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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19317083 No.19317083 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW fell for the /biz/ + /pol/ "Don't go to college it's a scam" meme
>Became a welder instead because "trades are totally based and redpilled bro"
>Barely make over minimum wage
>Constantly working (In contrast with whitecollar redditors who just browse facebook and the news 50% of the time at their office job)
>Constantly inhaling toxic fucking fumes, pretty sure my lungs are getting more fucked by the day...
>All my coworkers are literally 80-iq rednecks who are only as 'redpilled' as "fuck those colored people" (Basically no further ideological or political thought beyond that --- simply don't like other people)
>When I tell people I'm a welder they think I'm an ex-convict or a drug addict or rapist or something because they don't think we're smart. <- Can't really blame them for this one if they get to see my fellow welder degenerates
>Pretty much no future, there's really not much to progress in a career like this

Every single day lately I think about how life could have been different if I just didn't find /pol/ and fall for the memes. This fuckin sucks /biz/ what do I do? I don't really make enough takehome income to really get anywhere significant by investing and most cryptos seem like a scam ponzischeme.

Should I just enroll in community college and transfer to a 4 year school afterwards

>> No.19317112

buy as much stake as you can

>> No.19317116

>Should I just enroll in community college and transfer to a 4 year school afterwards
yeah but you're going to be an unhappy fuckup either way if you're dumb enough for muh trades meme

>> No.19317121

not falling for the college scam doesn't mean falling for the tradie scam. Learn to code. Get an IT certification or something. Plenty of cushy office jobs you can get without wasting 4 years studying a bunch of bullshit in college and spending 10s of thousands of dollars for the privilege.

>> No.19317142

This is the 2nd time I've seen this exact thread.

>> No.19317163

Grtvgood at property management and carpentry

>> No.19317173

This guy is right, I’ve got no degree and I’m a manager with several engineers under me in a top 8 e-commerce company. College is for retards, but it seems like you’re so retarded you didn’t realize it was for you.

>> No.19317175

you sound like a puss

>> No.19317236
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>he actually listened to /pol/
You would most likely not have been able to do particularly well in college anyway.

>> No.19317275

yeah i remember the original, wtf

>> No.19317290

yeah because everyone who doesn't go to college will end up in any position remotely similar to yours (giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're not a larper)

>> No.19317338

The good things, is that your work is soo shitty and so minimum wage, that you can easily quit. Really dont lose anything.
You can learn an endless amount of things online. Could start a business. But for god sake quit the welding. Being around 80IQ will not do you well.
You seem young enough. You'll make it.

>> No.19317371

You know you can change professions right? Also where I work titanium welders get a $60,000 bonus and make $26 hourly to start.

>> No.19317375

I fell for the STEM meme, engineering fucking sucks. There is no winning.

>> No.19317415

Oh look it's this fag again

>> No.19317422

sissy lil bitch get strong

>> No.19317572

If you have any passion for working in tech and you’re not a moron you can make it if you work hard. By no means is it easy, but there are so many startups needing engineers that it’s simple to get your foot in the door so that you can build work experience without a degree if you know your shit.

>> No.19317645
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I think the welder meme is real but you have to be willing to move to where the work is, sounds like your area just sucks

>> No.19317658

You know all the comfyness of an office job yet you still took trades? you're either larping or retarded

>> No.19317695
File: 1.71 MB, 382x239, Elf thot gets patrolled by Reichland footknight chad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're really a welder and you're really constantly working (I assume you mean 50+ hour weeks) then you should be making a pretty good living. My guess is that you're wasting your takehome pay like a retard and whining to /biz/ that you're poor because of it.

If you really ARE the only person in your shop over 80IQ, then that means you're the only one that can handle being given tasks with more than 3 steps in them, and can be left unsupervised. Employees that can function autonomously are fucking invaluable. Even more so in a job with such a high injury risk as welding.

This means either you're either shit a budgeting, or you're just a lot dumber than you think, and thus not worth paying more for the work you do.

>> No.19317997

this guy is right, learn about code and tech, it's a bit to late for a 4 year college. If you are as smart as you say you are, you will be able to learn it quick and companies would want to hire you. Put yourself in a company's shoes, would you let a talented employee fall to the wayside? Take up a course on udemy/coursera or if you're poor, youtube. Then practice till you're amazing and in the meantime work as much as you can for money