BF01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why billionaires are becoming long term bullish on it, huh? Market cap is fucking tiny

>> No.19342767

I am not the kind of person that enjoys exploring.

>> No.19342773

I'm basically OP but without even a trade degree. I have no idea where I'm going in life or how to get ahead.

>> No.19342801

We're going to fucking die poor. If you have enough college credits, maybe you can be a TA. They get laid like 20-24 an hr. It's literally all I can think of now.
Im at least going to try that (I believe I can still get a job locked in despite the virus situation).

>> No.19342834

Maybe I can try sign language stuff too (need 8 units for a TA job in that). Honestly if I had a do over, I'd probably have focused on sign language instead of tradie bullshit (bunch of fucking boomer redneck retards) and business (honestly I was barely passing classes. Barely passed intermediate accting. Number one reason I dont want to continue though is due to the cost. Retardedly expensive. Fucking shitmerica tries to fuck your ass even before you can stand on 2 feet. Evil country).

>> No.19342921


>We're going to fucking die poor

Yeah probably man. Shit sucks. I'd be okay with a mediocre wage honestly, but even getting that is harder and harder these days.

>> No.19342943

op is a faggot

>> No.19343023
File: 25 KB, 474x352, 1587120277853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I tried to kms and ended up in hospital when I was 25. I was working at the fucking supermarket overnight stocking shelves, with barely anything to my name.

When I was in the hospital, I got my laptop, read through the official Python tutorial, read through basic .NET stuff (I think the website was C# Station or something like that), came out, applied for a .NET job and got it straight away. I shit you not. This was in like 2017.

It's fucking easy to get an entry level dev job if you aren't a shitskin or a chink. Everyone hates chinks and Indians because they are retards. If you are white and can do some basic programming, you've got a job. Just learn some basic web dev stuff (it's the most overrated, simplest skill ever), shave, put on some fancy clothes and apply for a job.

Anyway, that's my serious post. I guess everyone can insult me now for Reddit spacing or whatever.

>> No.19343056

I dont understand how this is possible when there are unemployed cs grads.

>> No.19343068

maybe try going to garage sales and find shit to sell on ebay, normally its a mugs game but around LA is where all the type of shit people want can be found

>> No.19343079

What colour is their skin, firstly? Secondly, can they shave and look someone in the eye? 99% of them can't. Also, >CS grad means fuck all, it means they learnt some autistic algorithms/data structures in C/C++ and maybe learnt some basic Java from years ago. I'm telling the truth, but it's fine if you don't believe me.

>> No.19343162


What kind of pay do you get/expect to make in the future?

>> No.19343201

I just got to 100k. Australian. Started on 60. I just save ALL my money, I don't want to do this bugman shit forever. As soon as I can I'll leave. I reckon I could probably get to like $120k by coasting for a few years, more if I push hard and learn the autistic bugman shit.

>> No.19343203

Fuck it. I guess I'll try this meme out. If it doesnt work out, at least my suicide would be justified since all my effort always goes to shit

>> No.19343211

That's me. Changed device.

>> No.19343250

You just need to persist. When you give up and your realise it's only been a week, you need to keep going. And again the next time you quit a week later. I was in the hospital for months.
Go Python first, it's simpler. And when you're ready, you want to look at Flask and Django for web dev. Also Angular or React, choose one. Angular is harder.

>> No.19343295

What city you in? Any other online skills you would recommend?

>> No.19343327

Start a business

it's the only way out

>> No.19343356

Sydney. Look on a jobs website for the keywords. When I got in, the keywords were: Angular, React, Django, Flask, .NET, "FinTech", "cybersecurity", Typescript, REST APIs, and then all the other bullshit social skills shit.
These days it's probably more like "AWS/Cloud", Lambdas, "testing", that sort of stuff. Cloud shit. Gotta go, good luck.

>> No.19343377

I was considering amazon fba wholesaling. Wanted to wait until btc moons to give me good capital (or it can die).

>> No.19343387

Also git. Version control, specifically git.

>> No.19343428

1. what do you want?

>> No.19343573

>not going to live with random plebs
you sound the a pretty big pleb, bro

>> No.19343980

You sound like a crybaby. You don't want advice, you just want to bitch. Any advice given is met with an excuse. That's fine. But nobody wants to hear you bitch like a little baby brat.

>> No.19344129


Suicide is never the option, unless you're terminally ill and suffering

I think you just need a bit of a guiding hand anon. My life sucked hard up until 28, I'm 30 now. I considered ending it a few times along the way but jesus christ in hindsight I'm glad I didn't. Things can change, and fast.

You clearly don't like your environment. Get out of the states... go to Portugal or something.

Also be aware that you are not special, as are none of us, in the sense that your feelings and thoughts are dictated by chemicals and hormones. If you started doing some push ups and stuff every day, not even many, you'd feel way better. Guaranteed.

>> No.19344222

Who cares faggot your on an anonym board go kill yourself you worthless piece of shit

>> No.19344308

says the bitch that 1. Ignored how I listened to advice 2. the bitch that whines 20x harder than I did


>> No.19344320

>If you started doing some push ups and stuff every day, not even many, you'd feel way better. Guaranteed.
No. Im the shizo that is 5'5". The one that trained more than 99% of people on planet earth at age 16 but got emasculated by that height. Havent trained in over 8 years.

>> No.19344338

What the fuck is wrong with you..? He just did that to clarify he is the original anon and not just some other random anon answering the question.

>> No.19344371

did you do martial arts/fighting yet?

>> No.19344385

No because that wont do shit. Training was my passion. Ive always been poor, but I wanted more custom weights (beyond heavy weights to wear 24/7 including custom heavy boxing gloves).

Fuck this god

>> No.19344393

last time I was talking to you it wasn't about being poor it was just about being short

>> No.19344425

Lol are you the faggot that was sperging in the Nano thread?

>> No.19344546

> A white person from Sydney
Yeah nah this is a larp. There aren't white people in Sydney any more

>> No.19345277

Join the military kid. The possibilities are endless.