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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1930669 No.1930669 [Reply] [Original]

It seems like cryptocurrency eBay. Why shouldn't I invest? Why do people hate it?

>> No.1930671

People hate it because they got burned when they bought in at the ATH and are salty over it.

>> No.1930677

There was that one fucking shill who kept hating on it. Unlike 99% of altcoins, BitBay actually has a working product and massive potential. It is seriously undervalued.

>> No.1930680

I'm sitting on 62,000. I know what I have and I'm excited. It's like watching eggs hatch.

>> No.1930687
File: 294 KB, 1424x800, Screen Shot 2017-04-04 at 3.14.34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Real niggas know BAY is on the up and up.
Some greedy juden tainted the ICO a couple years back, stole millions of coins, and Cucked David Zimbeck into holding the bags, but David hefted those bags onto his broad shoulders and created the world's first Trustless Decentralized Market from the ashes.

At present Real Niggas worldwide are accumulating BAY. At the end of the day, i'm sitting on 1,000,000 BAY and expect it to reach at minimum .02 USD by the end of the year.

Realistically, you probably have until Q4 2017 to prepare for liftoff, nothing that's going to shake up the market until the Rolling Peg imo. Marketplace is populating quite a bit this week though.

Also you used the wrong logo OP.

>> No.1930706

By the way if anyone speaks Spanish there's currently a contract up that pays around $50 worth of BAY for each bitbay video you make subtitles for.

>> No.1930742

Nobody hates it but what's with all the shills lately?

>> No.1930767
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I've been a bad little boy...

>> No.1930770

it was a MASSIVE fuckup in the earliest stages. One of Lin's projects from BTER and the dev bailed, now they probably have a better dev team behind it

>> No.1930779


late to the party
how do I invest?

>> No.1930781


Buy BTC -> Move to Bittrex -> Buy 500,000 BAY -> Wait.

>> No.1930797

There is that one shill that will never shut up about it. Like 99% of altcoins, shitbay actually was a pumping station and totally garbage. Bagholders seriously overvalue their foresight.

>> No.1930800
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And if you ever feel like cashing out you can buy a bunch of candy or hat pins :^)

>> No.1930806

very cool.
I heard the other day that Poloniex fucked people over so I've been weary of other exchanges.
Any reception over Bittrex?

>> No.1930811
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Yeah Bro It's Just a Prank Bro These Items Totally Aren't Sold for Cheaper than eBay and Amazon and the Client totally isn't one of the safest wallets in crypto and it isn't one of the cheapest speculative investments out right now it's just a big joke i'm a big shill dummy :^)

>> No.1930813

I love that classic look I have to assume its intentional but even if its not lmao
I think they're doing it right.

>> No.1930825


It looks like shit lets be honest. But! David is just hurriedly implementing the more practical features rather than focusing aesthetics, which should of course come last.

As soon as the GUI gets sexified we're going to see this fucker move, and not even the biggest faggot shill on Earth will deny the potential. Cap this.

Join the slack if you have any questions, the core team is always happy to assist new vendors or consumers with accessing and utilizing the market - http://bitbay.market/wp-login.php?action=slack-invitation

>> No.1930840

lmao I appreciate the classic design if anything for nostalgic purpose, but to each his own.
I'll take a look at this. Thanks.

>> No.1930855

Why not have a market place decoupled from the currency in use? How is this any more trustless than that?

>> No.1930863

The real question is, why is there no team with this lead dev? If this is so promising why has no one offered to be a part of it? Why hasnt David hired any people?
Its all fishy...
>inb4 he doesnt want to get screwed
>inb4 he doesnt want his creativity disturbed
>inb4 he doesnt want to share profits

If any of these is true he is a moron or very incompetant or just lying in some way or for some reason.
It smellz and it smellz bad.

>> No.1930867


You can read the old Bitcointalk forums and get yourself up to speed on the controversial ICO that explains why BAY is where it is today. 100% transparency with this issue, I can't speak for David Zimbeck himself but if you wish to join the Slack and he will explain himself.


regarding the history and why he no longer has a team. The project has been developing at a reasonable pace without a team, and when the time comes and the funding is available a team will be assembled.

>> No.1930930
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I have taken the time to communicate with David and get a response for you in regards to your question. Pic Related

>> No.1930986
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Its a dumb scam coin for dumb negros

The dev holds 100 million of these coins (higher percentage than what satoshi holds in btc), he just want you to pay for his retirement

>> No.1930993

Well, I wonder how other projects managed ot get teams..I mean come on...
All these problems cold be put forth by any dev working on any of the new blockchain projects.

>> No.1930994

I mean maybe it all works out but as an investments it seems very high risk. I dont now the uy personally and i ofcourse wont trust what he says since i cant distinguish him from a scammer or someone trying to take advantage of me.
I wish him and investors the best of luck but for me its all a bit too risky.

>> No.1931006


Compare the functionality of BAY vs. any other top 20 coin and you will realize it's up there with the best. That's not saying I can guarantee you 100% on the bible it's not a scam, Crypto is the wild wild west. But what I can say is the functionality is there, David is willing to respond to any question you could possibly have to ask him, and there is a palpable enthusiasm behind this project beyond a short-term pump and dump.

>> No.1931022
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> tfw too smart to not buy 1 million BAY and sit on it for 1 year

>> No.1931026

Fucking shill!

>> No.1931036
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> tfw too intelligent to stop posting on /biz/ about BitBay

I'm going to fail out of college for this lads

>> No.1931078


>> No.1931085
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It's on the BitBay Marketplace.

>> No.1931096

If you have to constantly justify a coins value how do you ever expect it to be successful?

>> No.1931107


are these real screenshots? are you niggers fucking blind or don't you get that people have eyes? nobody will even try this shit looking like this. even worse is that you instantly know that no matter what, the code is going to be equally horrible. I've seen projects like this countless times, and nobody wants to use them even when given away for free.

>> No.1931123
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I'm getting some yeezys from it and probably some weed gear stay poor cuck.

>> No.1931215

>coder from Cambodia

Why the fuck did he try to find programmer from FUCKING CAMBODIA of all place. It is a backwards sub 3rd world country! I'm not even sure they use electricity there.

>> No.1931217


you have given money to this:

>We are a company that was created not only because of interest into cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin.

>> No.1931220
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Actually my money went to the seller

>> No.1931222

Hey! We meet again!
How is DOPECOIN going? Reaching moon yet?

>> No.1931329

I'm not invested in dope coin. Never understood why people selling marijuana wouldn't use any other technologically superior coin with a less ridiculous name.

you know what, I just looked into their exchange a little more and I actually might be wrong. That market app they're developing still is ugly as fuck and looks like open source software from the 1990s that's never going to get finished, and all sorts of other red flags, but there are also some details that seem interesting. where can I get more info on their coin?

>> No.1931376

There's a slack server where you can talk with the man himself.

>> No.1931449

I'd rather get to know the project first before I get invested enough to talk to people about it without calling them names.

>> No.1931469
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>> No.1931489

Hi, friend! It is very obvious that they haven't even begun discussing design yet. It's just to show that the most important aspect (the code) is actually working!

>> No.1931498

I work as Implementation consultant for the largest software company specializing in niche ERP system for Pharma industry.

Our software looks like it was build when windows 95 was released, it was ugly as fuck.

But did you know that, of the top 25 Pharma company in the world, 22 company uses our software?


Because our software fucking work.

Same goes for bitbay.

>> No.1931595
File: 119 KB, 708x748, Screen Shot 2017-04-05 at 09.03.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried running it. It only showed it doesn't run on os x.

I work in software myself. I know what it looks like when someone doesn't give a fuck about what he's working on. You know why people run your software? because the people buying your shit don't have to use it and the people who do have no power to change it (or even knowledge that change is possible). also you most likely have little to none competition, given that it sounds like an extremely specialised field with only a few potential customers. Something which 'a general internet market like ebay or amazon' is not. It's consumer software.

pic related is what I made yesterday in under one hour because I was tired of my thinkpad constantly overheating whenever I had poloniex longer open then 5 minutes. this is what one hour of 'not caring about the looks' looks like and that's very visible, but it still doesn't look like the vomit that is bitbay.

you want to know why your software looks like shit? because nobody in your company gives a fuck about it.

>> No.1931604


> I work in software myself
> Can't get the Market Client to work

Gas yourself shill. BitBay is fucking tight and you know it.

>> No.1931620

ok whatever you say bro :^)

>> No.1931642

>Can't get the Market Client to work

do you somehow compulsively fix every piece of garbage you encounter or do you accept that some pieces of shit just aren't worth it. like, say, a piece of consumer software that doesn't even get to get its writing permissions right so it actually starts?

do you get that this is the shit that makes people not use software regardless of their technical expertise?
do you get that this isn't about you or me, but about users / customers for their market and the brand they're presenting to them: crappy software that's hard to use?

>> No.1932054

For the founders to own 10% (like in bitbays case) is good. 90% of Dash/dark for all you lovers of that, was owned buy the creators at the start! Who knows what they own now?
Every coin that has had a ICO was bought by the creators.

Bitbay actually is creating software and this code will be valuable in the coming years when other coins try to copy it! David Zimbeck owns the code!

Tesla is valued as the USA's top car company on the stock market above GM because people see its potential. They only sell 30k cars a year!! Ford sell millions! People buy tesla shares cos they want in early on that technology

>> No.1932064

I'm going to start using this shit to sell crap. This is Hella cool.

>> No.1932111


Your points are valid. Counterpoint: all crypto is hard to use and this software is still above and beyond what most cryptos can do (ie. Nothing)

Most of the problems you suggest can/will easily be fixed as soon as the core features are implemented (the rolling peg) that truly make BitBay stand out, which are leagues above the minor details in terms of importance and distinguishing BitBay from the competitors.

Yes, BitBay is ugly. Yes, you might have to Ctrl Click to get it started on a Mac. But if those are the most major issues you can find with the client, then I still say to you: what's wrong with investing in BAY?

This will be a top 10 coin within the next 2 years, if not sooner. You don't have to listen but it is what it is.

>> No.1932440


They're missing one thing though and that is that when people google 'Bitbay' shit goes bad.

At first glance the top result appears spot on, since it's a crypto currency exchange with the same name and similar logo.

So they click...

And think they're in the right place because it throws up exactly what they expected.

Only a Watson will notice he's led astray.

>> No.1932605

We're starting to get a little more recognition. Should be a good next couple weeks.

>> No.1932755

Fortunately I read in slack that they brought on some guy to help with that via SEO. There is also some dude who is trying to contact the owner of the bitbay exchange site so he can buy it

>> No.1932770

lol. what a piece of shit.

Who falls for this crap?

>> No.1932772

This guy is a 300% full time autist dev. 50k LOC and a client with the functionality the bitbay client has is a very large amount of work for a single person and two years. I bet he has trouble with project management, because autism, so he just goes it alone and gets shit done through brute intelligence and will.

The nice thing about a single dev project is that the codebase will have high consistency and fewer bugs. The bad thing is some devs just can't do certain things well. And this project is suffering way worse than it should in the UI department. It takes exactly zero effort to just lay things out better, and very minimal effort to group controls properly and ensure everything is consistent. David will never make a beautiful UI on his own.

The project needs three devs: A technical lead, a user experience lead, and a project manager. David is doing all three tasks now, but is only doing the technical lead task well. He needs to let go of some of the control he has on the project.

>> No.1932812

Writing an aggregator is different than writing a cryptocurrency market client. I'm very confident David is completely invested, mind, body and economy in this software. If you're really a software dev (and not just a frontend poo in loo), then you should appreciate the complexity of the bitbay market client. It's seriously cutting edge; the amount of time and careful though that went into each feature is easy to see.

David is just absolutely shit at designing UI for humans.

>> No.1932916
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> Mfw

It's fugging habbening

>> No.1932957
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>> No.1933064

I already bought a little. It's not too expensive and I can afford losing what I spent, but there are so many major issues that need to be addressed, that I feel justified in going full autistic like I did yesterday.

But like you can probably see I'm not very talented at persuading people of my opinion, regardless of how right I am. So anyway, here are just a few things that wrong:

Presentation. You'd be surprised at how averse people are to trying new things. You know how you're trying to get your friends to watch some movie or listen to a song and they never do? This. And it gets even worse with software: when people try something once, they're going to believe this experience will always ring true - making it incredibly hard to persuade them of trying it again

another thing is: you're going to decide on the quality of any given product in the first few seconds you're exposed to. and this software, so this is going to be either screenshots or video. (later if you're lucky you're going to see it on a friends computer.)
after forming your first opinion you can be persuaded otherwise, but this takes work and you're not gonna care unless there's some other benefit to listening to the information presented.
in your case it's the prospect of money as you're an investor, but someone who wants to buy some shit off amazon will run away the moment he realises the confusing relation between bitbay.market and bitbay.net
threre's another thing: what the fuck is up with the branding? how can he manage to call is coin-market (exchange) and his market-market the same?

and by the way, how come he doesn't sell 'his' own token on 'his' exchange?

I like his security concept and by the way also the looks of his website (very much so), but the few point I already raised combined with the fact that he doesn't care enough to fix the binaries he's giving out or even aligning ui elements just screams 'unprofessional' (a death sentence when it comes to anything finance)

>> No.1933076
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>and by the way, how come he doesn't sell 'his' own token on 'his' exchange?

Nigga u can't be srs

>> No.1933089


More factually incorrect statements. You can purchase BitBay on the market. You're basically saying it's ugly so you won't try it so therefore it sucks. You didn't need to write all that to tell us it's ugly.

Nobody is arguing it doesn't need a fresh coat of paint but I can tell by your avoidance of speaking on any fundamental problems with the software that it must be fucking great software.

But I do tell David every time someone calls it ugly and hope he fixes it soon. Frankly I'm glad he hasn't made the UI more normie friendly because when he does I won't be able to afford to stock up on as much BAY.>>1933064

>> No.1933114

I am a complete knob and have no expereince with crypto currency.
Is there a FAQ and how to?
Is it literally just
>put some money here,
>wait a little bit
>sell high

>> No.1933135

Yes. Buy bitcoin on localbitcoins and trade at bittrex for shitcoins.

>> No.1933139

I'm pretty retarded when it comes to software and yet it worked just fine for me, I think you have an over inflated ego if you're having issues.

>> No.1933141

basically, but it's more like

>buy bitcoin for reel munny
>make exchange account
>send bitcoin to exchange account
>trade bitcoin for other coin(s)
>wait for price of other coin(s) to go up or down
>trade back for bitcoin

Don't forget to buy high and sell low. Also when the price goes up 10%, make sure you sell right away to secure your profit, and if the price goes down, keep holding on to it for as long as it takes for the price to go back up

>> No.1933183

wew Lad that guy talking shit about BitBay sounds dumb as hell

>> No.1933224
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>David is just absolutely shit at designing UI for humans.

I could actually write a lot about this and I think I already have, but I also think at some point it's becoming unfair for me to keep on criticising without anyone from their team being able to comment on any of my accusations - even though this is an anonymous mongolian chopstick smelling forum.

I also think you're absolutely right in saying the lead dev has to give up some of his power to give away to someone who's able to make their market more marketable. and even though I haven't investigated since yesterday, I think they are in an incredible position to do so in poland. especially in god damn fucking kełbasa poland, because they have no ebay and amazon there. jiust allegro (if I remember correctly).

from their exchange (i could not asses how big they are positioned in the market there) they have already an affiliate network going, giving them a giant push in building momentum and advertisement for their bitbay market (which confusingly enough has the same name as their exchange).

if they play their hand right, they can get to dominate eastern central europes largest economy from where they can expand into the rest of europe.
but to do this they have to be good at every aspect of their game.

>> No.1933431
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no you idiot, I'm saying 'they didn't care enough to make it presentable, so I don't care enough to look'. being ugly is just as much an expression of that as is encountering wrongly set file permissions in their app bundle. this just tells me they haven't even bothered testing it after compiling. - even wose: they didn't bothered fixing it.

you want to tell me I should be impressed by that?
(and as a side note: in what world does using a cross-patform library like QT make sense when you eventually put it into a wine wrapper anyway? Oh wait, it's a qt-webview in in a wine wrapper. ...

so here's what I think after starting: this is worse than I thought. That's unfixable. He's going to have to write the whole client anew if he wants to support anything other than windows - or actually real people to use it on any other platform than windows and not just deluded bagholding nerds.

So what is he going to do about mobile support?

the fucking interface is also buggy and clicking menus doesn't even result in action. the fuck!? are you people really this retarded? this is exactly what I said the screenshots were telling me about the software: a broken pile of utter garbage.

kill yoursefl, I do not even have to look at the source code to know this is build from daydreams and incompetence.

also look at the screenshot, look at it: this is potato-tier bad.

>> No.1933443
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no, you obviously are, because you haven't figured out yet the amount of creativity that went into naming this shit bitba.

I looked at this shit. I retract everything positive I said. there's no excuse for this.

>> No.1933451

Whatever, I bought steam bucks for 20% off, I care far more for function than form. Do you really care this much about things being pretty?

>> No.1933476
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I now have Internet Explorer on my mac. This isn't about pretty, man. It's abouit this being a burning pile of shit screaming at everyone how aids infested it is. and it is.

>> No.1933483
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and you can be assured this thing will never have any function. it's like an open source app from the 1990s: over promising, badly crafted and cursed to never get completed.

>> No.1933498
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THE PROBLEM with BitBay is that at any fucking moment, eBay could adopt BTC as a viable payment option... then say byebye to BAY

Now thats not to say that BAY won't inexiblicably splode sometime in the future, but it won't be because its a revolutionary product... it will be some tard buy-off much like the XRP shit

>> No.1933517

>never have any function
Except I've already used it to buy something.

>> No.1933750


BitBay has almost NO transaction fees. eBay is the exact opposite of that, they jew me so fucking hard every sale I make. Accepting BTC wouldn't change that.


Even though you seem to be having a hard time using it, I just bought a sick MAGA refrigerator magnet from a small distributor who is able to profit much more now that he is free from the centralized market's many leeches.

>> No.1933814

The market is an added bonus to the currency! Do dash or eth have a marketplace?? What do they have? What does Bitcoin have? This has never been done before and some of you don't get what has been actiheved here. Who gives a fuck if it looks ugl. That can be fixed. Bitcoins openbizzar devs are still twiddling their thumbs on how to create Thor marketplace.
This one guy has created it with no money all on his own! He's crypto mark zuckemburg

>> No.1933875

Zuckeberg didn't really do shit except scam college kids and later everyone, that's being mean to David.

>> No.1934570
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>> No.1934788

Using a mac instantly means you get 1% of the attention of any dev, even Apple recently.
At least use Linux you entitled cunt.

>> No.1934952

Looks like its primed for take-off, up 27% right now, after a big buyer entered the books last night. Get in guys, this can fly.

>> No.1934987

OK so I'm on Mac

What am I in for in terms of functionality?
Low? High? Is the other guy in here retarded or is bitbay on mac like iceskating in hell?

>> No.1934993


The biggest issue is I have to Ctrl +
Click -> Open the application or it doesn't work correctly. not sure if others have the same problem.

Downloading the blockchain takes quite awhile on a Mac and the program has some issues interacting with Avast. Other than that it works well for me.

>> No.1934998

Noice, cheers for the click tip

>> No.1935007
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>> No.1935044
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Wew what the fuck

>> No.1935070
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> Tfw panic sold

I am a pussy

>> No.1935169

>BitBay has almost NO transaction fees. eBay is the exact opposite of that, they jew me so fucking hard every sale I make. Accepting BTC wouldn't change that.

That's because BitBays traffic and volume doesn't even compare to eBay.

When you invest in BAY, you are counting on three really big things to happen

1. BitBay will become popular
2. BitBay will operate more efficiently (cheaper) than eBay
3. eBay won't capitalize on BitBays success (if not buy out the company entirely)

>> No.1935193


1.) It's going to be more popular than 95% of 10 of the shitcoins that get shilled on this site, because you can't even fucking use 95% of these shitcoins to do ANY kind of transaction.
2.) It's decentralized you fucking ape, this isn't a company. 0% downtime, almost no staff. This will continue to be the cheapest market you're going to find in terms of transaction and listing fees. Because there are NO listing fees.
3.) This isn't going to happen and if it does, i'm still going to make money.

I honestly think you may have the wrong idea what BitBay we're talking about.

>> No.1935439

I want to start selling on the market but it just appears empty for me. No listings at all.. I have the block chain updated and on windows. What do?

>> No.1935584

Do you have free marketplace in USA?

We have this free marketplace here in my country where you can sell anything (legal) for free.

So how will bitbay will compete with this kind of competition?

>> No.1935755


Even though I think you're trolling, i doubt your country's market has smart contracts, double escrow security, that it's decentralized and anonymous, etc.

>> No.1935768

Why the fuck my statement can be taken as trolling.

This is serious question and I probably have more bitbay than you faggot.

The marketplace use its built in escrow, no fee for the seller.

The only 'fee' that you have is for promoting your product listing (Put at top of product searches, use bigger font, use color etc.)

This is serious question, my country doesn't have ebay and most of people use the free marketplace to sell their product.

>> No.1935836

Show country + website please

>> No.1936044


>> No.1936127
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friends, please let us not fight - the volume has tripled in two days. please, join us on the moon rocket.

>> No.1936265

Amen to that

>> No.1936824

Shrewd. Don't fall for the BITGAY meme

>> No.1936860


>> No.1937307

You'd have to have some retried nigger brains to not invest in BAY

>> No.1937741

Replace smoke with 'buy bitbay'

>> No.1937768

Holy shit, that looks ugly

>> No.1938049

Yeah dont buy bitgay...haha bitgay so dumb...keep the price down so I can buy more heh