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19303927 No.19303927 [Reply] [Original]

When will the bitcoin meme end?

>> No.19303933

The day YOU invest a fat stash into it, fag

>> No.19303938
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nocoiners MALDING

>> No.19303946

2021, unironically. when the bull run everyone and their mom is banking on fails to materialize (and it will fail - you don't unironically think the millions of faggots already in crypto are all going to get rich, do you?) the project will finally die

>> No.19303959

how heavy are your bags

>> No.19303982
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What the fuck does malding mean

>> No.19304014

Just one more bullrun and itll be over anon. Expect 35-50k usd per btc

>> No.19304128

mad and balding

heavier than yours, which is why you are malding

>> No.19304155

Never, it's the only deflationary money out there and will be for the foreseeable future.

Sure, it can drop, but only because it loses it's speculative "value".

>TL;DR: Never

>> No.19304168

few hundred years from now maybe. but most likely never.

>> No.19304169
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>> No.19304182

when its price is about 10 million per

>> No.19304266

unironical answer: as soon as the European and American banking authorities agree on a combined version of blockchain technology that will be used on their markets and ban any use of other shitcoins operating blockchain technology

>> No.19304768

what is illegal business

>> No.19305197

>t. absolute brainlet who doesn't realize BTC will have inflation for the next 100 years

>> No.19305214

Zoomers talk in twitch emotes. Very hip lingo

>> No.19305284

Oh no right now its >2% and will shrink to just 0.2% by 2032. Horrible inflation right?