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1929867 No.1929867 [Reply] [Original]

Or tomorrow?

>> No.1929874

not yet, it will keep dropping to 0,030-0,035

>> No.1929878

You don't have a crystal ball.
Do not listen to FUD
Buy ETH and stay strong. Just hold what you have and when she touched my dick I came and started farting

>> No.1929897

It will drop below 25$ in a month or two

>> No.1929942

Aren't there some big announcements this month or is it next month?

How much will the price go up?

>> No.1929959


tonight: 35
tomorrow: 30
tomorrow night: 20

sell now

>> No.1929966
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14th of april
Ethereum transforms into pic related

>> No.1929974


>> No.1929996

>next month
More like never
I always kek hard at you ETH goyims.

>> No.1930007
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>Just hold what you have and when she touched my dick I came and started farting

>> No.1930074

Price is correlated to btc so if btc stop rising and stay, most likely be the same, or ir btc goes down again, eth will rise

>> No.1930447

Then ETH will drop like a bomb. BTC 2k$ this year.

>> No.1930474

>we interdimensional now

>> No.1930578

Bitch, sell your 2.5 ETH and pay your bills. You're not getting rich overnight.

>> No.1930587


Real talk - it will hang in the mid 40s all week. Maybe a little pump on Friday. Real climbing will start by middle to end of April. This is all very coordinated by whales...hence the huge buy walls in the low 40s. Cheap ETH buying for the announcements later this month.

>> No.1930592

>proof of stake coming out soon

>New members in enterprise ethereum one of which is rumored to be tesla (something about a unicorn?)

>metropolis coming out soon

Nigga we going to the 300$'s in the next month

>> No.1931518
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I'm not sure why, but I have a good feeling about ETH in the long term. Not so much in the short term (less than a month) but I feel like down the road this ship is going to the moon or maybe even to Mars.

I'm gonna hold onto my shit and buy more if the price continues to drop.

>> No.1931534

ETH is going to do what XMR did when it reached 0.04.
Get your parachutes ready

>> No.1931551
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eth confirmed nwo currency

>> No.1931575

Actually no.


>> No.1931586
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Who /bought the dip/ here?

>> No.1931596
File: 45 KB, 450x317, Binyamin Netanyahu Israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own both BTC and ETH. Is this a bad idea?

I thought diversifying my portfolio was smart, but I want both assets to moon

>> No.1931600

It's sort of like going to the horse races and betting on all the horses. Not really but somewhat.

>> No.1931601

When did it reach 0.04?


>> No.1931602

>tfw didn't sell, so couldn't buy the dip

it's a lot more likely for eth to go up to $90 a coin than btc at $2000

>> No.1931606

Both can go up at the same time. Ethereum isn't even considered a currency it's a platform for smart contracts that will revolution third party transactions in business. However, the only way Ethereum makes massive gains is either flipping the market share of bitcoins or taking volume from the rest of alt coins.

>> No.1931607

I misremembered.
It didn't go to 0.04, it went up to 4x the price.
Hit something like 0.027, then tumbled down to about 0.009 IIRC

>> No.1931693

Money in coins has almost tripled / increased by nearly 20 billion in the past year, BTC / other alts would surely be impacted but nothing is required to happen to them for ETH to grow

>> No.1931695

this a very retarded analogy, it's completely different.

you are just reducing risk when diversifying, the entire crypto market is going up, which coins are going up is a gamble though

>> No.1931700

>it's the 14th of april
>The last two digits of your post are the value of ETH
how fucked are you? I'm doing fantastic. ↗

>> No.1931702


>> No.1931703
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Massive buy walls and sell orders
Something big is brewing

The whales want in, that's for sure

Dont sell, atleast keep some if you have to

This is like buying microsoft/apple stocks back in the early 80's

>> No.1931718
File: 12 KB, 1474x89, temporary gains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't sell so couldnt buy the dip

That's what margin trading is for. If you think there are profits to be had then use your existing ETH as collateral and go long on it. ETH rises, the collateral increases as a result AND you make a bit of extra profit on your long position without having to actually buy more ETH. The catch is you're paying a tiny premium in interest and if it goes the other way, if you're wrong and ETH dumps, your collateral decreases and you can be margin called earlier than if you used a different coin as collateral.

Pic related.
I have 100 ETH. I transfer my 100ETH into the margin account but i don't over leverage it. I simply open a long position. I didn't have to buy more ETH to get in on the action. And if you want to be real, if you actually believe it's going to increase then you won't have an issue doing this.

good job

>> No.1931789
File: 56 KB, 250x400, 1489439035657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me, thought it was a mistake for a while. But it looks like moon mission is back on

I'm sorry for ever doubting you ETH

>> No.1931793
File: 358 KB, 800x400, 1 rkfJSboUQtrcIh9UqeY8XQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hoped you didnt but you did

>> No.1931835


Margin trading is playing with fire.

>> No.1931842

How much ETH do you need to own in order to become a stakeholder? Has this been finalized yet?

>> No.1931880


1,500 eth?

>> No.1932016

>shorting crypto

There's a gulf of a difference between short and long positions in crypto. Taking up massive short positions in something so volatile that it can pump 200% in 1 hour is obviously retarded.
However taking modest long position and riding a wave of hype can net tidy profits.