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File: 11 KB, 242x208, peakboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19306392 No.19306392 [Reply] [Original]

>renting is dead money Anon
>Why don't you get into debt for decades like me?
>Your home is your greatest asset Anon, think about how people will be lining up to buy your McMansion in 30 years!
Is there anything more peak boomer than this?

>> No.19306411

That's actually based, though

>> No.19306444

Real estate is going to collapse soon

>> No.19306468

Based and truthpilled
Buying or holding leveraged property now is full retardation

>> No.19306515

Are you expecting boomers to save you from poor life choices? Not gonna happen you can rent or be homeless

t. Dad

>> No.19306522

mortgage debt is different from what you are thinking of, which is why your post proves you’re dumbass.

>> No.19306775

rentcucks are morons. what happens when you retire in 40 years? you going to pay $1000/mo rent on your $2200/mo social security until you die?

>> No.19306816

>home is our greatest asset
and israel is our greatest ally.

>> No.19306881

No im counting on a wave of boomer deaths in the next 20 years and no demand side demographics being there to buy their bags when the estates are handled. Why would i care about building equity in an asset class over a 25 year period if that asset is going to be 60% off in 20 years.

>> No.19306970

why is it going to be 60% off

>> No.19306975

what if your country continues to import more third worlders than are needed to replace the boomers?

>> No.19307025

DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favorite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.19307064

wtf is that pink thing near the license plate

>> No.19307068

Because the boomers will all die at once and no one except a boomer wants to live in a nice house everyone else wants to be cramped in an apartment full of nogs in NYC eating immigrant food

>> No.19307160

never gonna happen. mortgage terms will extend to 40 years, debt to income ratios will go up. or housing will just be for the rich like in many european countries where the vast majority of people rent their entire lives.

>> No.19307197

A finger

>> No.19307232

A house is literally the opposite of an asset until it's paid off.

>> No.19307250

you have to be 18+ to post here

>> No.19307258
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Demographics predict economies
Extend it 40 years. 50 years. 100 years. It wont matter if there isnt another wave of buyers coming. America is heading for a population cliff with a market full of sellers and no buyers, and any would-be buyers are going to be poorly capitalized having lived through at least 2 financial crises. Its not hard to see it coming, only people who disagree are those with skin in the game.

>> No.19307288

Saw that Boomers own about 55% of the housing supply despite being a third or less of the population

When they need to sell them for some reason (Death or to retire for example) they will all be selling at the same time, bidding the price down until it sells. Problem is that nobody has the money to buy it off them.

>> No.19307299

>I'm just going to wait 30 years until I'm dead to buy a house because the boomers got them for free and when the boomers are gone houses will be free again

>> No.19307304
File: 90 KB, 1004x565, trailer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the trailer pill
>costs a few grand total up front
>no rent
>bigger than an apartment
>no danger of getting robbed because everyone thinks you're poor
>can easily sell when you want to move
>don't even have to sell when you move, you can just buy a house and then move the trailer onto your new property and use it for storage or as a guest house
t. been living in a trailer for the last few years while having a net worth of almost 7 figures

>> No.19307400

What? No im just saying why would i leverage myself into a weak asset class in my 20s when theyre all going to be on sale in my 40s. Of course dont let me stop you, market is going to need people on the losing side of the trade after all.

>> No.19307407

Your home isn't an asset unless you've made money from it. Boomers only hope is that some greater fool comes along and buys their McMansion from them for a ridiculous price. Good luck with that!

>> No.19307425
File: 613 KB, 1920x1080, gwrV9mn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm currently saving for a house and flipping in the market to help get 20% down. as someone who rents, you are a literal fucking loser to try and justify this. know that OP, you're a fucking loser.

>> No.19307444
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>242x208 pic
>Why don't you get into debt

I shouldn't have even replied to you. you're 18 and a full blown idiot.

>> No.19307472

>buying real estate is dumb
>I CHOOSE to rent, it's definitely NOT because I'm too poor to buy my own property
>haha look at all these happy successful attractive land owners, what a bunch of idiots

>> No.19307475
File: 147 KB, 620x412, Edu9vEc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

travel trailers are only acceptable if you are working away from your family in another state. if that is your 'home" I legit feel bad for you unless it's temporary until you get a house/land. Even witha trailer you would need land otherwise you'd be renting the plot your shit is connected to in those shitty trailer parks

>> No.19307478 [DELETED] 


>> No.19307487

sorry but you have to go back to b faggot

>> No.19307494

renters are retarded. the real chad buys a home and rents it out literally owning a home for free

>> No.19307498


>> No.19307501
File: 51 KB, 413x243, 1570704358276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay 2x more a month in rent anon, you are also free as a bird to travel and pay rent in lots of different cities and meet new people and not be tied down.

>> No.19307506

enjoy buying your cuckshed and no im staying here

>> No.19307544

>Lives with parents
>Doesn’t know how much a mortgage or rent is

>> No.19307560

>would be buyers are going to be poorly capitalized
Speak for yourself only faggot I have plenty of legitimate money to finance a home I actually like with my means. The problem is faggots thinking a 350k home is a 500k home when it clearly isn't. People don't know how to value their shit, bottom line. And I am learning the arts of negotiation, rentcucks btfo again

>> No.19307593

enjoy being treated like a ten year old then for the rest of your life and have no sex

>> No.19307633

Could you expand on what's living in a trailer? I'm interested

>> No.19307656

Lmao you don’t even know that the monthly cost of owning is higher than renting, in fact rental income usually doesn’t even fully carry the mortgage. The only reason to buy a house is to use a low interest mortgage to get leveraged returns from the house. If you buy with the expectation that the rental income covers the full cost of buying you’re a moron.

>> No.19307678

I cant wait for that 5,000 check stimulus from social security to get passed.

>> No.19307696

When real estate tanks, if it ever does again, I will buy a home. Until then I'm not going to baghold a fucking cardboard mcmansion for some faggot boomer trying to exit their sinking ship.

>> No.19307707

where i live renting is twice as much as the payments on a mortgage. interests rates are so low right now. There are also like 20 people viewing each rental property, so prices are sky high to share a fucking bedroom with someone.

My area is fine also so don't even give me the living next to niggers argument.

>> No.19307736

How does it feel to be having the same arguments on an anonymous image board for the 100th time?
This thread is so fucking gay

>> No.19307744

And how much money are you wasting on paying rent? Like $1000/month. That's $120000 in 10 years. Maybe that same amount where you expect the houses to lose 60% of their price?

>> No.19307774

t. rentcuck

>> No.19307775

Now you listen here nigger i have 60k in the market and still live in my parents basement. If the market corrects to reasonable levels im buying a farm and leaving this fag society behind, if it doesnt im fine holding my energy stonks until i can just move to a europoor country and neet.

>> No.19307782

Lmao total larp, when you move out of your parents house you will learn

>> No.19307820

I only set 6k on fire a year to rent, 2.5 to insurance. I dump at least 25k a year into dividend stonks tho which most people at my income bracket cant do if they have a mortage hanging over them.

>> No.19307827

Wasted trips. Been hearing this every year since as long as I can remember. Protip: it's not.

>waiting 30 years to buy a house because it will be "cheaper"

Lol nigger. So you're just going to piss money on rent as your purchasing power continues to dwindle instead of locking a 3% interest rate for 30 years on a loan that is paid back with money that's going to be far less valuable as time goes on.
Are you dumb?
There's plenty of legitimate reasons for not wanting to own a house but yours is by far the dumbest.

>> No.19307839

>he fell for the false dichotomy
Renting and owning are each the better option depending on your circumstances.

>> No.19307848

There are unrecoverable costs from home ownership: mortgage interest, HOI fees, maintenance, repairs, taxes, utilities, insurance, opportunity cost with using it for housing as opposed to higher return asset classes like stocks, opportunity cost of being anchored to one place and not being able to move for a better job.

It’s a boomer myth that home ownership is always a good idea. You should get one after you have a wife because she’s going to bitch at you until you get a different one that she wants anyways.

>> No.19307850

I bought my house 6 years ago for $78,000 , rent would be $1000 to 1200 a month. It's already paid for itself in rent savings its paid off , meanwhile my neighbor has been renting for more than ten years . he bought his landlords house and hes got nothing, oh and now my house is worth about $120,000 sucks to be tied down tho and not enjoying ipas with my somali bf

>> No.19307856

Chinese will ensure this isn't going to happen

>> No.19307862

>can easily sell when you want to move
lol if you think this is true

>> No.19307867

>what is putting down enough money for cashflow

>> No.19307871

No they aren't idiot, assuming you are financing something within your means buying is much smarter than renting which is more or a compromise than anything. Pro tip most people don't know what living within their means entails

>> No.19307883

>What? No im just saying why would i leverage myself into a weak asset class in my 20s when theyre all going to be on sale in my 40s. Of course dont let me stop you, market is going to need people on the losing side of the trade after all.

i have a feeling that if you sit down and do an analysis with reasonable and realistic assumptions you would come out ahead by buying now, even with house prices being inflated. but i'm too lazy to do this.

>> No.19307888

You realize the cost of all those things is put on you as a renter, right?

>> No.19307897

The more you put down on the mortgage, the less attractive of an investment it is. It’s the cheap debt that makes it a good deal

>> No.19307898

There are unrecoverable costs from home ownership:

mortgage interest, HOI fees,
Nope. Pay cash, no hoa

maintenance, repairs, taxes, utilities, insurance
You pay those renting or buying

, opportunity cost with using it for housing as opposed to higher return asset classes like stocks,

Nope it's a guaranteed return vs a possible loss of 100%

>> No.19307912

>waiting for a wife
Don't forget about the 20k wedding you plan with this bog monster some of which you take on credit. I've seen it happen rentcuck

>> No.19307917

They are not, Let’s take Toronto for example. 2 bedroom condo has all-in costs of $3500/mo to carry. Average rental for a 2 bedroom apartment is $2500/mo. Average real estate investor is a bag holding idiot

>> No.19307931

Brainlet detected, big boys call it leverage. The only reason to buy a house is to use a mortgage. I’m not saying to rush into buying a house but once you have a mortgage, you should always have a mortgage.

>> No.19307939

True, that is part of it. Either way, your tenants are subsidizing your mortgage cost whether it's 20% or 100+% and over time as rents increase their portion of the debt being paid also increases.
I hate rental properties as it's incredibly jew tiered but at the same time it's mathematically it's probably the best investment opportunity most people will have access to.

>> No.19307940

Housing is not a guaranteed return lmao and paying cash makes you a total idiot. Like I said, this is 100% guaranteed larp by someone living with their parents.

>> No.19307952

None of this makes sense. You are saying your house was 78k which is really low 6yrs ago. What about closing costs? Also you act like you now have over 100k, but that is bull. You likely paid off only about 6k on the house. So you have a 72k mortgage on a house maybe worth 120k minus closing costs. Assuming your numbers aren't bullshit.

>inb4 I made a big down payment. That means nothing. Either your mortgage would be more or less with down money in the bank.

>> No.19307965


>> No.19307986

what kind of garbo interest rates do you have on your mortgages for renting to be worth it? my interest is like 0.5% on my 30 year mortgage lmao

all said and done I effectively pay ~1/4 of what renting would cost me in my city with a 40% down payment

>> No.19308006
File: 127 KB, 1024x768, caravan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy one and use it as my cuckshed at home

>> No.19308019

Had my house for about 10 years. I pay less than anyone I know who rents and live in a nicer place. I could rent out my house and make 600/m passively. In another 20 years I'll have an asset that's worth hundreds of thousands, and people still renting will not only have no asset, but will be paying whatever rent is inflated to at that point.

>> No.19308023

If you have a place where you’re pretty confident rents/property values will increase yoy I agree but Corona has rekt that, there’s far less demand in these tech boom towns because people can just work from home and commute in once a week.

>> No.19308025

I don't get why ''buying a house'' is some sort of holy grail?

>> No.19308039

Woowoowooowooooo larp alert

>> No.19308040

It’s pretty much known to anyone who isn’t LARPing that you are more thank likely going to be cash flow negative for your first ~5 years as a landlord unless you put up a massive down.

It’s still worth it tho.

>> No.19308048

It is guaranteed because I'm saving $1000 or more in rent

I paid cash. But since you are poor you can buy a house in almost every state for $100-$300 mortgage but you are spoiled and probably need to live in Manhattan

>> No.19308058

You need Land in order to be Landed Gentry.

>> No.19308068

And as time goes on your rent will increase at a rate greater than the increase of the owner's associated costs.
Even if there's no cash flow the investor still benefits from loan pay down + appreciation + tax write offs.
My man, real estate is all about leverage. Forget about the property itself. It's just the fact you are controlling a huge asset with very little money of your own.
Even if it doesn't cash flow I'm only paying the difference to have a 6 or 7 figure asset appreciate and as time goes on that rent number creeps up but my loan doesn't change.
It's just math and the math almost always favors investment property over other assets because of the multiple ways it generates money / savings (same thing).
You really only take the L when you buy a primary residence but even then it's usually better than renting even when opportunity costs are considered because you're not going to see those 10+% returns so many have become accustomed to.

>> No.19308087

People who own try to fomo you into owning as well because it keeps the demand up. I have a rent controlled 2 bedroom and pay less than half the market rate for rent. Why should I buy a half million dollar condo at the peak? Much better off putting everything in stocks

>> No.19308099

Are you one of those guys who brags about losing money on shitcoins

>> No.19308101

This guy gets it.

>> No.19308108

>real estate is all about leverage.

Home ownership isnt

>> No.19308112


>100k down payment (total cost 285k)
>monthly mortgage payment: ~660 USD, vast majority goes towards paying down the mortgage
>"property fees" (don't know english word) ~120 usd
>renting similar apartment: 1600 USD / month
>tax deductions on mortgage payments

do the math, feeling comfy

>> No.19308118

I'm not even into crypto ayy lmao.

>> No.19308119

Yes and no. I do 100% think there will be a decline in big / over priced cities but I don't think it's going to be as much as people are expecting.
Some people like being in the office and most people in tech etc are urbanites. I hardly see a return to suburbia and rural living unless it becomes some hipster meme which would be hard to do since the minute some hipster faggots end up in rural America they'll hate it and want to return to their $4,000/month 2 bedroom in Portland.

>> No.19308127

Trips of truth. Mortgage cucks will likely kill themselves when their expectations of huge returns meets reality of changing demographics. Why would anyone buy those shitty cardboard mcmansions at all? Do they think 'refugees' or beaner wall jumpers are all going to be brain surgeons or something in the future? Fucking retards.

>> No.19308131

>30% unemployment
>55% unemployment among young people
>Boomer mentality thinks rents will still go up

>> No.19308143

>I have a rent controlled 2 bedroom and pay less than half the market rate for rent.

Pretty much in the same boat. In my euro cuck country the people who rent also have shitloads of rights and protection.

>> No.19308164

I view the two kind of differently. Home ownership isn't an investment, it's like a car or any other consumer product. You should pay big cash up front but have some of it on loan to give yourself some breathing room. It's also really really hard to pay for a primary residence in full assuming your income is even high normal for the area.

>> No.19308173

>it takes 6 months on average to legally evict someone

lmao, get dabbed on boomers. that's 6 months of rent going directly into my investment account. meanwhile, if you don't pay your mortgage the bank is on your ass exactly 2 seconds after your payment is late

>> No.19308186
File: 124 KB, 900x900, rent_vs_buy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19308194

>now is the only time that will ever be

Rent goes up eventually. Mortgage goes up never.

>> No.19308203
File: 52 KB, 520x680, 1586655855950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the realistic chances of a real estate crash? There are less and less new homes being built and would-be sellers are holding onto homes. Also, demand is artificially propped up by immigration and foreign interests using property as an asset to hodl. The system seems rigged to the point where prices can't correct.

>> No.19308217

landlords add no value to society
it is zero sum, they take an asset away before actually adding anything.

>> No.19308218

I may buy something, but it will be after these small landlords get margin called by reality

>> No.19308221

>30% Unemployment
>The majority of the country has some kind of mandated shut down still in place.
>The government is making it more lucrative to be unemployed than to have a job

Fucking doomers man.

>> No.19308233

One nice thing about owning a modest home in flyover country is your fixed costs can be really low. I can live here for $5 a day in property tax and another $5 a day in maintenance and $6 in utilities

>> No.19308253

How is that graph evidence in your favor?

It shows another bump of 25 to 29 year olds in 2030.

>> No.19308257

I agree for the most part. There's always exceptions.
Anyway, regardless of whether it's right or wrong it's the rules in the game we have to play and for most people it's their only way to actually get ahead.
I really blame the politicians for selling out to china. Ban non citizens from owning property and watch how quick the affordability crisis gets solved

>> No.19308266

Rich people are buying extra houses in the country, rural land is a good investment and especially the cheapest houses

>> No.19308289

Can I buy a quadplex that costs $850k as a first time homeowner then cover the mortgage from renting out 3 of the units ?

>> No.19308303

1985-1995 was the peak

>> No.19308306


Nobody talks about the massive risks, upkeep, and other costs a home incurs. The endless repairs, taxes, leverage risk (imagine having had bought a home in the past year), 10% to the bloodsuckers when buying AND selling, your sacrifice of better access to transportation, transit, shops, for an affordable place, ie TIME being saved; NOBODY talks about this, because almost every homeowner is a retarded bagholder trying to rope you into their ponzi, and every person who gets roped in means their investment value went up. Here's a good investment tip: Anything that'll "never go down" in price is a bubble.


Buy a home if you want by all means, but recognise it's a risk

>> No.19308333

My understanding is that FHA loans cap at $500k and anything above that is considered a jumbo loan.
If the tenants have leases and theres a rent roll you should be able to deduct from the loan amount.
Talk to your lender.

>> No.19308344

Because it's a figment of your imagination

>> No.19308366

you get what you pay for
>leverage risk
don't buy if you can't afford
where I live it's ~1% and only when selling
>"better transportation"
literally what, same can be said for renting - you get what you pay for

>> No.19308390

If you can't float the costs of ownership then yes there's a risk and you shouldn't be buying in the first place.
That's why all these AirBnB faggots are getting burned and dumping because their entire business model was built on leverage.
Leverage can be a great tool but you need to know what you're doing.
There is a time commitment involved too, so if your time is more valuable or you just can't stand it then don't do it but a lot of problems can be avoided with good due diligence, tenant screening, and location. There's pros and cons like everything, don't focus on just one, compare and figure out what's right for you.

>> No.19308418

Believe it or not, people learned their lesson from 2008. Banks expect you to show a ton of liquidity when you go in for your second mortgage. Getting leveraged to the tits is a commercial real estate thing now.

>> No.19308460

Iq 20 thread answers guys. YOU SHOULD GET IN DEBT RIGHT NOW!!!!!! Why? Hiperinflation sis comming, basic logic says borrow as much as you can.

>> No.19308492

Homes should not be an investment and people who do that are cancer. A home should be just that, a home. A place to raise a family and pass it on to future generations.

>> No.19308523

But not all of them me thinks. People who were over leveraged in 2008 got rekt and "recovered" a little bit to continue there same bullshit to 2020? Those are the people I am counting on shitting the bed and I want that house at a discount. I will low ball these fuckers

>> No.19308663
File: 269 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20200524-124944_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smaller percentage bump with shittier dependancy ratios

>> No.19308703
File: 214 KB, 720x1480, 20200524_114838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"muh housing bubble" is the BIGGEST rentcuck COPE

they think it's going to be some sort of apocalypse. just look at the last graph of pic related and how quickly it recovered.

meanwhile, rent continues to raise... and so does my home's value hahahahahaha

stay retarded, rentcucks

>> No.19308774

Real estate seems like a trap to me. You never own the property. The state can come and condemn your building or levy fines against you for tax evasion, or even take the house from you in some jurisdictions. Meanwhile you're tied up in a 30y debt obligation that ultimately costs you a huge amount of cash to finance. By the time all is said and done, you're dick deep in a pile of shit that was clad in gold plate. What's worse is, say the local economy dries up: people have to get out of town, houses go on the market, and prices face a substantial drawdown while the market becomes increasingly competitive. And then it becomes a question of how resilient your position at work is, and how resilient the local economy is, or if it can be restructured efficiently.

And that's without factoring in things like acts of god raining down on your roof and destroying it. Burst water pipes, or sewer lines. Shitty neighbors coming in and hurting property values. Poor work done at conception, shitty construction, and butchered renovations. Small property allotments that you can't do practical shit with at a meaningful scale. Zoning laws that prevent you from running a business front, or certain constructions are forbade. These things among hundreds of other caveats that leave a man wanting.

Fuck that. Shit deal.

>> No.19308821

Then we don't want to live here, kek

>> No.19308835

Why didn't you mention the plague of locusts

>> No.19308873

Still better than renting. And those are the two choices available

>> No.19308890

Worse thing you can do ATM. Soon People will on UBI, then government subsidized housing equalivent to food stamps.....

You think the government isn't just going to keep paying would-be land Lords, before eventually "cutting" out the middle man?

>> No.19308898

for your information
in the current market conditions your home equity can go negative, yes this means you will have to pay to get rid of your house
but thats impossible anon, just like negative oil was impossible to up a month ago

the factor you are all forgetting is the tax liability that is attached to a house
housing equity is very difficult to move in a changing regulatory environment and local authorities know this, jacking up real estate taxes is a prefered method for municipalities to straighten their dying books for a few more years
and within the western world almost every local authority is bankrupt, illinois is a good bellweather for this behaviour, it is entirely possible for landtaxes to be jacked up beyond affordability
at this point you can only get rid of your tax liability by selling which would be akin to selling someone your seat in a burning theater, cause you will have to pay your taxes no matter what

the only play with real estate at the moment is leveraging up to the gills and hoping for a high inflation event, but you will have to stay liquid for the duration so its pretty much gambling
better to wait untill the current chaos settles down before getting into a long term asset like housing

>> No.19308920

2008 in general was a bear trap, everything swung beyond fair value despite the problem just being with retard investment bankers. This crisis is the opposite, Main Street is in shambles and bankers have insurance from the fed

>> No.19308933

Mexicans and chingchongs can figure out how to buy houses it's just entitled white boys who claim that boomers were gifted two mcmansions at birth that like to complain about landlords that doht have the discipline of a 5 year plan to own a home outright

>> No.19308967

A big reason millennials love to pay landlords is they dont know how to change a light bulb or operate a vacuum cleaner much less a lawnmower. Owning a house is just too scary

>> No.19309203


How are millennial rentcucks going to cope when they find themselves paying rent to a first generation immigrant who just got on with it instead of whining?

No more compelling evidence for complete and total loss of the game can be found.

>> No.19309276

Kek, I live in a pretty nice neighborhood the guy next to me is a semi illiterate Mexican who bought a couple shitty Nissan pick up trucks and started a landscaping business. He’s got more money than 90% of the people in this thread.

>> No.19309590

And less than 100% citizenship I am sure. I am not even mad at him though, he is a byproduct of this shitty system.

>> No.19310003

>1 post by this id
And lots of lots of angry mortgage cucks. Based zoomer does it again.

>> No.19310137

When all these lazy millenials and zoomers cant buy these houses off the boomers, who is gonna buy them? Are the boomers gonna kill themselves when they realize this?

>> No.19310147

He thinks being findommed by boomers is based.

Your rent is paying their mortgage, dummy.

>> No.19310153


America is a literal lottery win of a country to live in. There is nothing worse than the children of middle class whites whining about how hard life is and pining for socialism like morons.

>> No.19310209

>bro life is easy just help the rich get richer and live off the leftover scraps

>> No.19310221

Spics literally live 20 deep in one house and work 7 days a week. The chinks who do it are wealthy and china and are looking to dump their money into a more secure asset class like real estate. I live in Boston and the amount of Chinese money (and people) here is insane.

I get why they do it but I wouldn't hesitate to send his fried bean eating ass back to Mexico if I could with absolutely zero dollars to his name after eating all his possessions seized by the state.

>> No.19310632
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A 1989 study published by two well-respected Harvard economists predicted that the aging of the baby-boomer generation would reduce the demand for housing and cause a significant decline in real home prices. The professors concluded, “If the historical pattern [between births and housing demand] continues over the next twenty years, housing prices will fall to levels lower than observed at any time in recent history.” Of course, the opposite has happened.

And then there’s this. In 1971, the economy of Seattle was suffering. Boeing had cut more than 60,000 jobs and the outlook for Seattle’s future was reflected in the words of a famous billboard from the time: “Will the last person leaving Seattle turn out the lights.” Today the city has some of the most expensive real estate in the nation.

Our recommendation: Beware of predictions, especially about the future.

Paul Kupiec and Ed Pinto are baby boomers and resident scholars at the American Enterprise Institute.

>> No.19310646

If renting is cheaper than owning, clearly all landlords in the world are just idiots losing money irrationally

>> No.19310675

>wants to send back productive citizen because he's mexican
you are actually unironically pathetic

>> No.19310691

Renting is cheaper than owning, the reason why people buy real estate as an investment is because they can get leveraged returns on it.

>> No.19310741

Going to a burger joint or bar regularly, you're also paying the guys' mortgage. Why get so dominated by them, pussy? Time to get out a 30 year loan for food or beer to show those bastards! Since prices will go up so it's the logical choice really.

>> No.19310745

Ah yes, Limiting my investing universe, creating opportunity cost, limiting myself to a certain region, going all in early in life. Housebuying is just great.

>> No.19310749

Prices of homes will fall in the long run due to changes in demographics, but we're talking a span of a few decades. It's not a secret that whites price out blacks from particular areas by charging astronomical prices for homes, but this just means that as certain areas reach higher minority populations, prices of homes in those areas will fall accommodate.

>> No.19310754


>> No.19310774

Are you stupid? Do you own a piece of property? No you don't, you're larping like 90% of the people in this thread who have never actually investigated buying a house.

>> No.19310783

Please help this brainlet anon out.

90% of my assets are in real estate, I’m 28, no loans, no debt, no mortgage.

How fucked up am I?

>> No.19310814

Wrong again. 35yo and own my house outright. Next stop is getting a buy-to-let mortgage and have someone like you pay for it.

>> No.19310835

If you have no mortage then rent them out if time gets tough and wait for it to eventually return.

>> No.19310865
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>dealing with shitty landlords and rent increases

yeah I'll buy, thank you very much

>> No.19310897

And these mexicans have 4 kids they aren't complaining about they cant afford one kid they just crank them out and you rent cucks get to pay for it with your property and income tax. There are plenty of ways to buy a house or make $$$ but it takes effort and time

>> No.19310936

C'mon plenty of chinjs and gooks and japs before them lived on rice and beans to save a few $ and become millionaires I'm not denying that some are rich but the ones arriving in containers arent

>> No.19310941

Made me mad but still based

>> No.19311041

I dunno. Renting a shoebox owned by some bitter old Chinese lady in an urban core seems as stupid as buying a McMansion that has a bank-like facade made out of foam.

>> No.19311500

you got a point but we have to look at the market

today those same people who said " RE can only go up" in 2007 are saying this same thing again

RE was in a bubble in 2007 and it popped today RE and not only other assets as well are in a HYPERBUBBLE and thanks to covid it already popped
people losing jobs left and right, boomers selling their second homes to fund their retirement, airbnb already crashed and the commercial RE is taking the biggest hit

look for 30% - 50% correction in a year or two

>> No.19311545

I make 100k/year but live in SF so I’m a poorfag. Home ownership is out of reach and my rent payments are that of a mortgage. Must leave, get a cheap rent and invest more in crypto/stonks.

>> No.19311586
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>Rent cucks vs Mortgage cucks fighting over who's getting Jewed the least
No matter how you slice you're getting fucked in the ass, you can't really escape it.

>> No.19311605

Unless you save, and go and buy a property outright in a third world country. Ownership =! Mortgage

>> No.19311632


beautiful. I believe it

>> No.19311668

>5 year plan to own a home outright

where the fuck do you live?

>> No.19311700

>Renting a shoebox owned by some bitter old Chinese lady in an urban core seems as stupid as buying a McMansion that has a bank-like facade made out of foam.

>> No.19311703

USA, geez just rent out a few rooms and yeah it's easy in 5 years

>> No.19311717

i will enjoy getting a house. enjoy the ban, loser.

>> No.19311775

>Wrong again. 35yo and own my house outright. Next stop is getting a buy-to-let mortgage and have someone like you pay for it.
Another larp

>> No.19311991

Yea but the point is many things will set you up to come out ahead so stop Jerking off to property ownership

>> No.19312051

A place to sleep is one of the requirements in modern living. After you get that everything else is easy

>> No.19312256

If I was living with parents I would be able to pay off flat/buy within 5 years and I earn barely anything above minimum wage. That's because I was saving almost everything I earned. I don't drink alcohol nor smoke, typical consumer entertainment doesn't interest me and often puts me off because I hate noise. All my expenses were just food, gas so I could drive to work and like once or twice a year game on promotion. It isn't that hard. Sadly my mother and her new husband wanted me to move out, just like kid of that guy had to move because he was making mess everywhere so now instead of saving 80-90% of my wage I'm wasting like 60% of it on rent and bills. I told them that by doing this they're fucking me over by turning mortage in 1 year/flat in 5-6 years into ~15 years to afford initial payment to get the mortage going, not to mention paying it off, and offered to split the bills because it'd be cheaper but they didn't care. On top of that they sold additional properties they had instead of renting them out which I found fucking retarded. West is just very individualistic in comparison to other cultures so it's obvious you're going to lose if you have families who work together and help each other. It's not uncommon to pile up the savings to send someone to the west so they could get a life they could only deam of in their shitholes, then the person sends money back so family could invest in home business and get richer, bring family to the west, they set up family business which doesn't require costly middle men, grandparents who don't have big needs often still send some money to help.
So yeah, it is possible, but sadly less common in west, lot of people get fucked, like me. And I will remain fucked until I either find someone to split the bills or get better paying job. The only "happy" thing for me in this mess is that mother regrets her decision after I almost completely cut the contact with her, and the remaining contact is just out of principle.

>> No.19312293

The sheer cope of it all. Thinking that something as easily doable as being mortgage free at 35 is a larp is a cast iron guarantee that you're not gonna make it.

>> No.19312307

Right but it's still a larp

>> No.19312427

Its doable by age 25

>> No.19312485

Not If the market rental rate is lower. In theory it should on average cover all costs +profit for the land lords but this is only over 30-40 years or so. There will be stretches of 10 years or so with oversupply in the market where its just not possible to make a profit renting out.

>> No.19312531

Congrats on buying close to the market low.

>> No.19313055

he's already commited to paying shlomo every month like a good goy. it's a sunk cost.

>> No.19313302
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Why is everyone obsessing about residential?
Commercial real estate bubble is the actual issue. It's far more overvalued and far more prone to collapse given small businesses going bankrupt and WFH being a thing.

>> No.19313499

motorbike accident pay out, £200k.
bought cash, never have to deal with shit landlords again.
last place i rented had damp in for spots, busted for alarm and front door to apartment block didn't loch properly, which her never fixed over the space of two years. luckily opening a house, you can fix these problems instead of living with them.
now I'm mortgage/rent free i can invest.
over the two years he tried to put the rent up once even when the place was taking to bits. once you're locked in with a mortgage you wouldn't have price increases unless you're on a variable tracker.
also the price of your house should in theory go up.
your house is collateral of you want to borrow against it etc.
always have one house under your belt.

>> No.19313511

my auto correct nearly made this all unreadable

>> No.19313540

the accident has left you brain damaged Anon.... a small price to pay to get on the property ladder no less.

>> No.19313849

Get in the fucking pod and the bugs

>> No.19314432

>claims he has a .5% interest rate
says >do the math.


>> No.19314445


>> No.19314623

Lol why would you get a 30 year loan retard

>> No.19315512

You understand they stopped making land a long time ago, right son? You understand you can sell your house long before the loan is paid? You understand that ChainLink is going to usher in the 4th industrial revolution... RIGHT?!