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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 49 KB, 200x200, buidlparty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19290272 No.19290272 [Reply] [Original]

anon, don't miss out! this isn't your typical uniswap pnd
devs are delivering!!!

>> No.19290484
File: 147 KB, 730x783, 965058F6-27D3-49C8-A9BC-B07CF7A9E227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are going to see .50 before end of June
Once BUIDL gets listed we’re on our way to the moon

>> No.19290696

10$ soon

>> No.19290983
File: 138 KB, 840x491, 119-1195747_53-kb-png-apu-apustaja-happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy the dip cunts. don't fomo when it goes back to .10c

>> No.19291630

i will literally break down in tears if this hits even $1. i can pay off my student loans. I can finally travel back to my country and visit my family

>> No.19291869

Waiting till my XGM bag moon

>> No.19292479

Just sold my bags. You better too before the dump.

>> No.19292513

i'm glad you made profit. .15c next stop

>> No.19292595


>> No.19292604

at least take your initial out and ride the rest

>> No.19292653

I always forget that.............good idea

>> No.19292683

i want anons to buy buidl but also take their profits. this isn't a pnd. the devs are legit autistic af and ultra focused

>> No.19292785

Reeeeee it's dumping!

>> No.19292820

Dude uniswap fucking blows you cannot swing jackshit on it. There is like 2 fucking eth difference if you want to buy and sell. That is fucked.

>> No.19293040

i always see these posts about uniswap and you guys are all slack jawed retards. it is so not complicated that im not explaining it again

>> No.19293056

holy shit i just checked the site, devs are all LITERAL WHOS and the fucking main site is ALL pajeet """""""english"""""""
i respect any project that aims for decentralisation but fucking hell /biz/ you aren't even trying to hide the pajeet shillery anymore

>> No.19293077

I know why its like that, doesn't mean its not fucking dogshit for swinging and making short time gains unless you catch a sick pump.

>> No.19293120


its really not bro. i mean, uniswap isnt for day trading or frequent swings if thats what you mean. but it works very well if you adjust your slippage and give ~30 gwei. if that doesnt work just move in increments

>> No.19293146
File: 13 KB, 439x228, 1561371640425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.19293156

try v1 instead. there might not be enough liquidity on v2. looks like buy and sell rates are roughly the same but i have no idea how much slippage there would be.

>> No.19293175

Watch BNT Bancor

>> No.19293182

They are italian dickhead. English isn't their first language. This is super new. Its the idea that counts. A nice reading website can come at anytime and is easily outsourced. The idea and coding cant, thats why they are quite rightly focussed on that.

>> No.19293184

Slippage on small projects is huge, its like 2 fucking eth on a 5 eth trade. So you never quite make as much money as you're supposed to if you were on a proper exchange with lots of liquidity. You need the price to jump like 30% for you to make any money. Im here sitting on a 25% price increase since I bought my BUIDL stack and I cant sell because the sell price is even lower than my fucking buy in price even though it should've actually INCREASED by 25%.

>> No.19293192

who cares man just get in and get out quickly before the pumpers dump. this shit has already pumped probably but i made like 3 ETH profit in two days. just keeping a small bag now in case anything ever happens but i'm mostly out.

>> No.19293244

>They are italian dickhead.
If you have no proper grasp on English you can't even read the solidity documentation. Whatever code these guys actually produce is going to be garbage. Evident by their platform already not working on firefox & metamask.

>> No.19293331

You are a complete moron who never wrote a line of code if you believe you need to be able to write good english to understand a programming language.

>> No.19293344


>> No.19293360

>you don't need to understand the language in which the material is explained to understand the material
enjoy the dump

>> No.19293549


learning how to program something is language independent retard

>> No.19293634

enjoy your exploits, solidity isn't for code cowboys