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19300785 No.19300785 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw unironically dont have a single friend

>> No.19300797

same. My shitty life can't be all my fault, r-right?

>> No.19300807



sucks even more when I realize my only means of friendship is through surrogate interactions with shitposters on biz and pol


>> No.19300815

Maybe instead of posting on biz all day you can clean yourself up, go out and meet people.
Inb4 covid lockdown

>> No.19300830


As a man the older you get the harder it is to find friends. When or if you do, it's walking on eggshells against their solidified negative personality traits and opinions/worldviews.

>> No.19300833

what is this "friend" that you speak of?

>> No.19300857
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i don’t think i’ve ever met a single person who genuinely likes me aside from my mom

>> No.19300872


Why is that anon?

>> No.19300890
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I just want surf bum friends, live in the desert, hate my life.

>> No.19300896 [DELETED] 

At least your graphs are green, right?

Right, anon?

>> No.19300909

please delete this

>> No.19300914

Same, but since i got a wife i am happy and don't even care any more

>> No.19300920
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I also don’t. I blame caffeine this shit feels so good why would I want to find something else that is more complicated to handle

>> No.19300970

Do you have a hobby? Join others that do the same.

>> No.19301025

>tfw my only friend is my sister
>tfw she is like having a second mommy

>> No.19301034


>> No.19301137

your portfolio is green atleast, anon?

>> No.19301146

You ever fuck her?

>> No.19301425


>> No.19301455


>> No.19301473

32 and single...no friends. I always fade away from people in general after a week of talking. im just not interesting enough and feel like im a burden when texting people

>> No.19301486

This. At some point you just find yourself trying hard not to offend someone with your frankness but eventually decide it's just not worth it and decide to be yourself even if it means having no friends.

>> No.19301504

Friends are a meme. You took the bait, lad. Stop being such an oversocialised gay.

>> No.19301518

That's a man. What does she look like, I can put benin in bitch lasagne and be your friend

>> No.19301534
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>> No.19301564
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Yep. Land of wine moms, and people that are allergic to rain and snow.

>> No.19301598

Posts like this made me turn around my self destructive pushing people away mental illness which I think originates from ones own insecurities and traumas.

I think most of us had a point where we really trusted someone in an autistic naive way (Khm, teen gf...) and then got stabbed in the back. After this when we notice the slightest "offness" in our friends behaviour we are quick to stab first.

Fortunately I managed to stop this vicious cycle in the 2nd year of my uni studies so I actually managed to keep/regain some friendships.

While in education I always managed to "shift" through different "friends" every few months while repeatedly backstabbing them when feeling like they might do it to me.

That shit doesnt work when done with your studies, you wont be in a super social environment anymore. Really, if you dont have friends but are still in university just keep in touch with people.


>> No.19301658

Really being a student automatically gives you credibility among other students. Got 2 nice friends from my last time blue collar job, it was pretty simple we were the 3 part timers and everyone else was blue collar boomers so naturally we became frendos. The boomers who had worked there for 50 years didnt understand how we are always at each other's places drinking after having been colleagues for 2 weeks kek.

So really if you are in school just really try to make an effort all will be 100x as hard after you are not a student anymore and this you are defined by your actual job and not what you plan to have as career.

>> No.19301662

Maybe with normies but there are millions of likeminded people like OP who are also just awkward nerds looking for a friend but has the same concerns. Go to forums specifically made for this and post an ad wanting to hang out with someone. And when you do meet up, have an open mind because the person may not seem very likeable or approachable at first, but that's just because of lack of social skills, he will probably feel the same about you. But just endure it and you will soon start to open up to each other and find common interests that you can talk naturally about.

>> No.19301694

That sounds gay...Just start a sport or something. After meeting a like minded shuttin you will have fun dissing on stacys and chads and enjoy having an IRL 4chan convo but it will get boring after a few hours and you end up ghosting each other. Best is to take up a hobby you can practice at home and join a club and pretend you "just havent done it for a while" while trying to do as you self thought at home.

>> No.19301728


>> No.19301732

>After meeting a like minded shuttin you will have fun dissing on stacys and chads and enjoy having an IRL 4chan convo but it will get boring after a few hours and you end up ghosting each other.
Maybe, but in that case it would just show that OP isn't really looking for a close friend after all. The problem with joining a sport/hobby etc is that it's so indirect that it's still very hard to talk to people and get to know them, much less become so good friends that you talk to each other outside that circle. I know, I have done several hobbies over the years like soccer, badminton, paragliding and I also have a job where I talk to colleagues every day. It has never resulted in a close friendship.

>> No.19301796

>tfw not a student but 20 years old and a khv who is about to suicide in a few months

>> No.19301817

>walking on eggshells around people

Absolutely and irrecoverably cucked, holy shit.

>> No.19301927

>distant, alcoholic father
>narcissistic, paranoid, neurotic mother
It was over before it even started

>> No.19301953

How much did you pay for her?

>tfw no sister mommy gf

>> No.19301998

You are 20yo. I lost my virginity at 17 and did the pushing friends away thing until my mid 20s. When I were 20yo I didn't even know what I were doing lol. You have loads of time to fix things. Between me being 20 and changing my wrong approach to people I went through a 3 year long amphetamine addiction (not very heavy tho but took its toll...) and many other nasty things.

It's not a race, I'm personally inclined to hit the school bench again and try to make friends again while I can still start my age with twenty.

Yea that's true I have it easy since I'm handsome and people constantly want to become my friends (then after 3 beers I go yolo and start talking about politics and drugs and people dont want to meet again)

>> No.19302016

My only friend is constantly trying to get me to sell my SUTER and buy boomer stocks. If you see this Niko. I am not fucking selling!!

>> No.19302065
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i used to have a few friends, then had some bad times, pretty much everyone started to vanish around 30.
you try to keep in contact with people they move on, get partners, houses all that shit.
you arent successful enough or good enough for the group or whatever.
i really dont mind, makes everything a lot simpler for me, dont have to try impress anyone or work on those relationships, just let them die.
being alone for a long time is a good thing, its true freedom.

>> No.19302111

same except my mom excommunicated me as well

>> No.19302182

What's up duder? come to California. People kinda suck, but the waves are nicee
t. early twenties beach bum

>> No.19302185

i wonder how repulsive you have to be to not have any friends

>> No.19302464

most people just have transactional acquaintances they use for stimulation, real friendship is actually quite rare pretty hard to make real ones after high school university but the best ones are the ones you form when you're like 5-12

youre legit not missing out on anything promise

>> No.19302509
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jesus fuck this hurts too much

>> No.19302880

so how do people maintain friendships after entering the work force? do you plan to meet up at someones house?

>> No.19302901

Single friends are much better than friends in relationships i feel you OP

>> No.19303101
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After living 25 years in Latvia I am moving to Switzerland next month.
I even have the job contract.
Alps here I come

>> No.19303121

whats the potential job in switzerland?

>> No.19303147

I will work on an a biofarm where I will be:
"Temporary employee or employees
without experience, assistants". I will be either working with the animals or helping pick the harvest.
I will make x2 the cash. I quit my office job.

>> No.19303185

The reason you don't have any friends is because your vocabulary indicates that you're a faggot. I'd break your jaw for saying unironically around me or my family. Keep talking like that and you will remain lonely.

>> No.19303292

This. Unironically.

>> No.19303332

True. Being alone doesn't mean you need to feel loneliness. Lots of those hypersocial people can't even stabd themselves for some hours, they feel lonely without constant people and gratification around them. Some people just don't need it that strong, which isn't a bad thing at all.

>> No.19303394

Could tell you why but people what to be my friend, I just don't want to be friends.
multiple aquanintences complain that I don't call or answer the calls as an example (I do answer sometimes.

>> No.19303396

this >>19301146 , at least did you think about it with her?

>> No.19303432


I think the real problem that no one in this thread wants to mention is that people are humongous faggots.

They're really unbearable. I always think of that George Carlin bit -- "Believe it or not, I like people. I just like em in small doses. A minute, a minute and a half -- and I gotta get the fuck out of there."

It's a rare person who you can get to know intimately without them eventually driving you up the wall with their flaws and eccentricities.

>> No.19303461

We're all frens
Never lower yourself to norman tier

>> No.19303583
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>> No.19303612


Acceptance of flaws is how you make friends, anon. You're no prize either, you egomaniacal autistic subhuman who would just as soon bust out the calipers to measure my head to better pigeonhole me into some phrenology rubric. Or worse, you're one of those people who thinks the MBTI is useful.

>> No.19303738
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If it makes you feel better, I literally didn't make any friends the one year I was in university which is probably the easiest time to make friends in your life because no one knows each other. I don't know what happened to me, I had almost no desire to seek out friends. It hit me when I realized I had been going to school for a month and had nothing to do after classes and had no one to hang out with or talk to. I still don't have any friends apart from a highschool buddy I text about stupid shit.

>> No.19303795

Yeah, I'm in the same boat. University was a complete trainwreck for me. For some reason no one ever really clicked with me. I hated most/all of them, everyone just seemed like such tryhards. Yeah, I sound like a faggot myself. I know. I only hang out with some high school friends now. Besides that I've got no one. To OP, we're all the same here. We're your frens. For better or worse.

>> No.19304066
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Am I the only one who wants to make friends on new Crusade/race war? Friends from battlefield are friends for life.

>> No.19304076
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you got a fren in me, pal

>> No.19304115

>muh friend
no such thing

>> No.19304151

I thought you guys were larping about being autists. Not one friend? Like a single one? Just talk to people, jesus

>> No.19304304

Holy shit dude prepare for hell. Knew a Romanian dude from a rave (denmark here) who worked on a farm here and holy shit are they kept only barely better than pigs and earn about half as much as a Dane would get as neetbux.

Really just try to get into some school or something so you can get a work visa and start a cityjob as a waiter or sthing.

>> No.19304354
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>Just talk to people, jesus



>> No.19304377

replace pol with another blue board and that'll be a good life.

>> No.19304379


Some people on here are just beyond sad bro

>> No.19304400

Look up mystery Babylon. William cooper talks. Especially with that 32nd degree mason. Or michael tsarion talks on ancient Atlantis and civilizations.

You shy away from npcs because they're a waste of your time. And most normies are braindead assholes.
I get nauseous hearing the same cookie cutter convos.

I have a nice life because I keep the idiots away.
Also train. Everyday. Running, pushups and situps is all you really need.
Knowledge is your friend and the best thing in life is health.
Best of luck.

If you're feeling hopeless just take small steps. 10 pushups a day and a little walk. Then 15 pushups and a slight jog halfway through your walk.
Takes 1 minute to do the pushups and 5mins to walk around outside.

I wish I knew some of you anons irl. Too bad we're all hiding out.

>> No.19304417

I am prepared for some shit.
I hope to make contacts there and find something else after this gig is over.

>> No.19304515

That`s the way it is.

>> No.19304523

god i wish that were me

>> No.19304788

>I get nauseous hearing the same cookie cutter convos.

Why is this so true. I literally get nauseous from listening to people talk, because i feel alienated from them. It's not like its a fear of not fitting in, i feel literal despair because someone of my species can act so fucking retarded and care about such meaningless things.

Maybe i should see a shrink

>> No.19304805

The only people that want to be my friends have become druggies or are so stupid that you can’t have a conversation without wanting to murder them.
The people I want to be friends with seem cool, interesting, and fun to be around but they don’t want to be friends with me.

>> No.19304942

>being alone for a long time is a good thing, its true freedom.
This isn’t true at all, humans thrive in communities, it’s the only way they have been able to survive. It’s deep down the very reason you posted this reply, to be acknowledged by your fellow man. It’s why it hurts when you see normies talk about FaceTiming their friends during quarantine and you go through your contacts “list” and can’t find anyone to talk to.

>> No.19305050

I think a common reason biz struggles to keep friends is that we hold incredibly high opinions of ourselves monetarily but haven’t cashed out yet. So we live like paupers but seemingly have high standards in normal conversation. We’re insanely competitive, we all want to make it, so our expectations regarding everything in a /made it/ life just balloon uncontrollably. We expect respect from others but they just don’t see our value and what we’ve been through. Also regarding group dynamics I feel like I have to be the dominant one or I won’t be happy. So when a loudmouth is around I either challenge him and get BTFO by group consensus or shut down wishing I had the social acuity to BTFO him.

>> No.19305081

Same, mother is pretty much the only person I talk to. Once she dies, I'm going to go too.

>> No.19305161

Friends are useless scum, a vestige of a time when it was beneficial to have many freind to hunt mammoth. Look at any freind you have. Either you are using them or they are using you. Most likely it will be both. Think of all the times you wasted doing nothing with friends. But it was ok right? They were just doing nothing too....using each of to justify unproductive activities. Friends are like smoking. Fun at the time, but quit and eventually you see it's better.

>> No.19305206

Are Latvians the Mexicans of Europe?

>> No.19305253

surfers are the worst, if I never witness another phony interaction with them my life will be better for it.
t. former surfer.

>> No.19305281

>so how do people maintain friendships after entering the work force? do you plan to meet up at someones house?

You make what little time you do have more meaningful. In three weeks I'm driving from Maryland to Georgia to hangout with 3 friends from high school. We planned this back in January. Its also entirely possible to make friends as an adult. You can do it at work, or even at the bar.

Shared experiences are what creates friendships. You aren't gonna make friends if the only thing you do is sit at home on your computer.

>> No.19305299

I'm from Latvia and I worked in a warehouse in Ireland during high school summers. Now I got an education in Latvia and make more than the average wage in Ireland while living in Latvia. Most people don't get to the second part though, so kinda true.

>> No.19305303
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>> No.19305320
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I've always had trouble making friends my nature life, right around the time I turned 30 the few that I had ended up getting married and never wanted to hang out anymore. My job was 100% remote even before COVID 19 so I cant go out with coworkers after work. I got married last month, i have a wife now but that's all I really have now. Dad is dead and I'm not on speaking terms with my mom and only very seldom contact with a couple other family members. I'd like to go to a bar and strike up a conversation with somebody but I always feel like I'm some kind of creepy loser when I do.

>> No.19305361

All of you need to chill out and channel your misery into something productive. If you think about the great artists, philosophers, scientists, etc of history, most of them were complete shut-in autists. Nobody remembers the cool normie that had a bunch of friends. Despite knowing that it is not true, you have internalized the modern perverse doctrine that everyone is equal, therefore when you don't exactly fit into society, you see yourself as broken and desire to be one of the normies. In the traditional view, it's equally as unsightly for an intelligent, spiritual person to be a sudra or a normalfag in our terms as it is for a dumb, unspiritual peasant to be a king.

Find your talents and create something relevant to your interests. You might say that you're just a regular guy with no particular artistic, musical or literary skills. Well, you do know /biz/ and shitcoins, right? Even though Bizonacci is dead (if the rumors are true) his legacy lives on far beyond his death through the videos he has made. They will be relevant artifacts in a 100 years time when economic historians or enthusiasts are looking back at the start of the shitcoin markets. The throne is free for now and you reading this can continue his legacy. After all, there has to be someone honing their skills now to put together a good quality rise of LINK video once this baby hits 50$.

Finally, if you do pour your soul onto some kind of a project, people who are like-minded will be drawn to it and will get in contact with you, therefore solving your fren problem as well. Just watch Evangelion if you are unconvinced, it very much describes the same thing in a higher, more esoteric way. Think it is in 3.0 when it is said outright that the only important thing to do/way forward is to create something. Even if you don't succeed fully and achieve popularity, the act of creating something new is quite fulfilling by itself.

>> No.19305362

Also I can't relate to anyone because I don't even use social media at all and the only things in the average normie's mind these days are "fuck drumpf" and taking pictures of themselves for social media, I can't find anyone to talk to about real shit.

>> No.19305413

Listen to Enya - Caribbean Blue on YouTube.

Read the second comment down. If you find the right girl you will never need another freind.

>> No.19305417


For sure, I have plenty of flaws. I'm very boring, which might be the most fatal of them all. But no, really, people are so damn annoying. If you're a normalfag this might sound strange or alien because you need social energy to prevent your precarious sense of self from collapsing into a black hole, but if you want to experience what I mean, pick the friend you consider the most "fun" and try living in the same house with them for a month.

Solitude is priceless.

>> No.19305420

>We were once on a time so near one another in the course of our lives, that nothing more seemed to hinder our friendship and fraternity, and there was merely a small plank between us. While you were just about to step on it, I asked you: "Do you want to come across the plank to me?" But then you did not want to come any longer; and when I again entreated, you were silent. Since then mountains and torrents, and whatever separates and alienates, have interposed between us, and even if we wanted to come to one another, we could no longer do so! When, however, you now remember that small plank, you have no longer words,—but merely sobs and amazement.

Nietzsche, On Friendship.

>> No.19305434

>tfw 4 years at uni
>didn't make any friends because gf didn't like me hanging out with other people
>break up 1 year after graduation
>finally understand how retarded I was

>> No.19305495


blessed post

stinky linkies must repent and all-in Bitcoin though

>> No.19305533

Shrinks are npcs you PAY to talk to.
They don't help, if they cured people, they'd go out of business.

They'll just take some notes. Because they cant be arsed to actually remember. Then try to keep you on their hook indefinitely. Bonus points to them if they put you on lobotomy pills.

You don't need a shrink. YouTube some of the subjects I referenced. Fascinating stuff that will help you make sense of this world.

>> No.19305667
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Good post!

>> No.19305717

thanks fren

>> No.19305735

we can't all be the next hitler

>> No.19305749
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I see so many anons, itt and in others, saying they have no friends at all, like me
And I'm wondering, why don't we all meet up in our respective states/cities/countries and be eachother's frens?

I suspect it's because you all are antisocial and autistic to some length, but hell I'm not and I still don't have friends
I miss the conversations I used to have in high school about topics that are regularly discussed here like philosophies and the strategies of life

I guess that's what /soc/ is for

>> No.19305784

Wow and you post about it on 4chan which is pathetic.

>> No.19305807

Soc is for attention whores and kike propoganda

>> No.19306022
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Going to a shrink is the atheist version of going to confession but instead of getting forgiveness for your since and tips how to improve your virtue, the kike shrink convinces you that your vices are actually good and all side effects should be medicated

>> No.19306050

I am from Russia and our 4chan( 2ch.hk ) has absolutely cancerous /soc(faggots, degenerates, drug-addicts, whores etc.). I would 1000 times hang out with ultra-normies then that scum.

>> No.19306079

Because the problem lies with us, not society.

>> No.19306080

I'll be your friend, anon.

>> No.19306127

You are projecting, humans are really lonely creatures

>> No.19306927
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>tfw unironically dont have a single friend
so what retard, friends are way overrated, retarded faggot and if some other retard tells you otherwise s/he is a retarded faggot like you, faggot

>> No.19307119

friendship that is comradery, survival, development, making plans, being there for each other in tough times that doesn't exist anymore?
or friendship that is gay bullshit that is a fun pastime to have an excuse to be a light alcoholic, or travel to some third world shithole country to gain "life experiences" where you are easy to replace and no one gives a fuck about you and no one will miss you if you're gone and most of it is just a waste of time "friends"??
trust me most people you don't want to be friends with they mean trouble