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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19309076 No.19309076 [Reply] [Original]

Bonus points if proven.

>> No.19309088

Browsing /biz/ literally kills my neurons

>> No.19309132

3x THE 12 Euro

I think he should argue that

>> No.19309134

wtf? a 6 digits meal?

>> No.19309142

10$ water bottle? wtf

college and flight school was mine

>> No.19309143

I bought a car for like 7-8k.

>> No.19309148

Just noticed this is in USD

>> No.19309151

being ugly

>> No.19309158


Your country is so poor spending 100k doesn’t even look fun

>> No.19309161


>> No.19309151,1 [INTERNAL] 

Op eats caviar, drinks coke

Wtf man

>> No.19309169

Buying chainlink

>> No.19309174


What program are you in because same

>> No.19309221

nikki beach in st tropez is a fucking scam
if a photographer senses you have money and you want to spend it, they're gonna take pics the whole time pretend to be friendly and when you're wasted enough, they'll try to sell them to you for 5+k euros
its tea

>> No.19309257

People who buy expensive bottles of wine are getting ripped off like crazy. The restaurants make huge profit margins on them. Shit heads.

>> No.19309288

But if you have a problem with it, other people might think you're poor! You just can't let that happen.

>> No.19309320

My car was $18.5k out the door. Barring that, college cost me $40k in loans

>> No.19309341
File: 326 KB, 1051x693, Dom Perignon rosé.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2x Dom Perignon rosé (pic related)

>> No.19309423


What bothers me more is drinking this with Coca Cola, Tea and Cappuccino after nomming on 3kg of langusta.

Like seriously.

>> No.19309449

2 packs of cigs a day. The nicotine has health benefits though

>> No.19309461

I paid more for an engagement ring than I’ve paid for all my cars put together. No regerts so far

>> No.19309467
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if this restaurant was in the United States, is the 10% tip rule still valid?
Or does this only apply to mid-range restaurants?

>> No.19309514


Oh and to answer OP - it was probably spending €500 in FKK Club Samya in Köln on whores. It was good experience though, would recommend, food too. I regret I didn't spend more monies to get a massage from a guy who looked like a true professional therapist.

>> No.19309525

people often make this mistake, it’s not 10%, it’s $10. I only tip $10 no matter what. whether it’s just hot chocolate or a $500+ meal.

>> No.19309542

1 pack of smokes per day here.
Prolly 5 6 packs a week.
~$120 per week

>> No.19309560

the bottles are mathusalem and jeroboam, not sure about jeroboam but mathusalem can cost more than 70k...
you're overthinking this, you don't go there because you enjoy certain tastes, you go there to have a good time

>> No.19309582

lung cancer will be more expensive anon

>> No.19309584

I spent 1500 building a computer 5 years ago.

>> No.19309614

the waiter would say yes, every sane person no

>> No.19309631

Do they get to write this meal off as business expense? Or what
Its hard to imagine paying 90k for 3 bottles of wine that I'm sure they could drink on their private villa overlooking the ocean served by private staff...
The only logic I can see behind it is spending as a power move in a business meeting

>> No.19309660
File: 595 KB, 1277x793, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but mathusalem can cost more than 70k...
Yeah probably, I just found this one at €50k.

>> No.19309743

Plus a 17,000 dollar tip!

>> No.19309765

It's 20% minimum and they've pushed it to 25% min on large parties or large bill (because "it's more work for me").

Anything less than 30% is getting your cc number and home address doxed on the roastie's IG.

>> No.19309792

If you can't afford to leave at least a 30% tip then you shouldn't eat out

>> No.19309830

30%, did I do something wrong sir?!? Our normal patrons tip 45, unless you would like a chef José surprise the next time you try to eat here (at Applebee's).

>> No.19309846


When this corona virus thing gets me down, I think about all the money the restaurants and their wait staff are losing and it makes me feel better.

>Okay we won't eat out

>> No.19310044

I live in burgerland. The burgers here truly are great here btw, live near a bunch of cows. Fresh > anything else

I also got hit in the head really fucking hard and had a seizure, which so far has resulted in six more seizures. Runs be about $9000 per incident, if you don't count the brain scans and doctor visits. All in all, I'd say I've lost about $65,000 so far.

Were the burgers worth it? Well, if you're $65,000 in debt with only $300 cash to your name and unable to work for the foreseeable future, then yes. Never gonna be able to pay it back anyways, let's eat

>> No.19310478


>> No.19310548

>go to eat out
>leave no tip
>write "cash" in the tip line
>manager and other staff think roasty server pocketed the tip
Works every time

>> No.19310759

divorce was the most expensive for me.

>> No.19310870


>> No.19311165 [DELETED] 

I spend about 1500 a month on crypto. So that’s my biggest expense... if you don’t count that as an expense, rent is my next large expense 600. Then groceries 300.

>> No.19311175

uni for 10k, but i'm in the market for a house

>> No.19311322

> Bonus points if proven.
What a faggot
literally the 1st result in google for most expensive receipt
nice Pasta faggot

>> No.19311368
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>> No.19311493

does a degree count
>70k GBP in the hole

>> No.19311650

I saw that picture in my Facebook feed some years posted by some LSE student thought its fake

>> No.19311691



I dont get this. it doesnt feel good after 3-4/day.

>> No.19311716
File: 48 KB, 728x546, beluga-whale-3-728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder its 100K. If you eat six of these

>> No.19311718

Having fun with my receipt Anon ^^

>> No.19312089
File: 646 KB, 651x413, fat bitch who doesn't even fit her sandwich board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based af