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File: 186 KB, 540x540, smug child pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1931189 No.1931189 [Reply] [Original]

enough with the stupid pump and dump memecoin threads. lets have a good thread about making money in our youth. ill start

>be in 3rd grade
>seriously obsessed with making money
>have jar of change in my room
>slowly empty BIG family bucket of chain into mine over the course of a few weeks
>get older brother to take me to coinstar, a few hundred dollars worth of coins
>he buys me burger king after

another time

>be snooping around in sisters room for whatever reason
>notice a yearbook picture envelope buried underneath her messy clothes, she had a messy room
>find about $40 or $60 dollars in there, take it, leave
>parents get violently upset at sister for not buying pictures, accuse her of buying drugs with the money
>she genuinely had no idea where the money went
>never get caught, sister grounded

and last one

>have those elementary school events where you sell chocolate and cookies for prizes at your school
>make up fake prices, usually double or 1.5 the actual cost of the goods
>go around my upper middle class neighrborhood collecting orders, pocketing the extra cash
>sell a lot, get to go in a limo with the other badasses to a pizza place because we sold the most in the school

I also used to make youtube accounts trading yugioh cards, get people to send first, and never send anything back. selling the cards undervalued for cash at my local card shop

>> No.1931202

Not so much a "hustle" as just stealing.

>> No.1931209



>> No.1931225

Don't be so soft

>> No.1931249

I was expecting at least one of the OP's story to be not theft related but I was wrong

>> No.1931283
File: 56 KB, 700x459, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao the only hustling was the cookies other than that you're just an inbred degenerate.

Pic Related
>what you deserve

>> No.1931316

>textbook consumer fraud and failing to deliver goods in return for payment
>stealing from your own family, multiple times
You're like me when I was 14. Are you underaged? Maybe still a college kiddo?

>> No.1931321

Cookies was the only almost-decent idea. But it would have been 10x better if you'd found a way to sell outside the network of your school like online or something.

But no, you were an edgy teenaged faggot like the rest of them.

>> No.1931328

did you get your idea of 'hustle' from Jay-Z's Reasonable Doubt album or something? Because not only are you a nigger, you're not even a smart nigger (I'm re-loading! BANG BANG)

>> No.1931422


funny, but extremely nigger tier

>> No.1931430
File: 5 KB, 165x115, d33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not OP

>> No.1931511

You're a bigger.

When I was about 9 or 10 I had the two best artists in class draw stuff for me, I used to act as the middleman and find buyers for 10% of the profit. We made $35 together before the stupid teacher made us give the money back, and treated it like a scam. Thinking back on it, how shitty is it to stop 3 enterprising young students.

When I was about 13 I used to loan money for interest. Jewish, I know. Sometimes they would pay me back with stolen jewellery. Makes me cringe thinking about how I exchanged hundreds of dollars of gold jewellery for $10 at pawn shops because I was too retarded to drive a real price.

From the ages of 15 to 18 I had trouble getting a legitimate part time job because the economy was bad and I was too autistic to be able to market myself. I used to steal bottles of liquor from houses, dilute them, store them in coke bottles in my locker and sell them for $10 a bottle. I also used to write university papers for older friends, charging depending on the grade it earned, up to $100 a paper. I did social work, architecture, art, graphic design and business papers, even got A+ on some of them.

>> No.1931522

>Get list of song from customer
>Limewire them and burn a cd
>get paid

>> No.1931532

In high school I found out that a teacher was getting all her tests with the answers from a website online, which you had to pay about $20 to access and claim you were a teacher.

So I registered for that, got all the tests and answers, and sold them to other students for only about $10 per test but either convinced them not to show to other people (or I'd tell the teacher they were cheating) or simply show it to them without letting them keep it.

>> No.1931538

I was expecting the second story to involve OP blackmailing his sister with nudes.

>> No.1931540

Also kek my high school teacher started trying to hook us up to a class Facebook to send out updates and messages. The day she announced it was online I made a fake profile to match the teacher's, adding lots of fake and real friends, then made a fake class Facebook page to match the teachers and added a bunch of the students and copied her so it looked legit and students couldn't tell the difference. Then I started messaging students things that weren't true and that assignments weren't due when they were, etc.

Also, more lame, but a teacher told us that for an assignment we had to watch a certain Youtube video, so I went home and downloaded the video she wanted us to watch, then edited my version of it to have all kinds of weird shit and be nothing like the original and just be garbage, then posted my version under a new account name but with the same title, same thumbnail, same length as original so people would watch my version instead and not see the original.

>> No.1931564

You write like a fucking spastic. Are you still in your "childhood"??

>> No.1931569

>grade 4, early november
>have a bunch of halloween candy
>bring pack of twizzlers to school
>other kids start asking me for it
>one kid offers me 50 cents
>bidding goes up to $2
>asian kid yells out he'll give me $5
>next day asian kid gives me $5
>could tell he got in a lot of shit from his parents
>probably got hit a few times
>still kept his money

>> No.1931571

thats not hustling, thats just being a nigger OP

>> No.1931581
File: 18 KB, 408x660, shirtlesspepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1932741

Was going to contribute but every single shill here is a crooked meme besides the change thing. And judging from this it was probably stolen also.

Memecoin scam wont stop because the mods run it u fucking retard.

Fix your shit or die sad and poor...

>> No.1932885

I would always make around 100 dollars shovelling snow with my friend on snow days
pretty good money when you're 8 years old

>> No.1933685

>Memecoin scam wont stop because the mods run it u fucking retard.
what really? i never understood the point in that shit

>> No.1933731

I used to sell clothes

>Buy this floral supreme camp cap off my friend for $60 bucks
>Sold on eBay for $150

>Buy 5 pairs of Yeezy 750s
>Make 2k off a pair each
>Next yeezy drop
>Buy 20 pairs
>Make 1.5k on each pair