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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1928276 No.1928276 [Reply] [Original]

>born without the "sleep 4 hours a night" gene
should I just give up on my /biz/ness ambitions?

>> No.1928282


being unemployable is the first step towards financial independence. Next you need to figure out how to make money while you sleep.

>> No.1928283

Pro tip

>> No.1928321


>> No.1928322


there is no "sleep 4 hours a night gene"

but theres an "ambition" and "dedication" gene

try to use those, everyone has them. At least everyone today has a caveman in their ancestry that conquered a caveman nation and fathered 200 kids

>> No.1928332

>"""""passive income"""""
Working full time is for cucks even in your own biz

>> No.1928333


gotta a love biz with those suggestions but no way to achieve it btw

>> No.1928335

There is a sleep for 4 hours a night gene.

Maggie thatcher, trump, Edison, all your CEO's and nation leaders tend not to sleep much.

>> No.1928341

>no way to achieve it btw
I achieved it by hiring people that CAN get to work on time to do stuff I won't wake up for.

It benefits them because they can't stay up all night looking for jobs. It benefits me because I'm up all night anyways so I might as well be looking for jobs. And it benefits me because I can go to sleep knowing other people will be up and working to make me money while I'm snoring my life away.


if you want to make money while you sleep you need to either automate your income or hire people to work while you sleep. Or seek rents.

your choice, any one of those options makes people rich.

>> No.1928354
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Make a website. I made one and I get $150 a month without having to do anything. If I put in more time I could improve it and get more users and more profit but I'm busy rn.

>> No.1928356


another "hey just have this gigantic sum of starter cash and you can make it bro!" tip

>> No.1928359

I started with nothing, but you're right.

most self-sustaining revenue streams will cost you either cash or labor or both.

I can't walk you through every single step, there's millions of different ways to do it. Most don't require loads of cash.

Look for industries where you sell your time. Then overbook and hire others.

>> No.1928360

< $20 startup for a website.

>> No.1928363


>Look for industries where you sell your time. Then overbook and hire others.

industries that sell your time?

>> No.1928368

I cleaned offices. It costs nothing to clean an office. I then booked 20 times more work than I can do and I hired people to do it. I hired a person to watch those people. Then I started staying up all night and sleeping all day.

What's it cost to get into cleaning or landscaping or painting or window washing or concrete maintenance or car repair or whatever? Lots of industries have very low costs to entry. Most of what they cost is labor. Your own labor costs very little to start.

>> No.1928375

where do you find offices to book to clean???

>> No.1928379

FedBizOpps for government jobs and local research for commercial work.

I look around town for businesses that hire cleaning services and I offer to clean for them. Simple. 9/10 businesses don't need a new cleaning service but there's thousands of businesses in my area so even a tiny percentage is way more than I can do.

>> No.1928385

I also advertise locally and nationally. Most of the work I get now is from people calling me and asking for our services.

don't skimp on advertising. I spend maybe $10k for every $200k we gross. Primarily phone book and internet listings, local newspaper ads, and donations to local schools and charities.

>> No.1928407


>There is no "sleep 4 hours a night gene", just find your have ambition and dedication genes kids, heheh... nothin personnel

>> No.1928420


>> No.1930043


oh look. a clickbait science aricle. such disbelief of this amazing trick, many researchers stumped

>> No.1930063
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Hmmm seems like there's a pattern of someone being rich and not needing sleep...must be those fancy genes

>> No.1930944

Where to get quality unadulterated work-enhancing psyochactive drugs?

>> No.1930949

from your local pharmacist with a legal prescription

>> No.1930955

I have medically induced insomnia (pain).
So I've been only sleeping in chunks of 4 hours.

This is hell I have soo much extra free time but nothing to do...

>> No.1930970

there was a pre med student in my college who literally slept only about one or two hours a night. he was captain of the lacrosse team and got into boston uni medical school. he was kind of weird though, like his eyes didn't focus on shit for more than a second

>> No.1931054

>hey doc I need some drugs that will help me on my journey of becoming a multimillionaire businessman. I need something that will help with focus, motivation, creativity and confidence. Do you have anything that would ft the bill?

What will his response be?

>> No.1931072


>> No.1931074
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they'll give you whatever you want actually. this is how my visit went
>go to psychiatrist
>hi mr drugberg ive been ordering indian modafinil online to help with day trading cryptocurrency
>can you give me script for so my insurance covers it
>hmmm do you feel sleepy sometimes?
>yeah man all the time
>oh dear you need help *scribble scribble* here ya go
>thanks see ya later

>> No.1931077

>If I can't do it for free, I don't want to do it

/biz/ motto

Maybe it doesn't matter how much sleep you get but how you spend your waking hours?

>> No.1931167

i know this is a dumbed down version of the story but its true, psychiatrists are notorious for prescribing shit you ask for with no real purpose

>> No.1932223

But even if you use your every waking hour as efficiently as possible, there are thousands of others doing the same thing. If one of them needs 4 hours less sleep than you, they have a significant advantage. There's only enough room for the very best at the top.

>> No.1932252

That sounds very vague anon. Sounds like a cop-out to me.

The other thing is there is no guarantee that a person who has the sleep 4 hour gene is using their time efficiently, in the same way it's ugly people who have the nicest/most interesting personalities.

Also, it's about when you sleep, where you sleep. As in geography and timezones. The people you surround yourself with, your capacity to delegate... so many variables... so many opportunities to squeeze into the top!!

>> No.1932269

You think if one person puts 16 hours a day into their productive endeavor, and another puts 20 hours a day into their productive endeavor, the latter won't come out ahead? That's an extra 25% of time

>The other thing is there is no guarantee that a person who has the sleep 4 hour gene is using their time efficiently
Sure, but the ones who do will rise to the top. Take a million people, say 10,000 of them sleep 4 hours a day, 10,000 of them use their time to maximum efficiency, you're left with 100 people who both get 20 productive hours a day and use their time as best as they can. No matter what, you and me are just too disadvantaged to exceed 101st place

>> No.1932280

>Take a million people, say 10,000 of them sleep 4 hours a day, 10,000 of them use their time to maximum efficiency, you're left with 100 people who both get 20 productive hours a day and use their time as best as they can.
Where are you getting these statistics from? Who says there's only 100 people and the drop off after that makes it not worth living?
Who says it's a zero sum game?

You also didn't answer the questions of geography. Define efficiency? what if I sleep longer but I'm smarter. You know many great scientists best ideas came to them while dreaming... if you sleep less you reduce REM sleep times meaning you dream less, is that a disadvantage?

I mean, I don't know, I'm just asking questions.

Why are you so married to your thesis?

>> No.1932344

1% seems to be around the number of people who sleep 4 hours a night, not sure of it but it's probably close enough. I don't see why geography matters, no matter where you live there's going to be a high number of people and businesses in which at least a few will have advantages over you

>what if I sleep longer but I'm smarter
Unless you're one of the top 100 smartest people in your field, it doesn't matter. There's going to be someone else who is both as smart as you and sleeps less hours, giving them a huge advantage.

>You know many great scientists best ideas came to them while dreaming... if you sleep less you reduce REM sleep times meaning you dream less, is that a disadvantage?
Business is different from science, ultimately it all comes down to consuming information and calculating/intuiting which decisions will result in the most future financial gain based on that information. Dreaming and seeing problems from different perspectives is not going to help you as much in business

>Why are you so married to your thesis?
If you're going to dedicate decades of your life to something you could be doomed to fail at you might as well give it some thought first