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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19288405 No.19288405 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19288496

remember fellas, switch team holders got their switchies for free and have hundreds of thousand to millions of ESH. they're way up when price is at 30 cents. Think about that hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.19288499

Kek, cant believe retards fell for it AGAIN. Fucking morons

>> No.19288521
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What do you mean my wage went straight to McAfee's bank account?

>> No.19288756



oh there will be one more. the stupidest ones of all will "hodl" with their "iron hands" all through another pump and dump series for the second airdrop (they are getting an erc20 token, "good" for one real ghost... when it comes out lmfao)

imagine thinking hodl means to stay in a shitcoin all the way through the dump and to worthlessness. fucking idiots

>> No.19288796


>> No.19288991
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>buying at 2.00 to become a HODL GHOSTIE MARINE at 0.10
my fucking sides when will they learn

>> No.19289019
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Why is my monitor shaking so much while looking at this thread?

>> No.19289055

but sir, McAfee is playing 8d chess with the deep state who is trying to overthrow trump. ghost is needed to finance the resistance and buy tanks for the Saudis

>> No.19289075
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mfw bought at .30 sold at 1.80 and have been fucking around with free eth for almost a week now watching seething switchies learn what it is to hurt, just threw a ton of my winnings into biz coin in the dip, looks like they're a stubborn bunch and its 5x since the massive dump so I assume it will bounce even higher now there are no whales

>> No.19289099

>made profit
>put into biz
Confirmed faglord

>> No.19289138
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>> No.19289451
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I'm already picking out my favourite Carlos Matos memes

>> No.19289481

Congrats, you've been McAfee'd

>> No.19289484

You guys are retards, as soon as it goes over a dollar again you will probably delete this thread. Its not a skill to be bearish when it goes down mongoloids

>> No.19289546

Tick, tock, retard.
In few hours this shit will lose -99.99%.

>> No.19289559

Buccaneer is better

>> No.19289579

h t t p s : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = e 5 n y Q m a q 4 k 4

>> No.19289837

porcamadonna, ho buttato 500€ in questi cazzo di GHOST

>> No.19290143

non sei il solo, io di più

>> No.19290171

>all in at $2.00
>panic sold 3/4ths at $0.70
>bought again at $1.20
>sold half when i woke up

it’s over bros. i give up. im exiting. this thing’s getting taken straight to zero - we’re in clown world and these discords were wash trading the price up just to fuck with us

>> No.19290192

told you days ago it was a textbook dead cat bounce but you didnt listen

>> No.19290239

Imagine having to chase obvious shitcoin PnDs to make money. Thank you based anons who told me to buy LINk 2 years ago, you saved me from having to partake in shit like this

>> No.19290329

at this point wait for Ghost
lose now you've lost

>> No.19290424


hahahahahahahahhahahaha breath hahahahahahhahahahahhaha

>> No.19290436

>I'm already picking out my favourite Carlos Matos memes

ur wojak

>> No.19290455


>> No.19290471

you should have never entered crypto kid

>> No.19290492

Hihihi coglioni...

>> No.19290522
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>injects bath salts and teleports your portfolio’s value to his offshore human trafficking accounts
Heh, nothing personnel biz

>> No.19290550
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>> No.19290555

let them

>> No.19290586

chissenefrega è stata una scommessa
ormai aspetto l'airdrop e vediamo che succede

>> No.19291064

kek this is gold. Only missing that ugly ass Skycoin tattoo. Will McAfee get a ESH tattoo to desperately try and bring life back to it? Worked great for Skycoin lololol

>> No.19291089

They'll fall for it again, buying on the 24th and hodling for ghosties only to get cucked into remaining on mcafee dex and not being able to convert ghosties to anything.

Mcafee himself implied you cannot convert Ghosties back to any form of other crypto or fiat.

>> No.19291280

If all you do is look at the utter failure that the McAfee DEX is, that should be all you need to know that GHOST will be a complete shitshow. Surprise surprise, all they can do is fork other projects and they even fuck that simple task up terribly.

>> No.19291777

lmao where did he imply that faggit??
your psyop will get you rope suicide,
John evaded dark op for years you think he didn't factor in the massive defmation he's about to get from deep state child kidnappers, just like CSG did.
Only thing that matters is, does GHOST work?
2 years in development.
3 days of out the bat, a PIVx manlet begins blaring about copyrighted material bla bla bla
McAfee take the professional approach.
Delays GHOST mainnet token airdrop, onboards the manlet to review to resolution to PIVx security flaws.
24 hours later. nothing happens
top 50 wallet havn't moved. most just accumulated more.
This pattern is called the Tesla.
How much is Tesla now? exactly. That's the price of ESH.
800 dollar stock. behaving 1:1.
BUT, Esh is just a way to get GHOSTies.
GHOSTies are Teslas.
"Imma get me a Y Class, how you jannies gonna tell me don't say that?"
If you know niBBer, you just know, you know?

>> No.19291822

hahaha how retarded are you anon? That word salad you just typed up with you moose knuckles makes absolutely no sense and reeks of desperation. Try harder.

>> No.19292282

I'm high af :d

>> No.19292868

you are also plain retarded.