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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 101 KB, 2560x1040, Ghost Token.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19334963 No.19334963 [Reply] [Original]

I'm seeing a lot of panic on this from newfags but you need to calm down. Yes, it crashed from literally 3 whales market selling from $2.50 and then it cascaded down from the white paper. Cool. Yes, ESH looks bad. Cool. Yes, McAffee is crazy.

Here's a fucking fact for you newfags: every single crypto is a scam. All of them. You buy for hype, ride it, then sell. Right now Ghost is likely going to launch at a 50 million marketcap. That's fucking hilarious. Imagine thinking McAffee can't pump his own coin to at least $100 million.

>blah blah he had some shitty coins in 2017

Yes. And he pumped Verge to $4 billion from a tweet and bots were monitoring his twitter for any semblance of a crypto recommendation. All you need to understand is hype and we all know this is going to pump to AT LEAST $5 before crashing and burning to 0.

>TLDR for you lazy fags

You buy what's going to pump. A McAffee coin has mainnet in 4 weeks, it's GOING to pump. Shitty members of this board are going to shit on it, but who cares they shit on EVERYTHING. There's not a single coin that's ever been shilled on this board that hasn't been called a scam/shitcoin.

This is going to be $5 by the end of June. Deal with it.

>> No.19334980

I meant 5 million. Not 50 million. It's a fucking guaranteed 10-20X from here.

>> No.19334989


>> No.19334992
File: 99 KB, 1200x800, 950CA676-D610-4B69-BDE9-F4A02DEBF5AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes BUCCANEER will be $5 you are correct. What is this ghost token? Is it even private on the blockchain?

>> No.19335007


How are people going to run masternode if in a country like ... burger

>> No.19335008
File: 6 KB, 349x144, download (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's you.
I was here the last time Mcafee Exit scammed

>> No.19335015

99% of crypto investors can't define blockchain.

>> No.19335132

Imagine being excited to get scammed....

>> No.19335207

You realize this was BEFORE the verge pump right? Apparently not.

>> No.19335436

nice fud

>> No.19335583

you are delusional. $50M, $100M mcap based on what? They literally haven't developed anything yet. All they have is a shitty website and a plagiarized whitepaper. How do you justify such a ridiculous valuation?

>> No.19335622

And a fully decentralized exchange. And now an untraceable currency working in tandem with it.
Silk road 2.0 baby. Dont miss it

>> No.19335663

Oh like that well working McAfee DEX that is just a terrible for of Ether Delta? Oh the untraceable ERC20 token? kek anon, you are retarded.

>> No.19335688

“It’s all Kayfabe, Pivx and Ghost are working together”
“I held the drop from $2.50 to $0.20. I can hold through anything”
“He has a million followers on Twitter who are strictly interested in crypto”
"HODL it to zero bros"
“Mcafee scripted all of this”
“The whale discord is manipulating the price to shake out the weak hands”
“It’s all part of the plan”
“Mainnet soon"
“Top wallets didn't dump at all”
“It’s literally pumping”
"We are lucky they are dumping on us, it gives us another chance to buy low"
“It can only go up”
“We are not selling our bags for less than $50“
“Boomers will buy our bags"
>“The deep state, silkroad 2.0"
>“Mcafee DEX will change the world as we know it”
“Stay poor”
“I just bought more”
“Shapeshifting devils will never get my bags”
“I understand the tech”
“Never Selling”
“I am going to run a MASTERNODE”
“Pivx stole the Ghost white paper and edited their website”

>> No.19335710

I can say that about most of the top 100.

>> No.19335722

Just look at Switch DEX and McAfee DEX. Look at them! They are shit and dead. Shit fucking smells. McAfee probably got burned going all in 0xBTC and wants to get back at biz and this is his revenge coin for you faggots, enjoy getting dumped on