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19316128 No.19316128 [Reply] [Original]

Is getting a wife from a 3rd world country a good investment? I'm lonely

>> No.19316179


>> No.19316186

possibly the worst investment
never go down the mainland china, phillipine or SEA route only leads to more misery

>> No.19316204

Nice neck

>> No.19316226
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Only if they are basically part of the aristocracy of their country. Intentionally impregnating someone who is going to give you low IQ kids is a bad idea, unless you like the idea of dealing with fucked up people for the rest of your sad life.

>> No.19316234
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>> No.19316265
File: 107 KB, 623x720, 1586917353506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are mail order brides legit? I looked at it once and seems like you just pay the company to do webcam sessions and then pay for her ticket.. desu it's probably easier to just meet girls on some non-specific mail order website.. meeting people online normally is so easy now .. but where do I search for qt polish/ukraine grills that want to live with a poorfag in the US?

>> No.19316335
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>marrying down

>> No.19316348

Cambodian women are the best for wives.

>> No.19316452

To add to this, basically a greencard dick for rich third worlders is the ideal. Marrying some village filipina who is "traditional and loyal" is absolutely retarded. Unless you are a poor wagie with nothing to lose. Then it doesn't matter.

>> No.19316494

Why would someone who is the aristocracy of their country marry for shit money to some incel?

>> No.19316496

honestly? Asian women are the /biz/ women of choice regardless of country. Try Philippines or China. Far more faithful, better long term partners.

>Marrying some village filipina who is "traditional and loyal" is absolutely retarded

what? why?

>> No.19316510


Some areas with caste/class systems automatically rate white men. I knew a fuy dorky white guys who got with decent Indian chicks from good backgrounds who simply liked them for that.

>> No.19316533

Too dark for my tastes

>> No.19316549

No, stay with your psychotic western women who will cheat on you while you work 6a-6p x6 days a week. Then have tyrones kids and take care of their over medicated, autistic kids, while you pretend their yours.

>> No.19316554

No it's a way to circumvent customs and immigration and they will use you to chain migrate their family.

>> No.19316591
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either that you have trash girls here, choose wisely

>> No.19316630

I took a PE class with this four foot nothing Cambodian with the most amazing body. She never said anything and I would watch her pussy lips against her sweats, just begging to be fucked