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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19339314 No.19339314 [Reply] [Original]

ESH was just the rocket boosters.
Enjoy our spent fuel.

See you in Orbit my GHOSTies when the FOMO sets in.

>> No.19339325

Still upset I didn’t sell my ESH. I have 6k if these

>> No.19339326

People are trying to fud the liquidity when its only an hour old
LMAO theyre so fucked

>> No.19339334
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>> No.19339336

Still waiting for my tokens to drop...
My stomach is churning...

>> No.19339337

This doesn’t logically make any sense at all. Why would they buy now instead of just buying esh before the snapshot

t. ghostie

>> No.19339350

I have NO clue.

>> No.19339367
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>> No.19339393

FOMO? who knows.

Any liquidity FUD is a joke

>> No.19339404

imagine if you sold the top of ESH then bought in low again to ride the GHOST train.

>> No.19339419

So GHOST is an ERC20 token. What was the point of ESH?

>> No.19339423

>already dropped to $1
congrats on this ghosties, seriously.

>> No.19339425



>> No.19339439

I STILL HAVENT GOT MY FUCKING GHOSTIES FUUUUUUUUCk!k!k1111111111111111111111111111111111

>> No.19339448

Got to be low IQ to be selling Ghost already.

>> No.19339482

make sure you add the contract dumbfuck

>> No.19339502
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>> No.19339508

Hasn't the marketcap just doubled? due to ESH circulating vs ghost?

>> No.19339512

which is?

>> No.19339533

volume is low as fuck, lots of volatility and FOMO. if it gets to $4 im selling it and buying the dip later on

>> No.19339556

exchanges tomorrow
swingies get the rope

>> No.19339600

lmao this shit is already dumping

>> No.19339604



>> No.19339632

Point me to the uniswap

>> No.19339652

You realize this has like a 15m market cap?
That puts it in the 200s somewhere.
If this doesn't do at least 5x in the near future I would be very surprised. It's too ridiculous a token to miss out on.

>> No.19339678

where did u put them

>> No.19339686

Try copying the contract address from the ghost website into uniswap

>> No.19339688


>> No.19339691

copy paste the contract in

>> No.19339698

Where was your ESH at the snapshot?

>> No.19339699

soooo you're saying keep buying?

>> No.19339712

>another fork
>run by a junkie
>a junkie who lives in international waters to avoid laws

>> No.19339717

What is ridiculous about the token fren shill me on it?

>> No.19339724


mine were in metamask still no ghost

>> No.19339748

Thank you

>> No.19339792
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had it in metamask with the contract and still didn't get ghost.
at least I still have my ESH.

>> No.19339798

Ouch. Did anyone get any ghost in the airdrop? If yes show us.

>> No.19339839

Do you know who McAfee is? That's why it's ridiculous. Crypto is fueled by HYPE, not utility (when was the last time anyone here used crypto to buy something?) Never, not once. Maybe in the future, but probably not in this decade.

There was a major fiasco with the white paper and this monster still recovered. Any slightly positive news and this thing shoots off into the stratosphere. The main reason I'm bullish though is the incredibly low market cap relative to other altcoins. There are so many altcoins that have a lot more money in them that don't have anything near the potential this has.

>> No.19339860
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Wish I hadn't been FUD'd into dumping ESH before the airdrop 2bh

>> No.19339862

yes, just enter your wallet address into etherscan.io - you should see your ghost under the token drop down menu.

>> No.19339920

Hmm, yeah that sucks. I'd give it a few more hours and then reach out to Switch. Everything is on the blockchain so you should be okay, keep us posted.

>> No.19340004

This. I don't understand the amount of hate this suddenly got because of an irrelevant white paper. This is going to pass Monero.

>> No.19340243

Same I use metamask and still haven't gotten mine. Thank god I had a feeling something like this would happen and sold all but 14 esh.

>> No.19340267

Is that cid crypt-id from the anon posting about it being the overlord coin or some shit?

>> No.19340297

>14 esh
theres your problem
ghostlets get theres last. if you didnt sell you would have it by now. enjoy your 14 ghost when you wake up.

>> No.19340315

Holy fuck the cope makes me sick. You dumb faggots were saying this last Friday. Still no shilling from your drug addled retarded mascot.

>> No.19340384


>> No.19340426

I puss'd and sold at $0.98 but I bought at $0.42 so I made a little. There'll always be more moneymakers but after seeing esh go from $2.49 to $1.20 in a hour scared the shit out of me. Glad you bigdick brick hands got your ghost.

>> No.19340482

so i have 1012 ghosties, and 1012 eshies. i couldn't make a profit selling after airdrop so im holding onto them for whatever auxiliary income they provide (if any).

if I got a stack of mcafee's bath salts, is it worth it to sell high when they are like 20 or 30$ or is it enough ghosticles to rake in good money from staking?

>> No.19340532

I called this shit fucking days ago lmao. What the fuck was the point in investing in a shitcoin at $2 to watch it go -90% and receive an airdrop more than -50% its value? And the shills badgered the fuck out of me. The mental gymnastics involved with all of this was absolutely incredible, I applaud the shills that got out in time.

>> No.19340578

tfw already still making a profit, even if i sell now. you sir a swine and definitely not my nigger.

>> No.19340585
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>> No.19340605
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>> No.19340636

Because the swappable coin paid me a 1:1 ratio of the coin I really wanted, so selling the swappable after was just free money? How do you remember breathing?

>> No.19340643

Yeah, and I added the contract as well.
I dumped the ESH about 5 minutes after the snapshot.
I dun goof?

>> No.19340724

Maybe because you trust a crackhead with your money, the original token will drop to 1 cent, and the ghost token will soon follow when everyone realizes it's all smoke and mirrors. Just a thought, retard. Can't believe how many bizraelis got caught in this obvious scam when the biz of a year ago shit on Mcafee. Have fun sliding into nothingness, newfags

>> No.19340777
