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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19324024 No.19324024 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone shit on Jerry so much? its not even funny anymore. I feel like theyre trying to one up Meg abuse on family chad

>> No.19324055

He is a cis white male

>> No.19324082

+ this

She a
Don’t need no dick
Neuter boys now
Mandatory hormones
All women on the pill
Abort all male embryos
Seize all property for the Matriarchy
Let’s return to the jungle

>> No.19324133
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>wanting to camp with your kids turns you into the next environmental terrorist unabomber
What the serious fuck is wrong with the writers of this show

>> No.19324139

>gratuitous violence
>no sense of family union
>sexual degeneracy

The west in a nutshell

Also, this is /biz/

>> No.19324157

the /tv/ thread gets replies so fast you cant really have a conversation. Discussing on /biz/ is more comfy

>> No.19324158

you have to go back

>> No.19324165

Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon are coomers

>> No.19324188

the show does not work well without jerry to contrast rick, the beta cuck idiot vs the genius chad

>> No.19324194

For the same reason they did it to Jerry on parks n rec

>> No.19324197

>they thought tv was for entertainment
>don’t realize propaganda disguised as humor allows for better programming because laughing relaxed the body along with providing a slight dopamine rush to positively reinforce the brainwashing

>> No.19324204

>consuming any type of jewish influenced films or tv shows

enjoy having your subconscious raped, molested and carved into a submissive degenerate in exchange for a small dopamine hit you worthless sacks of dog shit

>Inb4 someone green texts this and uploads a soijack

>> No.19324212

Do normalfags hit the bong as casually as this show implies? Dont they feel a little shame about their degeneracy?

>> No.19324230
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literally never watched an episode. anyone who has and continues to, is a gay.

>> No.19324246

This, unironically.

>> No.19324299

Well I feel shame but I can't speak for anyone else.

>> No.19324313

It's a disgusting show.
>Failing to realize that the brain has not evolved to differentiate between what is sees on a screen and a memory.
Understand the implications of this. You are being brainwashed.

>> No.19324322

>superiority complex because you don't watch rick and morty
this is the real cringe

>> No.19324330

>reddit spacing and complaining about rick and morty in 2020
the basedjak is implied

>> No.19324333

the family unit must go

>> No.19324337


Also, wasnt the show made by a pedophile?

>> No.19324338

I constantly wonder if Bollywood/Hollywood jews genuinely think what they make is quality or they're just trying to purposefully sell garbage to us. Like Japan and France writing.

I mean I was disappointed with most 90s and 2000s writing, but 2010s took the cake. I want to go back to 97 writing but make it good, take every standard, moral, technique and shove it up its ass.
Also 150 million for a movie is way overpriced.

>> No.19324389
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latest episode was kino despite the agenda pushing. As of right now, Rick and Morty is still the best airing adult comedy cartoon.

South park is the worst.

>> No.19324406

How old are you?

>> No.19324431


Didnt dan harmon get caught on tape fucking a baby doll?
What happened to that? Did he really get away with the "it was just a joke" excuse??!

>> No.19324436

21. South Park went to complete shit after season 12. Bojack horseman is pretty bad too, but i never bother sitting down to watch it, so it might be worse than south park. But nu South Park is so awful, even modern family guy is more watchable.
Though modern simpsons actually worst

Rick and Morty is still leagues better than any other airing show. And i say this as someone whose been watching family guy since season 4 and south park since season 7

>> No.19324448

Sarah Chalke
Sarah Chalke
Sarah Chalke
Sarah Chalke


does she own eth?

>> No.19324462

ps. i have no idea why my id is changing so much. Fucking 4G

>> No.19324489
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This is why I only consume Japanese Media. best way to keep the jewish subliminal messaging away from you and your silver stack pic related shows traditional family values.

>> No.19324510

japanese media popularized NTR, futas and yuri. What the fuck are you talking about. It was agenda pushing before agenda pushing was a thing

>> No.19324550


Chill out incel it’s a funny show

>> No.19324576


>traditional family values
>woman wearing shorts

>> No.19324585
File: 154 KB, 487x336, Disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard that's finge media in japan.

Real mainstream stuff is all about Yamato Daimashis getting pregnant

It's called P.E

>> No.19324625

>its not mainstream bro
excuse as old as the anime fandom. In the newest sailor moon adaption, it literally shows two highschool girls making out on screen for 10 seconds. And thats a show meant for little girls

no fuck off. I like anime too. But lets not pretend its more pure than western media

>> No.19324689

This. Dan "baby fucker" Harmon doesn't cater to the wrong side, you racist incel nazi

>> No.19324694

>Japan pushing agendas
It's called money. Japan doesn't nor has it ever tried to push any agenda that isn't nationalism. They found out people that want to fuck their drawings have deep pockets and that was that.

>> No.19324758

thats what people say about western media too
>theyre not pushing an agenda. its money!
nah. Japan is as bad as the west. I even think anime is superior than most western shit. But a lot of degenerate shit comes from japan. NTR is literally a japanese creation.
I dont get why weebs look at japan through rose tinted glasses. Japanese artist have their own agenda like western artists. Are you forgetting japan is the same country where one of its famous artists is a woman who molds everything into the shape of a vagina? And thats not agenda pushing?

nah. fuck you weebs. You can like BOTH western media and anime; stop being one sided faggot

>> No.19324817
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Say that to my face faggot

>> No.19324828
File: 54 KB, 407x640, 3EF3F38B-3F6D-4E1E-AA9D-412EA34E393E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dumbass weeb, this is proper female attire. Weebs will rationalize anything with “muh based Japan”

>> No.19324838

i want /pol/ to leave

>> No.19324853
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hey buddy, the leather club is two blocks down

>> No.19324879
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and youre being a retarded westerner. Japan glorifies victorian attire like that through shit like rozen maiden
Why cant people just like BOTH western media and anime? Why do faggots have to be one sided all the time. I like Rick and Morty AND Rozen Maiden. Im not gonna pick sides because my political fee fees are hurt

>> No.19324924
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>I'm over 16 and I like Rick and Morty

>> No.19324953
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>im over the age 13 and still browse 4chan

>> No.19324963


>Japan glorifies victorian attire like that through shit like rozen maiden

Yeah, and look at your image. It’s borderline pedo shit. Or she’s got tentacles and is in love with her brother. Anime is trash and all weebs deserve everything they get.

>> No.19325122

in r&m everyone hates jerry because well he is useless and a burden, he provides nothing and wants things, also he is a pretty bad person while his family members are a bunch of sociopaths that are much higher performing than he is, so they view him as a weak link and are less forgiving and warm than say a traditional loving family

real life people hate jerry because it reminds them of a) the shitty traits they have or fear having e.g. liking shitty music, being unproductive, playing mindless games like jerry's balloon pop game, being useless in general and b) people they despise share similar traits to jerry
It's really interesting to see people worship rick when rick is a pretty shit role model, I think they like the idea of being smart but being able to justify impulsive actions and poor decisions with depression or nihilism. It's a fun show to watch but it really has a terrible impact on kids/teenagers who are still impressionable and look for role models on shows, which this show has no good ones

>> No.19325148

This show is fucking poison

>> No.19325191

Let le epic autists run the media1!11

>This thread

>> No.19325205

/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.19325252
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>> No.19325291

you must be joking
Japan was their first playground after America won WW2 and took over their economy

Why the fuck do you think depression is rampant there? Their values have been destroyed, they're all addicted to degenerate porn and fantasy, animated or not.

>> No.19325328

The Jewish mind is inclined by nature to the perversion of beauty and virtue.

>> No.19325411

(((Rick and Morty)))

I wonder

>> No.19325907

Terrible opinion on Bojack, you're missing out. There's a reason why many think it's the greatest adult cartoon ever created. The writing is even better than Rick and Morty and peak South Park most of the time. It's more of a dramedy rather fhan full on comedy, but the dramatic moments are handled extremely well (yes better than Rick and Morty does them as well). The first half of season 1 isn't that good but it picks up after and never looks back. Rick and Morty is a good show but in my opinion it falls short of Bojack in most ways

>> No.19326889

Obviously jokes are jokes but when a big chunk if your fanbase are Jerrys in their 20s you gotta dial it down a bit. Why not move on from this dead horse of a joke

>> No.19326916

>thinks 'cartoon' is a genre

>> No.19326940

Based and CQ pilled

>> No.19326966
File: 1.30 MB, 276x276, sneed cat (real).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /biz/

It's just the joke like Meg where you keep abusing one character. I don't like it much either now. Despite the way he's treated, Jerry is just an idiot, not actually a bad person. He has to deal with a lot of crap thanks to Rick, so he should be appreciated more.

>> No.19327028

No it’s not you gay man

>> No.19327482

Business and Finance

>> No.19327492

yes, during some edgy "comedy" skit he had his character climb into a house a rub his balls of a baby doll in like 2009. cry more faggot.

>> No.19327496

is that real