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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19340601 No.19340601 [Reply] [Original]

There are people on this board who unironically bought GHOST.

>> No.19340740

are there

>> No.19340757

Seething, coping retard.
All this thing needs is a listing on Binance and a shoutout from John and you'll be crying yourself to sleep. Stay mad

>> No.19340769

Like it’ll ever get released on a CENTRALIZED exchange.

The absolute state of GHOST retards

>> No.19340783

lol as if McAfee scams ever last that long. Do you know his history at all?

>> No.19340790
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>> No.19340797

Why not? Buy on binance, trade on a decentralized dex. Doesnt matter where you buy it from

>> No.19340855

I hate scammer kikes but I think I hate the retards who gave them their money out of greed or stupidity even more. Fuck all of you.

>> No.19340875

$1.20 and dropping and people still waiting for the drops, will be nothing by the time they get then hahahaha

>> No.19340885

ghost will never be on binance you stupid retarded pajeet fuck, kill yourself

>> No.19340915

lmao @ all the seething no ghosties in here

>> No.19341723
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about 50% of ghostfags crying right now. I heard the snapshot was a little later than countdown clock so anyone who played by the rules and moved their esh to dump them might haven't gotten fucked. the state of your dev team

>> No.19341859

i'm pretty sure john said he didn't want it listed on exchanges in one of his videos this week, exchanges have KYC and he believes that is a threat to anonymity.
probably just another drug fueled rant, who knows.

>> No.19341892

he did here's the link (below). The beating continues


>> No.19341910

some people want to gamble on pump and dumps while other people gamble on 10x bets that actually make sense

explained here